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Everything posted by jd

  1. Just wondering out loud here, what sociopathic compulsion hits people to "tag" this thread's transition each and every time. It gets amusing at who shows up but doesn't have the chutzpha to hang around. Just wondering [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-21-2001).]
  2. Recent invocations of the Mutha Beautiful Peng Challenge thread have been in dreary and dank places. A tip o' the hat to Meeks for suggesting a tropical setting, the Carribean perhaps. So sit down on the lanai, put your feet up and let the tradewinds caress you as lovely maidens (and an occasional swarthy manservant for Kitty and Emma) rub oils and lotions.....and don't forget the little umbrellas in the drinks, so assuming Matts approval......Have at it boys, your own paradise..... Oh and a bit of history, given by Mark IV in in an earlier reply to the general question what is this place? A Thousand Years of Peng....... Thread 2 http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/011566.html 10/12/00-11/28/00 104 pages Aussie adventure : http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013030.html 11/28/00-12/18/00 40 pages The escape from Down under http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/013850.html 12/18/00-1/12/01 37 pages The Meeks Diversion: Time to lock the forum... http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/014862.html 1/12/01-1/22/01 23 pages Kinder Gentler Cess http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015377.html 1/22/01-1/30/01 25 pages Maple Leaf up! http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/015730.html 1-30-01-02/07/01 20 pages Germany http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016037.html 2/07/01-2/21/01</A> 15 pages Peng in Paradise http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016566.html 2/21/01-current [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-26-2001).]
  3. Ah shoot, the regulars are out to lunch so I will offer "Peng in Paradise" and see if Matt gives his imprimatur ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  4. Well time to pack the bags, get the travel documents, and make sure our innoculations are current.........Gee such a brief visit auf weidisein ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-21-2001).]
  5. Oh Really! You don't say isky boy, do say more about your tactics...... ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  6. you mean like ™ ¢¶º*£ªø©ß§™¶•·°°uû eé etc? Why it's in your computer Mr. Croda, Sir. Your own keyboard produces them. On the Mac the keycaps utility shows them quite easily. On your pc I am not sure [/politeness mode] Okay ya git, where's your surrender? ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  7. You mean like this Seriously, the last icon, the letter with the arrow will set it up for you. Using UBB code you can bold or put in italics. Look to the left on the reply screen, see the link UBB Code is ON? There you will find the hidden secrets revealed How about "You gamey son of a bitch!" [actual quote from an email to Mace (name NOT changed)] Course this was after his troops had routed and roasted me so it HAD to be gamey. In the cesspool games, gamey is as gamey does. Some of us abuse those crews, some of us move the tank towards the flag in the last turn in hopes of salvaging a draw (Hear that Lizardboy!...disclosure...he he, it's me doing it) Truthfully if you are going to play a "serious" game know your opponent and/or be clear on the rules or conditions. If someone is going to be gamey more than you feel comfortable you can engage him in a discussion. "Gee, I hadn't seen that before, why did you do that? Depending on his answer he may change it. If not, drop him from your play list. "Sorry, can't play now, I am washing my hair tonight." ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  8. Maximus2k...because I am 45 yrs your senior and much wiser I am going to give you some advice. Take it or leave it. Persist in your immature (and yes it is immature) attitude and you will get a raft of crap from those here. May I suggest that some humility is called for. Whether you have the fortitude and character to do so remains to be seen. If you want respect then behave. I am glad you got the game. It is a wonderful and exciting thing to have. This community can go a long way to enhancing it and making your experience alot better. Act the way you are, and we shall know you for who you are and treat you accordingly. Now you can dismiss me as an old foggy if you like, but like your father (i am assuming here) I earned what I have not inherited or had a cushy situation as you boast (either truthfully or not). So I have gained a wee bit of wisdom in the interim. It's your choice boy. At 15 you haven't got a clue. This board is made up on average of guys and girls 2-3x your age. We have done what you haven't even begun to imagine. So cool your jets. Believe me you are not god's gift to us. Be courteous and straight and after the waves of your entrance subside a bit you will be taken serious. Continue and well, it won't be pretty. Take care boy, you have alot to learn. The greatest wisdom is in acknowledging that you do not know everything.
  9. Ya know some days are just gems..... what Arrogantpus striding in and minimus2k+1 on the main board, peng's retort of the other day.... it don't get better than this... Now fomersquireandstilltoadybitch where's your ceasefire so we can begin counting your dead. Methinks the smoke from the burning pyres and tanks will obscure the shining orb above. By the way, like your new sig. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  10. Hmmm maybe he's been talking to minimus2k+1? Sheesh, damn lookie loos, tourists and wannabees. Go back and listen to your milli vanilli. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  11. into an frenzied period of study. Perusing an eldritch tome of incantations and spells he muttered....
  12. Public Service Bump [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-21-2001).]
  13. True Lorak. Thanks for confirming it about crews. I wasn't sure on that point and yes, you need to have more strength to hold against enemy presence. But remember kiddies a flag, well behind your lines isn't yours with out someone there to hold it. Noncombat units won't do it for you, such a FO's. It can mean the difference between a win or loss if hat VL you thought you had isn't counted
  14. Yeah I know it's plagiarism but Peng's reply to Michael Dorosh on the Questions answered v2 thread bears repeating..man *sniff* that was beautiful. Truly classic Peng
  15. I have not seen or heard much on this Compassion. I have noticed that you need a combat effective unit or you can lose the flag. I remember I thought I could leave a used FO to cover the flag. No dice. At the end of game it showed neutral and gave me a draw instead of win. I have used crews, but I am a little uncertain there. It's a good place to park a depleted squad (my usual 1 /10 !) to do sentry duty. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  16. I'd venture an opinion that a line into the middle of the house in out of LOS. Compare this to targeting a squad in a house by a tank. Unless the squad is close enough to the walls, the tank cannot fire on them. In that case you have to target the building itself. To do that you need direct LOS to an exterior wall surface. So too with the mortar. To target the building the HQ LOS would have to be to an exterior wall. BTS I want to target roofs, this ruins the game DO SOMEFINK ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  17. Oh come on Berli...she asked nicely ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  18. Originally Started by Elvis, this Public Service deserves another run.... We've batted this idea around via email for a couple days and everyone except one hammerhead, whose name and email address are unfamiliar to me, are up for the task. We have been accused of clogging up this board with worthless drivel for a long time. We would now like to do something constructive for the CM community. Newbies, oldbies, idiots and fools feel free to ask your questions about CM here. It seems at least one of us no life having cesspoolers is around here almost 24 hours a day. Many of us have been posting or lurking literally for years, so we have read nearly every discussion of how the game works and why some things are designed the way they are. We also feel we can add a little humor to your answers. If you haven't read any of the babbling in the Peng thread then understand if someone takes a shot at you or gives you a jab it is all in good fun. There will be no flame wars because trolls just get ignored by the thick skinned folks from the cesspool. We will provide your answers to you clearly and without telling you to do a search (except after having answered your question we feel that an old thread may explain it to you in more detail). We are serious in our desire to help. And want anyone who has a question to feel free to ask. There are no stupid question (I have heard that line since the 1st grade and never believed it..there are plenty of stupid questions...I just felt I should add that). This is not a joke.
  19. Sheesh that's why I have a Dictaphone and a Secretary. I never claimed to be accurate but rather creative in my approach to words. To find their inner Coda™ So to speak. By the way it's spelled can't No need to thank me. As for chris/1. I have truly had a horrid time. Blessed by rune with a plethora of stand off weapons and a truly large Holy Hand grenade ( whose count is 5 er..3) I was equally and evilly cursed in biblically rune fashion with murky fog that cut LOS to less than that needed for Peng to pick his proboscis. So it's stumble in the miasmic mist and fog and die all the while hoping for a change in the weather. Thanks for capturing the CO. I would have had to shoot him anyway (or are the papers you found on him intel misdirection?) ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-20-2001).]
  20. You mean Berli, that it maybe even worth the attempt to stake a game (and his heart no doubt) with the Merry Pengster? I mean before this I have never bothered to sully myself. Wiping the floor with Hiram and Croda (watch this space for Croda's immient loss in our Battalion sized epic, coming soon to a screen near you) sullied me enough that to add Peng to the mix, well I'd just be acused of padding my record. So the old fart has started to get it up after all, well I'll be....a new days dawning when that maven of transmorgified tautolgy can actually put up a game! Of course this recent win streak has it's own asterisk as most of his wins seem to be coming in the tcp/ip arena, where both parties are so sotted and besotted with themselves that it really is problematic who actually won. No, I think that he has not put together the skill to engage tête a tête in a classical pbem. More's the pity. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-20-2001).]
  21. Lorak inscribe thusly...I have been forced to kiss my sister again. jd - 51% Seanachai - 49% Result: Draw ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  22. An interesting observation Herr Pox of the Rhine. Considering that your troops, pour l'honoreur are firing 2 shots, then abandoning their position in panic and soiled pants, it's hard to penetrate a line that keeps moving to the rear. PusShaw also has learned the lesson of artillery, esp VT in dispersing troops in the open and trees. His attack on one VL has been repulsed, and neutralized. He, with dogged, or is that dog like determination presses forward against my forces. Since a single platoon held off arty, 3 Panthers, 4 halftracks and a 2-3 platoons of infantry before running in panic at the appearance of the NaffeuweferMoromWivesische, I feel they have done all that can be asked of them. Despite Joe's strut, this isn't over yet. can't understand why he hasn't surrendered yet. Lizardcrawlunderrockanddieplease seems not to be cooperating. My options are seriously limited to not ever returning the turn file and plead isp problem's for eternity. Seanwhosenameisdarenotspoken has managed figure how to send a turn as his overwhelming forces slowly close in on the brave defenders. Outpost after outpost fall silent, yet time is running short.... IskPhilander is not pressing his attack with much verve. He has taken half the game to assault an undefended VL, his infantry, like shadowy ghosts flit through he trees like ghosts only to die unmourned and far from home in the god forsaken woods, he has a cold streak though as he has no compunction to shelling his own troops, and omlette and broken eggs he says....he continues to probe, yet my defenses are intact. SheeppredatornancyboyMace and I manuever to bring armor to bear, each have struck and we are well started. LoserboyswhoareShamelessNonturnReturninggits Pillocks, Marltoad, Crawdad and Pawshisbutt all owe turns and haven't gotten sober yet apparently to find the keyboard. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  23. Well I am suffering terminal depression because everyone who is beating me silly is returning turns aster than you can say ouch! and those worthless cattlemeisters that I am skewering and slow roasting have taken a sabbatical. Inquiries have been dispatched. Seanchup has a pass until he returns, the useless excuse for a stupid singsong man. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  24. Originally...... jdmorse (because I am without humor, intelligence or inspiration) However, I decided to go for something truly cutting edge, something that speaks volumnes, that makes the world take notice (except for jake the Snake Lawyer who I could care less about, prancing about with his big city frou frous) and so decided to change it....the rest....is history ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  25. So too a provisional victory over Chuckles 666. Provisonal in that Mr 666 claims to have influenza and that pesky school thing tht I have heard mention of. He claims he shall reappear and should he do so the victory needs to be affirmed. Mr Chucky appeared and claimed that who knows he could be the greatest cm player ever. Well the score was 82-18 Major German victory. He had 35 men okay but only because his men routed pover the back line leaving only 19 pathetic troops to stem the tide. So 666 needs to be relegated to the training wheel section. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
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