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Everything posted by jd

  1. Jake..Comparing our photos, I'd say yer obviously a "Bob Dole man" ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-25-2001).]
  2. Tis true all that Joe said, the gamey bastard, As he admitted he WILL use the edge f the board! Now why after keeping his panthers and halftracks well back all game long, did they suddenly, in the last turn act like Evil Kneivel, popping wheelies and racing for the middle of a wheatfield, there to sit near the major VL while my bazookas were trying to plink em? This was a major victory to get a draw as Joe popped a cap on my two poor tanks, sending them to Valhalla by turn 4 so that his 4 Panthers, 8 Skzd's and TWO (2) Kubelwagons of Death™ had 26 turns to grind my brave lads beneath their jackbooted heels. It didn't happen. So in overcomimg the severest of odds to hold the Hun at bay, a major win in a draw. Lawyer vs Mormon wives? Hmmm I'll stick with the professionals....(well except for the snake) See Joe, spin is everything ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  3. Has anyone run into a problem installing winter mods into Graphic 13? I am a mod slut, haven't met a mod I do not love.. However, using both of Mac Mod mamagers I get the same problem. If you get so many (somewhere between 14-15 mb's) they start installing as fragments. So you can get a Tiger with winter colors sitting on top of a summer chasiss. anyone else have this problem or a solution. Some of my vehicles look like frankenstein stiched together. It's not all of them, rather only some.
  4. 1) Start game 2) Load the movie turn 3) Watch 4) Repeat No need to thank me, all in a days work. I'll send you my bill.
  5. Truer words have never been uttered ya gov't geek
  6. Joe may I remind you that I have tried it twice. Croda and PeterBleeter. One tried to poison, shoot and otherwise cause great harm while trying to boink his mum and the other turned Mace on to sheep. They'll only break your heart, Joe. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  7. Lorak: It's all YOUR fault. Promoting and mainstreamimng Croda like that.Your blanket Proclamation Emancipation Squirius has caused untold mischief. Croda, I maybe your former Liege, but I still have the belt. You remember the belt don't cha boy. Stop that twitching about yer face when I am talking to you and let go of your forelock. Now stop this pansing around like some syphlitic vagrant panhandling cogentially deformed and pathologically challenged (see Seanpoo, I used the "C" word) pre-vert on the corner. "Hey meester, you want to see my Crodabrg? 3 times a virgin today, see meester" It really is unseemly. What did I ever see I you boy? Oh yeah, but as long as they don't get a search warrant you'll be okay. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram edited to heap more abuse on the formersquirenevertobekniggeted [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-23-2001).]
  8. Is it coincidence that Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord has begun saturating the world, and the economies of several large industrial countries have started to sputter and decline as apparently productive work hours per capita fall? Just wondering.
  9. Okay cat fight time....Smarlow, I have played all of one (1) tcp/ip game, with Hiram (requiet in pacem, dona eis requeim, qui tolis pecata mundi or some such fractured Latin). Unlike you, I guess I have more mental ability to handle a plethora of contests at a time. (not well mind you) So muttonchops, get that Bob's big boy out of your mouth and get yer facts straight. Ya young whelp. I just knew that we should have banged you over the head with Meek's brick, stuffed you into a weighted gunny sack and drove to the nearest bridge, flinging your worthless ass into the river, when you first showed up. There's a bad 'um, I said to myself. Well butchcut boy, if you'd get your turns back we might see that your tactical assessment isn't accurate, you killed 2; ****e happens, I have killed a couple and have methodically been prying your sorry ass off the fore-slope, where in a haze of idiocy you placed your platoon. It's the backslope ya git where they go. Sheesh. Course where they are going at the close of last turn was to head for the outhouse back by the edge of the board, ya gamey bastardette. There feel better? ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram edited to put a stoopid "?" instead of a "." Damn gamey grammarians! [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-23-2001).]
  10. Next time your wife will call will be with a summons and divorce proceedings alleging emotional abandonment and estrangement. Be prepared! ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  11. Au contraire my dear jake, intelligence and culture and literary reference has always been a part of the milieu here in the pool. Sorry but since you are a bigger hick than I, go read your grog-porn while stroking your L70. Marlslut quit your posturing and bellyaching. Life's not fair. Deal with it. Besides I always allow revenge. Makes the mix so much sweeter. Besides, it will send shivers down to my toes to jam a loss down your throat as a goose gets prepared for patê de fois gras. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-23-2001).]
  12. Notice re: all My PBEM games Of late their has been a distressing tendency to worry about records. I of course submit as a prime and primpy example, that has-been wannabe Marltoad His pansy limp wristed sashaying about his 5 (count em) five wins vs the combined win loss record of his opponents displays an unhealthy predilection to actual ambition. It behooves us to recognize and deal with this viper in our bosom. Therefore, let it be known that I have bit the bullet and voluntarily, voluntarily taken steps to dilute this misbegotten paradigm. Know that you have recently engineered my "apparent" topplement, and those in the forthcoming skein of impending reverses that I have "thrown" the games. Sadly, I have had this course thrust upon me, but in the interest of full disclosure, ethical considerations and fair play I thought you ought to know. If you subsequently achieve that what you thought impossible, i.e. a win against me, well there are reasons as set forth. Thank you for your kind attention. Hopefully this crisis will soon pass and we came resume fully engaged battles. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-23-2001).]
  13. Good....don't bother to send it back. Crap where's that Bastard rune there is NO place to hide out here with the wind blowing up my longjohn's flap!!!!!! ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  14. Posted by Crepitus/1 above: Oh, they fused almost and it felt: it is mine and the darkness schuert the flames. And it felt: we are alone. And it did not kiss it the Stirne it was no Dirne and it wanted seino Yep just about perfect for the pool! ....and ya gamey bastard if I don't send the file you will not see me die. Muahahhah Eternal Life is MINE! ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-23-2001).]
  15. Gawd just shoot me now....where do these idjits, yes that means you loadinhispants, come from!!!!!! ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  16. signed picture of GunnyBunny " To my Hero. Love always" he crooned, suddenly....
  17. Methinks that your boastfulness shall yet hoist you upon your own petard. When your record over 20+ games equals ours, I think then maybe we shall take notice......yeah like right! My dear marlow, since your tactical position in our current dustup is anything but secure, perhaps discretion is called for. Thanks for adding that incentive for me to actually pay a little attention to our game. I have well established my tactical inability in the fog in several games, including your ONLY win against me. And since the current game is NOT in fog, I think you ARE TOAST. muhahahhaha ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  18. ....reached up and at his hairline (at least what passed for it) and digging his nails into the flesh slowly began peeling of the latex mask revealing his true identity..Aragorn, son of someone and something, but now come to claim his rightful inheritance. Casting aside the disguise that had allowed him to infiltrate the castle keep, he immediately.....
  19. right then, move along to the new site, nothing to see here [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-22-2001).]
  20. Translation from Babelfish: "****e I am losing, my units are out of position, I can't figure out what to do as I might really lose....Mommy!" Harumph I say! ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  21. Also teamed up with a sound program like SoundApp it can handle the sound resources. (you have to save the wav's as system resources them MCM3 can place it in the appropriate location)
  22. Boy you sure have us pegged. Yep, that's the right of it. Games up. We are exposed. Time to pack it in..... By the way, I have played Fionn, know Fionn and you are no Fionn. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  23. Lorak be a good fellow and get down the FormerSquires Tome of Losses Aye that's it. If you'd please open it to Croda's page for we have another entry to make. The youngster has succumbed again. Oh that many pages? Oh well. A FormerSquire™ of infinite jest is young Croda. Always hankering at knocking me about the head and stealing off with his mum. Always in an Oepedial snit that one. Of course the result is the same. Only bigger this time. In a Battalion sized clash the vital stats: He lost 821 casualties, an 15 vehicles. I lost 358 and 1 vehicle. One (1) of my Panthers inflicted 26 infantry kills, 1 M3A1, 1 M4A3(76)w and 2 M18's. It was that kind of battle. The final score: 74-26 (only because we agreed to a cease-fire with about 15 turns to go.) A Major victory. His response: "Hey old man, double or nothing on Mum?" jd- win FormerSquire™ Croda - loss ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-22-2001).]
  24. Announcing the "Evil is as Evil Doesmatch. Evil incarnate (berli) has accepted a challenge from Evil Manifest (yours truly) and since we have a number of admiringly cloy sychophants out there, I invite you to construct a scenario for us to joust with. Talk amongst yourselves, construct it and send it in tournament save. Please, mildly diverting and nothing unplayable. That is all. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram
  25. Hey Aragornancy boy. Nice tights. Oh by the way, here's a Stop and Desist Order for copyright violations. You have been served punk. See you in court. ------------------ If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-21-2001).]
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