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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. Well that is too bad but I will answer anyway because this is a 'forum' after all. Clarks sin was on Steps 4 and 5. Statements like "poor craftsmenship" and "Worst UI I have seen in a long time" really don't help and suggest some downright nasty things about BFC even couched by positives. Then outlining how this was all initial design errors that could have easily been avoided just adds to things.

    As to 'postal', now that hurts...really. I thought I had some pretty pithy stuff going on there delivered in a slick style. C'mon the "same as a guy building a deck" didn't hit at any level? I think I am losing my touch...damn.

    BTW the only person I was really going postal on was on Mr Redwolf who is a known entity from another dimension. I don't hang around the Public forum much anymore but if I do happen see any of that crew swing by for a quick hit based on absolute nonsense...well plug you ears.

    Either way it would appear that we are not going to be friends which is unfortunate. Odd thing about the Internet, kind of like driving. I bet if we all met in person we would get along great but put us behind the wheel or a keyboard and we somehow become other people entirely.

    I don't care one way or the other about the other forum or Redwolf. That doesn't mean I should behave like a jackass in this forum when I disagree with what they are saying (I am under the impression that is what the other forum is for)...

  2. Not quite, at least for me... As a result of this post I put together a barren map with elevation changes to try to examine hull down spotting. I attached a sherman and a p4 to their respective Forward Observer units and put the Amis on the downhill side. I gave both tanks target arcs and put the spotters and their vehicles in places where they would be unobserved. I then proceeded to hunt the p4 forward ~one action spot at a time. I got to a point where the sherman could spot the p4 but the p4 couldn't spot the sherman - a barren map with only the default grass and elevation changes. Wondering what the deal was I then hunted the German spotter vehicle forward until it spotted the sherman. German C2 then did its magic and the p4 was able to spot the sherman. What I want to know is why, since there was los to the sherman, the p4 couldn't spot it without help? Savegame is available if interested.

  3. I just ran some firing lane tests with US snipers in foxholes 300 meters away from German infantry squads. I gave both forces ~50 meter target arcs. Not all units spotted their counterparts in the same time frame. All but one had spotted their enemy within one minute and five seconds (the vast majority had spotted their enemy within 40 seconds), with the first sniper team spotting in 3 seconds and the first German infantry spotting in 4 seconds. I only ran this test once as it seemed to indicate that units will spot "through" their target arcs which allows the player to spot but not fire at distant units.

    A side note, I waited a couple of minutes for the one hold-out non-spotting German infanty squad (I would have thought more eyes would give it a spotting advantage over a sniper team without binos) and then I gave it a minute with no target arc with no spotting occuring. I put the arc back on and hunted it toward it's enemy, which it finally spotted at 150 meters. Go figure... I guess those were the old troops the Germans were defending Normandy with.

  4. Thanks for the link to the review.

    The game stands on its own quite nicely. The fact that one can download a demo and get a good feel for it speaks much more loudly than any supporter/detractor can. As far as I know BF/BTS has always encouraged/recommended potential customers to try their demos prior to purchasing their games; that act alone gives them more credence than bitter grogs (thanks for the term whoever introduced it) in my book.

    Now, off to read the review...

  5. I'm currently playing my first force-selected QB pbem. I set it up as a medium attack/defend engagement on a large map. I am the attacker. I have played all flavors of CM except CMA. I am currently bemoaning the trees... This is pretty funny because all during the CMSF years I've been day dreaming about how great it would be to get back to the European countryside in a WW2 setting.

    Well, on the map I'm playing the combination of orchards and bocage coupled with a crafty opponent has me going crazy. Most of the time, initially, I have no idea who is firing on my guys or from where. Over time the troops get enough situational awareness to find the enemy, but time it takes can also be time used by the enemy's artillery spotters. Incedentally, command lines wouldn't help because of the foliage. When I turn the trees off I have a tendency to forget that I've turned them off (I actually thought there was a LOS bug when I started a new pbem with another buddy and didn't realized my guys couldn't see into that field because it was full of trees I couldn't see because I turned them off).

    This game is a game of momentum. The laws of inertia are at play most of the time. For me there is a big thrill, similar to CMBO, when/if I manage to get the flow of the battle to go in my direction.

    EDIT: one last thing, when I started playing CMSF I felt pretty confused by 1:1 infantry, not knowing who was shooting at whom. For me the confusion went away with exposure, of course, in the Syrian desert there weren't so many #$%$%$%^^ trees!

  6. Guys, while I don't agree with Mr. Dorosh's views, personal attacks against him here, on a public forum where he can't effectively defend himself, are unfair. I do think it's fine to discuss his public actions and words, and the GameSquad CM forum's as well, but going after him personally isn't right. That sort of kvetching is best done a) in private or B) in a place where Mr. Dorosh can respond.

    This is just my personal take on it, of course. Folks who have been attacked in the GS forums more vociferously than I have may have other opinions.

    Thanks Phil, I would add a 3rd option c) not at all. The bottom line, for me at least, is that finding fault with another person is the easiest thing in the world to do, unfortunately for the fault-finder the focus is on the wrong person for it to be a beneficial exercise.

  7. The first time I played CM:SF, upon release, I was blown away by all the lead flying and the lack of familiar targetting lines and such. It was hard for me to get into the game, in part, because of this. Once it was all patched up I found I had grown accustomed to the interface and the lack of all things CMx1, including my personal favorite: moveable waypoints, was no longer dealbreakers for me. I enjoy the game exactly the way it is right now. What I perceive to be the biggest "flaw" is actually a "flaw" and has been acknowledged as such so I'm not going to beat that drum in this thread. I'm not inclined to offer advice to others, especially in matters involving personal preference, but I will add my voice to the chorus saying that all they needed to grow accustomed to the game was to give it a little time...

  8. Thast not the point.

    Its not only, that PBEM needs more time and user interaction. With TCP-Wego its a totally different feeling of the game. Playing Mail is for shure not the same as playing via TCPIP.


    A Porsche and a Käfer can drive both, but its not the same feeling for the driver and not the same level of Quality. What BF is doing now, is forcing the Porsche driver to use his old Käfer


    Käfer: http://www.fensterzumhof.eu/bilder/v/Various/berlin-beetle-vw-kaefer-auto.JPG.html

    Porsche: http://www.luxury-first.de/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/porsche-911-gt3.jpg

    To come to an final statement: Email Wego is not and never an option or alternative for TCPIP-Wego.

    That is your opinion and valid as such, but as one who has played both it is not my opinion, which is equally valid in the same ways yours is.

  9. ...Back then it was realized that most of the player so of this game play single player against the AI Most of the time. (This is a FACT and its not open for debate.)...

    You and I are on the same page in this discussion, however, that MAY have been true back then (I haven't seen the results of any studies to support the contention) but here we are 10+ years later and things have definitely changed technology wise to the point where I would suspect a great many more people are playing MP today than in the past.

  10. A couple of observations based solely on personal experience.

    When discussing gameplay or features ones personal experience is just as valid as anothers - not talking about historical/realism aspects of the game here, e.g., unit availability or capabilities.

    PBEM games don't have to last weeks. (If the opponent is willing to make themselves available for a TCP/IP wego game they have the time to make themselves available for dedicated PBEMing - which while taking marginally longer than TCP/IP wego due to file wrangling can still be done in a relatively reasonable amount of time if one is adept at file wrangling)

    Would I welcome TCP/IP wego? Yes. Is the lack of TCP/IP wego a deal breaker for me? No!

  11. This thread reminds me of my pbem experiences as transferred to single-player. In pbem's it seems like all my shots miss and my enemy's are all first shot kills, in single-player it seems like in my games missing happens a lot while some here are posting the opposite. I will not be pbeming those of you who are reporting deadly accurate fire.

  12. I can definitely confirm that there will be no release today. It would have been nice, agreed, and we have been shooting for a friday release for some time, but we want to take the extra days over the weekend to digest the demo first, and make sure everything is prepared just right for the release.

    Thanks for the heads-up and thanks for making such a kick-ass game with the loving care you guys obviously put into it.

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