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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. Normal Dude is a funny guy, but not abnormally silly :D Yes, he's been on the payroll since Sept 2011. We couldn't go around telling people about it for a long time because then we'd have to explain what his job was. Since that was making Fortress Italy, which was top secret for nearly a year, we kept things on the down-low on purpose. By the time Fortress Italy came out we were so used to him we kinda forgot you guys didn't know he was a full timer. He does have a spiffy credit line in the CMFI Manual!

    So there you go. Normal Dude is our newest member to the team, even if "new" means 1.5 years. You'll be seeing a lot more of him in the future because obviously if we're paying him we do expect him to, you know, do stuff ;)


    Having met both Chris and Phil at the SF bay area preview of CMBN I would like to congratulate BFC for your hiring of two stellar individuals.

    And speaking of previews, are they a thing of the past, or will you consider granting sneak peeks for v3.0 when it is close to release?

  2. My god.. are you people still arguing about this???

    I had always assumed that this company line that 'spending time on the forums takes too much time away from programming' as being a bunch of hooey...

    But now that I see it in action, I have to agree...

    I'd much rather have Steve comment on the current ROADMAP...

  3. A point of reference: Battlefield 3

    Made by DICE and published by EA with a huge development team and even larger budget. I know for a fact that both BFBC2 and BF3 went through "public beta". If automated testing is superior to actual users with a variety of hardware and playing styles, then why would DICE and EA bother with the "public beta" after their "internal beta"? Sure, you could say marketing, and I wouldn't ignore that as one of many reasons, but the fact that their games have all had "bugs" on release should be somewhat revealing as to the pettiness of your dissatisfaction with CM's current state and Steve's assertion that all game releases have bugs (an assertion that holds up in my experience).

  4. I'd like to comment here... I once started reading a book on C++ programming (never finished), and the author wrote "In theory, theory and practice are the same; in practice, they never are".

    But that is an aside comment, my main purpose for this post is to update the relevant information for my fellow data miners. Here is the relevant data mining information gleaned from this thread:

    v3.0 target date: Late 2013

    expected v2.0 titles: "6 or so"

    current v2.0 titles: 2

    currently announced future v2.0 titles: CMSF2 CMEF1

    So, unless Steve considers 4 "6 or so" we have 1,2, or 3 unannounced titles to look forward to by the end of the year (unless BF is going to develop v2.0 titles after v3.0 is released).

  5. Apparently lost amidst the wailing and gnashing of teeth:

    ... We also will certainly stop supporting v1.x when we release v3.0 standard sometime towards the end of 2013.



    I'm still putting my money on this version, 3.0, being an unexpected addition to George RR Martin's current work, probably Bulge.

    Isn't that vastly more interesting than taking shots at a small outfit trying to make the best wargame possible?

  6. You originally swapped in some SSDs and you originally had a problem with the NATO activation, is that correct ? Through the helpdesk you got situated again (I assume a 'reset' of the license key) and now when you attempt to unlicense you get the 'error code 31' ? No changes (beyond the earlier SSDs) have been made BEFORE you attempted to unlicense, is that correct ?

    I don't have specific information on this error code (so much seems undocumented with eLicense), but from the text of the error that you are given it appears as if the computer's hardware/OS "fingerprint" doesn't quite match what is on file within the license server for the current activation. I'm not sure how accurate that may be, but it seems to be the license server's view of the situation.

    I assume at this point that we will need to reset your license key to allow for another activation (unless Martin knows of something else). Once this is done attempt to relicense only AFTER you have made all your planned changes to the computer (the same goes for CMBN and CMFI, wait until you have completed ALL changes before re-activating).

    Your assertions are correct... as of right now I'm not planning any future changes, however, if the DRM allows me to unlicense, making changes should not matter if I unlicense prior to making the change, n'est pas?

    Also, and I've always been somewhat confused by this, I haven't tried to unlicense the other 2 modules or the base game. My understanding is I will never need to use the base game license as long as I install a module with it. Should I try to unlicense the other modules and base game?

  7. When I try it says:

    First stage of unlicensing could not complete!

    Unlicense pending failed with error code 31.

    The system identifier used to generate the license for this system cannot be retrieved.

    The license cannot be unlicensed.

    So, I'm about to swap out motherboard, cpu, memory, graphics card, and optical drive on this computer. When I switched to SSD's I got the same error but didn't post here about it and had to request an additional activation which I received with a note about being sure to unlicense prior to uninstalling. I am going to proceed with the machine upgrade and trust in the good graces of BF, but I'd like to know what is causing this problem so I can avoid it in the future.

    OS: Windows 7 x64 ultimate

  8. I'm susprised there's so little mention of Stuart, canister and bocage fighting with the upgrade. Maybe its because we haven't changed fighting styles to take advantage of it yet. Nobody thinks to purchase Stuart as an infantry support weapon. But apparently German infantry was as frightened of Stuart as of Sherman. The combination of speed, maueverability and the shotgun round earned Stuart respect. One additional thing (not in the game) is many Stuarts mounted a steel deflector plate in front of their bow mg so they could drive over foxholes and shoot straight down into them. Infantry support in a Stuart was almost as up-close-and-personal as using a bayonet.

    Even prior to v2.0 stuart's were in my bag of tricks... but the canister shot is quite impressive and a very welcome addition.

  9. ...

    One thing I wish we had was a view mod where you could click on a units Icon and choose to have the camera view go to ground level automatically with the right toggle on. Would save a whole bunch of time. Maybe there's a way to do that already, I just haven't figured it out. Could work for other views as well.


    Having a blast.

    The way I do this is the <tab> key (which is a 'unit lock' toggle). <left-click> on an icon, <tab>, using scroll wheel on mouse <scroll> to ground level, <right-click and hold> to adjust angle of view with mouse. Not the same as a one click solution, but I don't want every click on an icon to take away the overall view of the battlefield.

  10. When Crysis came out I bought it. I liked it well enough, but it had some mp code problems and I like to play fps mp as well as sp so I was patiently awaiting a patch. Guess what, the devs didn't produce a patch to fix the well documented mp situation, they moved on to Crysis Warhead - no new features to speak of - which they were selling @ 2/3 price (they claim Crysis was pirated more than it sold and didn't want to support it for that reason, which, in my opinion, was giving their paying customers the shaft). I have yet to buy another of their games. Let's contrast this with BF...

    BF hasn't quit supporting CMBN since the release of CMFI, they offer free patches to fix bugs and a very modestly priced upgrade that provides more than modest gameplay improvements - caveat: you'd have to play the game more than a "serious reviewer" to understand that. I doubt us fanboi's would give a reviewer's opinion of this game more credence than our own if only due to the time spent playing it.

    My advice, which I followed with the Crysis developers, is, if you don't like the way a company does business, take your custom elsewhere.

  11. I noticed this Wednesday as I was showing the game to a perspective player. And, thinking about it later I wondered who the highest ranking CoC entity in the chain was supposed to be in communication with (by virtue of the green dot).

    Like you I now believe the manual is in error. I base this on selecting one squad with CoC Icons (eyeball, mouth) and noticing a green dot next to their platoon HQ, and then selecting a second squad of the same platoon that is out of command (no icons) and noticing a red x next to the platoon HQ.

  12. ...

    If you think about the summer announcement and the sheer quantity of product this team intends to generate it is pretty staggering. We already have two separate games with at least three more (Bulge, Bagration and CMSFs) projected for the coming year (and that isn't even counting modules)...

    I don't recall Bulge (requiring v3.0, btw) being discussed in the summer announcement. Is this a new development? An nda whoopsie perhaps? :)

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