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Everything posted by jd

  1. A bit of sage wisdom: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Never vote for anyone who wants the job.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thank you for your attention This has been a Public Service announcement. Had this been anything that matters, instructions to self destruct would have been provided. That is all. [ 05-09-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clubfoot: Logan has all but completed the Mac DFDR mod,<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Slap me silly and call me a ....well a lawyer will do, but what is a "Mac DFDR mod?" I have seen references but no explanation. I mean I use a Mac and all the bmp's work with the current MacMod managers and the like, or are we talking someting akin to the "batch" system on the PC? Or something else. Yours in confusion and vacuity jd
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: JD you little pre celebrity John Grisham, we need a rematch. Something full of sound and fury...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>and signifying nothing, but you are French and have panache. We do not, but have and/or own everything else. Oh yes you do have that nice little winery north of Avigion that I liked muchly. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>It's a question of Honor. Send a setup or I put the Medoc in the freezer!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>I shall of couse act like you have honor (ahh the French so like their little pretensions) But in ignominy they are Magnifique so I shall enjoy ripping your epaulets from your shoulders and removing the regimental buttons, breaking your sword over your tête and expecterate your remains outside of Ft Defiance. Allons mes enfants, aux barricades!
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: jd Long have I been sickened by your writings. I have whomped your jurisprudential kin in a fair fight, and used him for a crash test dummy in one of my experimental setups, which I nearly won as well, except for dying somewhat near the end. However, if you think you're going to get a game on the mere basis of being sickening, and a parenthetical drive-by lumped with elvis detriticus and a distempered expatriate martian, you are hallucinating. Make me hate you (posting your picture was a heckuva good start). Remember, I am Marketing, one of the few classes who cannot automatically look down on the legal profession. Though I'm pretty sure that I can.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hmm does our little marketing genius (no doubt cut his teeth on the business plan for the tele-tubbies) feel slighted that he was an after thought. Hiding his groginess behind his obvious predeliction for nubile young things, out Markymark seems to be casting about for a way to avoid the inevitable. Actually my dear IV having represented a number of pedophiles, deviants, rapists and sundry sorts, i note the similarity of the low simian brow (truly an insult to pongoids everywhere) as wel as the prognathous jaw and finally the knuckle dragging locomotor style of travel and fankly, I find you. Perhaps Stephano said it well: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Four legs and two voices; a most delicate monster! His forward voice now is to speak well of his friends; his backward voice is to utter foul speeches and to detract.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tempest Act 2, scene ii Yup that about describes the man. Away varlet. play or not, it is the same to me, the shame is yours....
  5. Lorak Scribe thus in the sacred Tome of Life and Death that this day, Evil Incarnate was vanquished by Evil Manifest In a map of Croadaesque design, the forces of the Lucifier were cast out of Paradise. Scourged by Fire and Brimstone™ (literally as FT teams helped rout his men several times) the former Lord of Darkness's minions were unable to stand against the forces of right and might. Scribe it thus: jd - win Berli - Loss
  6. Tear my eyes out now! The horror, the horror. After reading of 5 pages of vacuity in order to get caught up, and realizing that I can remeber none of the goings on, it occurs to me that either I have drunk too much or that there was nothing to see there. I opt for the latter as the former, unfortunetly did not occur. On to other matters: As I have just about ousted Lucifier a truly fallen prince, in our current game, I find my self bereft and lacking in the number of games I have going. There are some scores to settle with my fellow knoggits (yes spelled intentionally) ie, Goanna,Jshandorf and crisl Some how these ragamuffy bâtards got out of towm after inflicting a most grevious, perfidious (down Albion!) and ill deserved mark o' shame 'pon my noble brow. Thus it is that I throw down the gaunlet of revenge at their collectively loathesome and encrusted feet(s) You collectively and individually. Send a set up toads, that I may fricasse you in such a matter that hte skin shall fall delicately from your whitened bones. That is if you dare.... Then there are some others, Who I have not yet had the opportunity to humiliate appropriately, such as MkIV, Mensch, and Elvis Each of whom would look good on the wall next to my traditional vict....errr esteemed opponents. You too, have the gauntlet of shame cast before you, do you dare to pick it up, or do you willingly cast yourselves as vassals to my whim? Finally, JoeyBoy we shall recommence to erase the stain of the last game...... I abide...... scum sucking newbies need not apply. Other 'poolers with "low numbers" (ha what a fool ser Frwed is!) may also seek an engagement to round out my lists...... [ 05-07-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: Oh and as for jd's very, VERY minor upset over the forces of, well, forces, let it be known that the losses of 125 (him) to 129 (me) and 17 vehicles (him) to my 4 HT's and 6 guns (that's ten for those of you playing along at home) is not exactly what a real man would be interested in crowing to the heights... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> True that is the measure of loss but methinks that for some one who.......SURRENDERED...your losses were about to be even greater......
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fred: . Ignore it,... true-blue grogs do not taunt, they play...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Couldn't let this go by....I'd argue my dear thread that the Cesspool and it's denizens represent in a very real sense, the true "soul" of CM. The taunts are not the pool, but the playing, ahh that's the thing. We drap the verbiage and silliness around a "hardcore fact" We have been [playing this game since the demo and continue to play. 10+ (just to be conservative) pbem's going at a time, along w/ CMMC and other game set ups is more the rule than the exception. In addition, some of us have more grog ability than you might suppose. What the pool is about is playing, with like minded folks, who understand it is a game, but also love history, a finely crafted phrase and the camadraderie of people you can trust. We don't disintegrate into anger and insults (true insults as we see on the main board) nor do we take ourselves too seriously as so many seem to do from time to time. We behave responsibly and foster "passion" for the game. So, it's truly too bad that you and some others fail to understand. That's ok. But we are here amongest you, but you have to be willing to look beyound the surface and see what is really going on.....
  9. Having discovered that this thread possess within it's confines the answer to the incipent global energy shortage or conversely the source of global warming with the confluence of greenhouse gases, I am amazed at the verbal melagomanical mastubatory fundement upon which our mere existence pertains.....Oh well, As a simple contry lawyer (ie the one that actually uses the law to defend truth justice and the American retainer (I'll go with Raymond Burr in his pre Ironside days - better yet either Gregory Peck or Spencer Tracy) rather than Jakeleodeo who feasts upon the quivering carcass of his prey, I shall move to a quieter place to announce... the demise of my former squire and uppity kniggit Ilossag'inder Achieving a 2-1 victory over his prostrate form (you may have him now Bauhaus, as he is well tenderized) MrIamnotAlexandertheGreat was reduced to 2 intact squads as the angels of death caressed hs feverd brow, leading to his immediate and abjuect surrender. A fiting end to his disrespectful ways after I let him win our last game. So LorakScrive thus: jd - win Iskander - loss [ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  10. My dear mildchild It was with a great deal of wheezin and clacking that my rheumny and tired eyes beheld your challenge as I masticated a bowl of porridge, my frail and weakend body rack by paroxyms of convulsive sputum and pheglm, I considered the wondrousness of it all that you would seek an ongoing engagement with me. My dear child, you think that posturing about your deflowering of various denizens of this fair realm carry weight or even interest? Hardly. You want a piece of me? YOU want a piece of ME?! You can't handle a piece of me! (down my lovilies and you know who you are). But then, thinks I you do show gumption at seeking redress of perceived faults and flaws I may have and mind you a certain, passionate side that may yet slake my thirst, so yes, a set up maybe sent. We shall see that you are reminded of how to treat your betters, and shown your true place in the world of the pool. Suffice to say that it should provide midly diverting to allow you to genuflect and kiss my ring. Now go, prepare yourself, as we are done here. You are dismissed child. [ 05-03-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: Lowercasejd, How dare you come in here after a long absence and post a one-liner. Fie, fie on you and your kin. While I realize that your secretary quit, forcing you to actually accomplish something at work, your slacking. One-liner, one-liner, what are you thinking. You've got a reputation to uphold, the other half of evilness in the galaxy. Now work up the energy for some bile in that post or acknowledge the fact that you've slipped into hasbeen status.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Whatever....(vaguely waving limp wrist in your direction) If there had been any life, verve, passion and intelligence, I might bother.
  12. On the main Forum Dunnee said <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I would just like to see some of the "cultured" people get in trouble too. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> *Blush* He must be talking about us!
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mrcobbler: Manx, what's with the pic overlapping the right column on your site? Or is it just my sorry browser? Didn't do that yesterday.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Nor is it doing it today on my browser (Netscape) and on Powerbook @ 800x600. It looks just fine
  14. Damn you Manx, you just cost me $83...... you are making it TOO easy ........sigh........ (Manx has added a reading list, just click and get out your credit card! :eek: COMBAT MISSIONS [ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  15. The trouble with Jake taking the reins is that he'll post 355 comments from the Congressional Record, issue 25 volumnes of proposed regulations in the Federal Register regarding the use of "pengs" in public areas, and petition for a writ of certiorari to the Supremes to allow "No harm - No foul" 4th Amendment Search violations to inspect the sheep to ensure no"mistreatment" resulting in the use of the DEA and FBI assisting Immigration in banning and deporting Ozzies left and right. So what snakely-odeo Washington Lawyer was recently seen squiring around the two Supreme Ct hotties, Ruth and Sandra Day? [ 04-27-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wildman: jd, I'm selling my house and I understand that your a mortgage banker. What kind of interest rate should a buyer expect now, how is the housing market....... Oh that's right Joe Shaw is the Morman banker, right, sorry there...sometimes its hard to notice the difference in hot air.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The difference is my dear mildman, is that I get paid by poor sods such as yourself because they are too wanked to figure out how to breathe correctly.... Joe is, well Joe and now that we have our own little succubus (well said Jake, nothing more worthless than a law student) perhaps we should slip him between your proverbial sheets...now there is truly a waste of Nitrogen and Oxygen.
  17. wankers edited cause I am a dip [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: jd "where did all my panzers go" morse is gunning my poor little Canknuckleheads down without mercy. Doesn't look good for the Maple Leaf; however, he lost an entire Panzer regiment in the process.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Lying gamey bastard, it was ONLY a Kampfgruppe.....so there MrI'lldefendsodarforwardthatwhenthatgameybastardjdfindstheseaminmydefenses, ieupthemiddlethenI'llbetheattackerbecasueheiswellbehindmeandcanisolatemyforcesand grabtheflagsandvictor ystrategythatreallsuxs need I say more? Iskandross a Knight! Hell I hardly got the requisite minimum paens, fawning obsequious and toadying behaviors that a squire is supposed to render to his liege. I cast a black spotat least until he loses our current game then I have no objection. Berlimoss seems to forget we have a game going or else a file has gone askew, either coming (bauhaus, out) or going. Actually theformersquireCroda has designed a scenario that seems to be fun and challeneging (besides I actually got to use a FT team to roust several squads of the one whose name cannot be uttered men from various buildings. Kind of fun when they survive long enough. But there is a ways to go... === edited to avoid scrolling past the hinterlands [ 04-26-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: ...trounced me like the poor, pathetic who-ore I am. Beat me to a pulp, tore off me nipples, ran me through, severed all me veins and arts, and spat upon my exposed gizzard. Meeks: Destroyed, a topplement so severe as to be felt by my ancestors...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Unfortunely these words have an pregnant potentiality, I think I'll save them for use when the Trail of tears comes to it's final, pathetic and misearable existence and I am forced to bend my head to Elijah, who like the prophet of old has truly weiled the firey sword of judgment and redemption and found me woefully lacking....all that's left is the pain and humiliation I must endure......watch this space for further announcements
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Iskander: Sounds awful... I'm game.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My boy, there are only so many words a knight can offer his squire that can truly make a difference, as for a ruinette setup, well... There be dragons there, lad, abandon the dark side before it is to late. They will only break your heart and spirit and spleen to play one of them......
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai: I move that Joe Shaw be beaten around the ears with an incontinent Pug dog,...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A viscous calumny against a noble breed,(not Shaw mind you although there is a certain resemblance) I shall of course have mine snort upon your next file before sending it back to you! [ 04-20-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: jd has promised another game but has so far failed to follow through. Fine, MY honor is unsullied, I made the offer.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Fine ya old goat......here I was hoping to at least have a few less games, but since thePengster has graciously lost I shall honor your desire to be abused....I shall forward a setup shortly, or if you'd like any input let me know..... [ 04-19-2001: Message edited by: jd ]
  23. Lorak a minor scrive if you please. Ser Peng and I have concluded our affair with his surrender arriving this evening. As mentioned previously a nice double envelope actually worked. Therefore note that I have avoided the dreaded asterisk Record truly... jd - win Peng - loss
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan: I think this is the appropriate place to post my odd victory.....The final score was 85-15.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> A tip o' the hat to Hiram, you are making me proud. Congratulations....Lorak make it so!
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