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Posts posted by sfhand

  1. I'm only seeing one for squads with 3 teams. Granted I switched to an ATI card (switched to an nvidia card on Steve's recommendation prior to CMSF and the 8800 gtx presented a lot of challenges so I went back), so I don't know if it is the card or the demo. Is anyone else seeing (actually NOT seeing)this?

    P.S. Otherwise it looks great!!!!!!! (so far :) )

  2. I'm guessing many of the models for the next module are already done... There were many code enhancements made between the releases of CMSF, Marines, and Brits that I think will not be part of the CMBN module development cycle. Of course all of my opinions are pure speculation based on tidbits of infomation posted by Steve in the past.

    I would like to see another "the road ahead" thread, once things have settled down, to have a little insight into how the development process has deviated from their original plans and what their new goals are. But I'm not holding my breath...

  3. Chris, a heartfelt thanks for taking the time to make the videos... and for whatever beta goodness you are doing behind the scenes that we don't know about. While I don't play RT and often feel disoriented watching RT (I noticed this during the preview as well) I did appreciate your fine commentary regarding your strategy and tactics.

    Sad to see the mudslinging at different games in the other thread though, it kind of reminds me of the RT vs WEGO debates. Anytime I forget that tastes are personal and subjective I lose all objectivity... I am absolutely convinced I am going to love CMBN (based on my love of CMx1 and CMSF and the preview and the AAR's posted on this board), but this doesn't mean that I won't also enjoy a few other games that strike my fancy (the pool of games I enjoy is getting smaller as I age however).

    Again, thanks a lot for the time and effort, it is looking good!

  4. re. the Hull down positioning of the tanks... how do you manouver the tanks into that position? Do you just have to estimate where they must stop so they can see over the brow of the hill? Or do you have to shuffle them back and forward a bit til they are right?

    My method (universal AFAIK) is to give a movement order up the slope, click on the end waypoint to activate it, issue a target command (it acts as LOS tool) and scan the target areas. The game tells you what you can see and what your hull relationship is to that spot.

  5. Ohh dear,

    The point is being missed, as well as my subtle warning. SOD, you have a right to not buy anything, including CMBN. As well as those you want to convince with your stance, given your assertion some here all just fanbois.

    You also have the right to leave this forum on your own free will. Heck, some would say no loss if you decide to leave, given your lurking status/post count. It's not that you're a Dorosch with 10,000+ post counts to your name and we'll remember you fondly for dressing in Nazi mannequins...

    However, since you obviously lack courtesy to a man, Mc George, that was trying to answer to the best of his ability, your question posted, while valid questions, implies disdain towards a kind act, however he might have wrongly answered your questions -perceived or de facto. It's not what you ask, it's the way you stated your case. Some took umbrage to your manner with humorous quotes, some not.

    Please reconsider leaving the forum, because believe you me, you will be pleasantly surprised by CMBN. I am, at this very moment, and I love CMx1. You will miss out in being enlightened, not because I'm a fanbois, but because I realize again, at this moment, no company has such a good tactical game on the market.

    It's not perfect. But it is, in its class, still the best product out there. Give it a try, and then make up your mind.

    Thanks for posting this...

  6. ...

    The point with his actual answer however is that it seems to me that should I run into issues with the activation count - then it appears I am reliant - from what he said - on the "goodwill" of battlefront technical support to to let me play the game and if they "believe" me...

    And therein lies the problem with activation limit DRM, i.e., goodwill is a oneway street. (not taking any shots at BF, as I've said, and for those with short memories, I am a big fan of BF)

    And yes I have no doubt that BF has been the victim of widespread casual piracy, so their good will was not repaid in kind. As I posted in an earlier post, for those with short memories, I had no problem with e-license (primarily because I got to manage my affairs rather than having to trust someone trusting my goodwill)

  7. I had spotted that. However; it wasn't the sfhand, who has made a number of posts where DRM is bad without identifying what might be acceptable.

    Also, there were a number of requests for one per month, which I would regard as excessive and liable to lead to casual piracy.

    Seriously??? Are you even reading what I'm writing?

    [edit: go back to page 1 and read what I wrote in my very first post on the subject and try to square that with your description of my posts here or are you more interested in picking cherries?]

  8. I'm sure that there is some known trope for the argument being pulled here.

    Position: DRM is bad

    Justification: Here is some DRM that is bad

    Conclusion: All DRM is bad.

    It simply is not intellectually honest.

    Three pages ago (post 107) I asked a question, and I shall ask it again.

    What is your suggestion for a BFC DRM solution?

    The default (and shall we assume minimum?) is the posited situation: 4+1 per year

    The other extreme is unlimited, which offers no control over piracy and is therefore of no use.

    So, how many activations per year would be acceptable to you?

    Not sure if this is directed at me or not. If so, as Moon said earlier, I've already made my position clear on all of these points. But, like Moon, I'm willing to repeat myself, but bear in mind one thing, I don't think anyone of us can know what is best for anyone other than ourself. That I have been able to post a link to a mainstream game developer who thinks DRM causes more harm than it solves should carry some weight with a reasonable rational person and bolster the notion that my position isn't some extreme anti-industry position (and they are walking their talk on the issue so their opinion is far more meaningful than yours or mine, IMHO).

    My preferred option for CMBN: activations as outlined with an activation revoke tool. For the life of me I can't see why you, as a fellow customer, would object to that.

    That is it.

  9. I would buy a game if it interested me, the demo was good, and the price was right. Piracy protection would never enter in to the buy/don't buy criteria. But in this case I pre-ordered without seeing the demo.

    Are you interested in sub sims? If so do you own Silent Hunter 5? If so do you really not mind having to be logged onto the internet to play the single player portion of the game? There are people who bought and played the game under those conditions, I hope they are having a good time, but that doesn't mean it should become the defacto norm because there are plenty of others who feel consumers have rights too...

  10. Anyone who buys software with DRM is affected by piracy... This isn't an either or situation, btw. One can support the idea of DRM if the implimentation isn't overbearing, and we each have our own idea of what overbearing is. Are you familiar with the DRM Ubisoft has on it's current games?

    But because I am a BF fan and because I love CM and because I know of their customer support I will buy this game (already have...). But I didn't buy the 2 best modern flight sims on the market because of a similar scheme and if I had no history with CM and BFC I wouldn't buy this because of this scheme - as I currently understand it. But maybe you would buy Ubisoft games without regard to their current scheme and this scheme is very mild in comparison so you would have no problem with it either.

  11. sfhand,

    I am repeating myself, but let's try it one more time: you will not have any problems doing all these activations. And in the future, if you want to replace a hard drive or motherboard, you will be able to do it as well, because you will be able to add one activation to your key per year. You will not have to contact support for that, it's an online tool. It's just like a revoke tool except it's called differently :)


    Martin, thanks for taking the time to try again. As with game design decisions I don't expect you to change things to suit me. Besides, I know who to contact if I should have any problems...:D

  12. You guys are kidding right? Already mad at a licensing program that gives you 4 activations and you havent even used it yet. You guys need a cup of coffee, a hug, or a nappy. Some of you even complained about e-license for CMSF. Not like BFC doesnt have a right to protect its product from being pirated. Oh well cant please everyone I suppose. But unless BFC goes to a F2P format, you guys are gonna have to deal with some form of copy protection. Thats the reality and that will not change.

    What are you talking about? I'm sure there are many things in life you are concerned about that I wouldn't get, but that doesn't mean your concerns aren't valid. And who are you talking about when you say "some of you"? I know it wasn't me, but my concerns about DRM are hardly fringe.


  13. I don't know what sfhand is trying to say in his post, to be honest. He's right in one thing though: no matter how you call it (activations, installations), there is no hard limit for either. Not 3 times, not 4 times, and not any other hard number after which the key would expire.

    And yes, WillLight. Once activated, a game remains activated on that PC (even if you uninstall it). However, if you reformat your entire drive, or if you modify your PC in a major way, you will be forced to reactivate (same as it works with eLicense, btw). This is a necessary precaution to prevent pirates from copying activated games and sending them around, obviously.

    I hope you understand that BFC's well being is near and dear to my heart. I have been a loyal CM customer and I have never violated the license agreement. When I've wanted to turn my friends on to CM products I bought them their own copies and have viewed CM as an excellent gift over the years.

    On to my concerns...

    I have been disabled since November and will be until August which means I am operating on a limited and reduced income. My desktop is getting long of tooth and I have been planning on upgrading it for some time now - incrementally due to financial considerations. My current plans are as follows.

    Install CMBN on both desktop and laptop which means I will use up 2 activations.

    Buy a windows7 3pack for my 2 computers and my wife's and do a fresh install on both of my machines. Net result using up 2 more activations.

    If my understanding of the DRM is correct this leaves me having used up 4 activations (one per installation in this scenario) without ever having the software installed on more than 2 machines at any time, as per the intent of the license agreement.

    And we haven't even gotten to the new motherboard and memory, new hard drives, new graphics card upgrades to the desktop and the potential graphics card upgrade to the laptop (a very flexible laptop). Even if I hadn't been disabled since November I might favor an incremental upgrade path just to float the cost by the department of war, er, my wife...

    So, taking the above into consideration perhaps you can see why this new plan might make me nervous. I don't see any aspect of my plans as being out of the ordinary when I examine my computer hobby history.

    I hope you can see, from this example, how a revoke tool could prevent both me and your customer support from drawing the wrong conclusions from each others statements and explanations when/if I need to ask for more activations. The simple fact is I never contacted BF or elicense customer support because I forgot to unlicense the software prior to changing my systems. Which means that I will be moving from one who has never contacted customer support due to an upgrade to one who most likely will. And I don't view buying another license as a viable alternative in this scenario


    It would make me very happy to be told I have misunderstood how this is going to work, if that is the case.

    Thanks for taking the time to read and consider this.


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