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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. ...

    Fortunately we don't charge $200 for "one" game ;) Though there's nothing stopping us doing that if we wanted to...Steve

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but I almost wish you would, just once; the reaction from those who complained about the $5 Vista patch would almost be worth it...

    I would like to say I was wrong. I was one who supported the development of moveable waypoints and so far haven't seen much of a need to use them (maybe this will change with time), however, I think it is all your fault, you've conditioned me to play the game without them. It was really sneaky the way you did that, and I'm sure you've done the same with the horrible camera controls that I use very comfortably.

    My new crusade is going to be installing FPS camera controls. Other games use them really well. Until you put FPS camera controls in, the game will not attract new players who are used to running and jumping (spacebar should be mapped to this) around the battlefield!

    The cloud shadows rolling by is a nice subtle touch, btw (please don't tell me they've been in since CM:SF and I just haven't noticed until now).

    The night bright switch is a welcomed addition too, and I haven't played a night battle yet, but I do remember trying to do so during the daytime (in reality not in game) and not being able to see what the heck was going on.

  2. Ok the drivers are updated with no new results, here is a video after driver update(
    ), not worse or better.

    Steve are you saying if I upgrade my video card to say the gtx 670, I shouldnt have that flickering shadow issue?

    Have you tried changing your settings in the NVIDIA Control Panel (Manage 3D Settings)? My laptop video card is a NVIDIA that is not quite as powerful as your card yet it has none of those problems.

  3. Yes, exactly. I also wish the QB system could allow players to mix and match Branches. There's some sort of code reason why that's not possible, which makes sense because we'd already have changed it otherwise. I don't remember what it is or when we might be able to work around it, but for sure we want to allow more flexibility with QB purchases.


    This cuts right to the heart of it and should be read a couple of times because it says quite a lot. Thanks!

  4. To CMSF1 customers I say this...the enthusiasm you showed for the game and CMx2 is why we are still here now. All I can say at this point is we're still interested in finding some direct way to benefit you guys a bit more. We just haven't figured out exactly what to do and how to do it yet.


    I can only answer for myself, obviously, but I feel you have more than held up your end on CMSF. As a pre-order who was disappointed with the release, I feel you did right by your customer base in your bug quashing as well as your feature support (I still think the Red side should be able to split squads though...). You guys are all very dedicated to your craft and it is appreciated by most I think. CMSF kept me happily occupied for several years, so thanks for that.

  5. Wow... lots of Twilight Zone stuff on the forum these last couple of days... I'm pretty sure quite a few people did what I did with the vista patch, which is say you'd be willing to pay for it and then get so into CMSF that when the patch materialized you buy it and never end up playing CMAK again (I really should take it off my hard drive), but you are happy to have contributed in your own small way.

    Unlike the OP, I think the upgrade idea is a win/win proposition.

  6. ... The majority of BFC's customers don't play PBEM/Online games.

    I've seen this claim many times on this board and I'm not sure how anyone knows this is true. The other frequently made customer based claim, that most customers don't post here, is at least comprehensible in it's extraction from available data (data available only to BF). But, pray tell, how does BF, or anyone else, know that my buddy, who doesn't post here, plays pbem and only rarely plays sp? The mp aspect of CM doesn't use a master server which could provide data from which to draw this conclusion, so, is there another way for them to know? Are they getting information from the warrantlessly wiretapping NSA?

  7. In terms of Acquire, can you go back to the same truck/HT multiple times and acquire remaining ammunition? I could be doing something wrong but IIRC when I sent a second unit back to Acquire, it didn't work with that same truck/HT.



    AFAIK, the ammo in trucks/half-tracks is limited. So, if you take it all with one or more squads there will be none left for others. I've never tested it because most of my guys die before they need to get more ammo...

  8. I'm pretty curious about this... I've tried making some maps using topo contours and have always encountered "weirdness" in the form of unintended spikes or gullies popping up in strange places (hopefully someone will understand what I mean) with absolutely no clue about how to deal with it (my solutions have often been worse than the problem). I'm hoping this bullet point addresses this "issue", or if not, what is it referring to?

    I'm hoping that all the improvements to the editor coupled with the solving of the OOM issues in 64 bit Windows will allow me to put time into that aspect of the game without feeling like it is unproductive (because so far I've spent a lot of time with nothing to show for it).

  9. So what do you propose for this situation, which can arise with a rifle platoon, where each squad is occupying a different action spot, and each action spot is a different terrain type?

    As one who has been advocating for moveable waypoints since CMSF, this is not an issue for me. I pay close attention to terrain when I play and have never not known which type of terrain my units are on or are crossing. Which is, I guess, the long way of saying I play WEGO not RT... :D

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