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Posts posted by jd

  1. There are over 213,920 (okay well a third of them are the Peng™ thread wink.gif) posts on the CM forums. And that's not the first BBS they had either. Something has kept all those people involved. The game is addictive, you'll never turn back. By the way, it is not available from stores or outlets. Only BTS. If you wonder why go to their site and read the BTS manifesto which will tell you alot about why this game is so good.


  2. Ya know it's sad, just sad at what the nether realms have fallen to. I mean, here's Berli trying to hold on to the tawdry remenants of a long faded past that he is actually seeking the souls of the pools inhabitants? I mean think on it, is this a Kmart blue light special or what? Would any self respecting demonic spawn of Hades really want Cradfaced's or Stumpthegerbilfacedboy's or (shudder) Ikandoofus's soul? Pathetic. The son of the Prince of Darkness has turned into a 42nd street wino, pan-handling the passerbys. "Hey buddy, ya want a soul? Used only once by some guy who fancied himself a Celtic bard? check it out."

    Oh BTW Spawnette of Dusk, I sent it on Tues. or Weds, last...learn how to use "Get message" willya! So I guess I'll just have to send it again and this time try to stop impaling the ice cream cone on your forehead.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

  3. Well Chuppie's been getting out and doing a bit of socializing I see.......


    Chupacabras struck again last week at two locked henhouses in Lebu Alto, a farm village on the outskirts of the city of Concepcion, which is 300 kilometers (180 miles) south of Santiago de Chile, the national capital.

    According to the Chilean newspaper Diario El Sur, "The attacks occurred in two different locations, and in both, witnesses claim having seen a beast with similar characteristics. The attacks on the henhouses in the Lebu commune by an unknown being bolsters the existence of the mythic 'Chupacabras' in the area, more specifically in the province of Arauco."

    "In the early morning hours yesterday (Saturday, May 13, 2000) in the Lebu Alto section, two families claimed to have been victims of strange events which caused the deaths of 24 hens."

    "The event, confirmed by the Lebu Carabineros (Chile's national police--J.T.) took place at 4 a.m. on Saturday morning.when an unidentified resident heard a noise in her henhouse. Getting out of bed and going outside, she found that her dogs were calm--even fearful-- despite the fact that something was going on in the henhouse. As she approached the gate, she told police, she managed to see a rounded figure jump away from the chicken coop and go around the base of a nearby hill," the Cerro La Cruz. "Upon entering the henhouse, the witness confirmed that 17 of her 19 hens were dead with visible signs of tearing."

    "Shortly afterward, the chicken coop of a neighboring farm was also attacked, and another resident gave a similar account. At 8 a.m., the Carabineros were notified of these events. Police elements reported to the scene and verified the animals' deaths. The carcasses were collected and sent to Concepcion for further analysis." In its May 15, 2000 edition, Cronica, the other newspaper of Concepcion, made the claim that three Chupacabras had been captured by the Chilean army near a local copper mine and turned over to the custody of agents of the USA's Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

    Cronica reported, "Radio Padahuel and (TV) Channel 13 transmitted news reports indicating that a family of strange creatures--possible 'Chupacabras'--had been found by military personnel in the vicinity of the Radomiro Tomic (copper) mine within the Second Region."

    "According to information provided by Radio Pudahuel, it was a female, a male and a cub--a story which has the ring of The X-Files around it--and were delivered to agents of the USA's FBI agency which arrived at Calama from Santiago (where the USA federal police have an office in their embassy) The creatures quietly would have been taken to the USA"

    "No further mention of the event was made, but police sources told Cronica that the capture of the specimens was real and that everything had transpired as was originally told" on Radio Pudahuel. (See Diario El Sur for May 14, 2000 and Cronica for May 15, 2000. Muchas gracias a Scott Corrales, autor de los libros, Chupacabras and Other Mysteries y Forbidden Mexico y tambien Gloria Coluchi para esas historias.)


    Better Lock up your chickens ladies he's on the loose.....


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by Berlichtingen:

    Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again

    Nice ta see you have time ta post, but no time ta send files. Woohoo! Its summer in Hell again esp after your losing those 3 tank's in one well coordinated and prescient tactical maneuver, or was that manure? That's 2¥ for you, you spawnette familiar.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-02-2001).]

  5. WussyLizard git, if your sever didn't bounce messages, maybe you'd have the turns earlier......

    ...and in other news, the investigating committee into the mysterious "alleged victory" of IKanpander deepens as it has been revealed by sources close to the investigation that the aforementioned "uselsss wank" has failed, in response to the special prosecutor, Jake "the snake" Lawyer's subpoena, to turn over to the committee crucial evidence. Sources mention that the "so-called" AAR is vital for the committee to peruse as it will yield vital clues as to the forces Mr. 'pander had at his disposal in the recently concluded game.

    An investigator close to the investigation said,"everyone knows it is standard practice to return the AAR's. What's he hiding?"

    Mr Iskdoofus was unavailable for comment. Consideration is being given to file a writ of mandamus and seek an injunction before the circuit court, the Hon. Judge Lorak, presiding, to decertify, or hold in abeyance, the victory until the investigatory committee ompletes it's work.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. Pale you ignorant slut. You pusillanimous pile of putrid pus. Obviously you have not got a clue, ya dim noggin, what the pool is or why it exists. Go to http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/016566.html and read the links there and maybe (although I doubt it since you don't seem to have enough cojones to make a chicken take notice) you will get the vaguest glimmer of why you aren't worth spitting on.....go away, and do something more entertaining like swallowing your tongue.



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. *spin mode on*

    Ahem, is this on? Attention, please.

    We wish to announce that the seminal game with Iskandoofus has been completed. Since he was new to the pool I took it upon myself to welcome him and let him feel he is a valued and able member. Thus, I had to let him win or we'd be stuck with WM and STR 's bickering. Plus it was in the fog, uphill, was trying out new defenses, he's a gamey bastard.... whatever. To save him from further heartache and to avoid his further embarrassment I surrendered voluntarily even though I am sure that if the game had been completed the results would have been a clear cut win for me. This way his self esteem is bolstered.

    I had a company and 2 tanks. IIRC he had 4 tank/td's plus armored cars, arty and at LEAST a company or more of troops. An investigation of initial points may have to launched as to whether this was a "fair" setup or a "setup" since Mister Isk sent the file, sight unknown. Oh did I say fog?

    Anyway, I didn't want to steal the boys thunder. He is so proud and thinks he has accomplished something. You, my opponents out there, know how hollow a victory over me is anyway. So when he comes by, boasting of his feat, give him a "huzzah" and "well done, lad" and let him bask in what pitiful accomplishments he does manage.

    A little lesson in that it is not in the actual winning but in the spin that the 'pool revolves.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-01-2001).]

  8. We see many new terrain mods coming forth, but many of them are the subdued or darker textures. However, some/many of us for either CPU or preference do not use them. There was an interesting marsh bmp the other day but when I tried it it looked putrid in the "regular" color enviroment

    It would be a nice thing, if possible if you consider doing 2 versions, subdued and regular. I do not know if this creates alot more work or not, but "for the rest of us" of allows us to use your work as well.

    Thanks for all of your work

    That little old Modslut™


  9. Originally posted by medlinke:

    Well consider this....

    Portland sits at the base, or at least near the base, of an inactive volcano....well...there has been speculation that it is due to erupt and become active again at some point....

    You people in the NW better watch out or one day that Volcano may blow and bury Portland!

    For interest, Portland is 60 miles from Mt Hood, a dormant volcano. Mt St Helens which blew in 1983 is aboout 60 miles north. Mt Adams at 12000 ft is another volcano I'd estimate at about 70 miles NE of Portland and Mt Rainier 14000 ft volcano is about 100 miles north. Get the picture biggrin.gif

    I was in Spokane, Wn when St Helens came and visited (the winds were Westerly so ash went east), left about half inch of ash (shades of Pompeii..sky turned pitch black, street lights came on and the ash continued to drif down like snow.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  10. Hi Mom (OT smile.gif )

    Michael LOL, I remember with Mt St Helens that the reports back east had the entire Pacific NW blown to smitheerns....

    I was here at work on the sixth floor in the "other " Vancouver (Washington, USA ya gits) and the buildings did shake and rock. We were glad to discover that our contractor in our office bldg followed the blueprints and apparently didn't short us on materials!

  11. Peter......ya know I have been bringing this up every now and again, get on it boy! As for CMMC that would be a tremendous idea..... anyway, don't let the beta footage stop you. Actually you might be able to flesh it out with newer stuff and not really have much problem visually.....

    If you haven't seen the film go to the listed in the first post , DL'd it and watch it. Then rag his sorry ass to get it done!


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-28-2001).]

  12. Daveym

    Just a thought....noticed that you were in Washington DC, there are some others around here froom there....perhaps one or two of them might stand ya to a hotseat game or two, or too really depress ya to see what you are missing for a beer or four? But watch out for Jake the Lawyer, an odius sort, hanging around cheap dives looking to make deals......


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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