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Posts posted by jd

  1. Visited Deanco's site and found this "cryptic message....maybe it was posted before, but what the hey...Congrats to our favorite interface guy!!

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> To Whom It May Concern:

    This is to inform you that as of 11:30 am April 7, Saturday, that I am now amarried man. I am married to Miss Florence Lhotellier of Paris. She has a boy,Romain, 5 1/2 years old, from a previous marriage, so we are now a family of 3 in fact. I am very happy and proud to be married to such a wonderful woman, and am looking forward to many happy years together with her. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Chek:

    We meet one day a week(usually),where we play a hot seat game and hand the CD over to whoevers turn it is.This also means that at least 2 weeks in every month we actually manage to get some studying done. smile.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I hate to do this to you as you will probably NEVER graduate, but remember for tcp/ip games, only one person needs the CD...so you can play EVERY night!!!! buahahhahahahha


  3. I wave my limp wristed hand in your collective general direction because I cannot bring myself to care about the drivel of effluent that seeps thru here, it makes a real cesspool positivly inviting..... well to send the rest of you there...

    Minor Updates then....

    SeanaConnorMcLeodchai is convinced that there .....CAN ONLY BE ONE. I agree, Since Seanababy's personality displays the range of Christopher Lambert's acting skills, I'll opt to settle for being his Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramierz course I am in the process of engineering a different ending There can only be one, and it ain't going to be you boyo.....

    Peng has graciously consented to being the recipient of a lover-ly double envelope manuver. In the dark, his troops have no concerted defense line, my troops are in his rear areas (cue Bauhaus) and all his bases are belong to us......well one still to go...

    Crodufus and I are engage in one of his Cecil B De Mille epics, featuring a cast of thousands, at the Bn plus level. Seems I forgot to leave home with any pioneers, or for that matter, anti aircraft.....and the bâtard bought Jabos....course (spoiler alert if you haven't seen the movie.....




    his aircrews have preformed magnificently. It was just beautiful to see them nosing over, wind shrieking past the open canopies as they delivered their doom laden loads to the other side of the ridge.....course it was his side, and a pillar of smoke tells me they did not miss, so perhaps there is hope.

    Iskoshbygosh the not dead one is enduring a historical attack by elements of the 38th Calvary Recon. used no doubt in a very non-historical and entirely gamey way. But then since he is shooting back, c'est la mort.

    Evilpersonnified seeks back his dignitiy from Evilmanifested as most lawyers are (except jake - who is really a sweet and kind humanitarian at heart) in a battle designed by the aforementioned Croda. Actually, so far well designed. It contains a river cascading from the mountain fastness and requires the Amis to breach the river and bocage.... The high point so far was finding that Dante's bane had hidden a Stug behind a house with a nice flank shot down the road I had to cross. But a brief turn of mortar fire immobilized him and allowed my Sherman tankers to approach from the rear, kind of like Mace, sneaking up to the buttoned Stug, paint a nice big red and white target on his bum (Bummer of a birthmark, Hal) scamper back and over open sights......boom catastrophic kill.

    Meeks/Elijah/Zebidiah/Ezekiel/harpunnutz et al are struggling (well I am) over a landscape as white and bleak as the former forum colors. The PeterNZ principle(games that start badly, usually continue so) came into play when his freakin' Stuart pops my two PzKw IV's. There was no manuooverist action, no cunning strategy, he is decending a hill, I am behind a ridge in hull down. Straight forward, I shoot, he shoots, I die.....twice *sigh* Now as his Crocidile manooverizes between the buildings, my loyal troops are saying the rosary and hunkering down. It ain't pretty.

    marlow continues to play the will'o wisp and zephyer-like occasionally send a turn but mostly disappears

    [ 04-17-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

  4. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Although I don't think of an oak when I think of jd ... more like one of those warped, twisted, diseased, evil, scheming growths out of the Lord of the Rings.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Why thank you Joe. Kinder words you never spoke. I believe, in the brief LotR roles we had, many, many threads ago, that I was seen as Sauron. Seemed to fit.

    now on to the Stalking.... You may recall a certain young poseur newbie or scum sucking newbie as the current literati might affect, by the name of theClash posted as weak an inital post as, well, Stuka's thingie looking at Joe's Mormon Wives™. I responded with a brief encouraging back of the hand. Nothing more was publically heard and we all breathed a sigh of relief at his apparent departure.

    Imagine my surprise this evening to find in my email the following: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Should I ever seek a reference...

    Now, your the kind of guy I want to talk to. But, stop your babbling and send me a set up.

    If I am as intellectually challenged as you imply, I should be road kill! Easy meat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now my dear master clash, in addition to my earlier comments I would add, since you seem unable to understand the most basic of concepts the following:

    1) The pool is the place for PUBLIC taunting, posing, humiliation, beastiality (down Mace) excuse spinning and all round vituperous and bilious spleen.

    2) Who cares if I beat you. I already have beaten you where it matters. I and the collective do not really care. In fact for some, suckiness (to use a word you may comprehend) at Cm play is a virtue. If I want to pound someone I'll pick them. At least they have proved their constancy and interesting nature already. You however are so "nouveau" and it shows.

    3) What matters to me these days is the consistency and committment to particiapte in our little alternate reality. Some have shown up (remember Chuckles666) never to be seen again on the public board THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR A PRIVATE GAME! Humiliation, defeat, bollocks, or grandeur is a public duty, not an option.

    4) Why do you think there are serfs and squires? To avoid a poxy little scarfaced vermin such as your self wandering in and wanting a game. What in god's not so green earth, in any of your posts makes you interesting , let alone mildly diverting as a divertissement? I'll tell you, nothing! If you disappear, no one will miss you.

    5) You want to play in the pool? Then make your presence so obnoxious and intriguing that we can't figure out how to expunge your putrid presence without destoying the BTS board itself. Post like crazy, insult individuals, call them out and when they ignore you as they should, then post a description of their family tree. Persistentencw and cussdiness is rewarded. Just look at who stay!

    The older members may or maynot play. I certainly won't if you are the pool equivalent of American Cheese. Try Iskander my squire, or better yet one of the newly foul, let's see if you got what it takes to amuse us.

    6) If not, bugger off TTFN

  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Clash:

    Since my high member number and tradition, both appear to prevent me from addressing the lower echelons of the pool, I won't.

    So, I am forced to address this message to the canned sheep that follow in their wake. Those destined to spend their days sat on their ass in a perpetual cloud of horse fart.

    Yes, you! The Sancho Wannabees! Oh keepers of the baggage... Send me a map, of your own choosing, for I wish to serve your vanity for supper...

    When I've given you a good `Clashing' and you return home bemoaning your dents and bruises, then perhaps we'll see if your masters joust at giants, or

    windmills.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>What have we here? Hmmm style points for mild literary allusion and a an amusing trifle of an image for anyone who has ever rode horses out on the trail. Attempt at multiple usage and play on name that frankly, doesn't work well. Let's say 3/10.

    On the other hand major fault marks for 1) ridiculous handle that keeps bringing to mind over age rock 'n roll band 2) failure to address remarks to individuals of the sub genus pool (proto-hominids all, since the Pongoids wouldn't have them, the chimps complained to the EEOC) 3) limp wristed syntax

    that only moves the lower intestines, 4) lack of bile, more phlegm colored if you ask me. In short, get lost ya pissant.

    Mensch, this is all your fault. traipsing around out there on the main board, dropping your pherome drenched trou's for every floncy drive by poster. You clean up after "it"

    [ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

  6. Ahh mensch (may I call you...hell I don't even care enough about you to call you at all) It's so nice to see your pedophiliac trolling butt munching silly Elvis wankers sophmoric sophism pederasty on display for the masses.

    That being said, why don't you take the plethora of brain cells you have (since they all seem to be firing at once) and bury it in a pile of refuse so the cows don't eat it, sicken and die. BME (bovine mensch encephalitis) with the Jackob-Crutch-mensh variat no doubt) That explains some of the drivelous and endless cortex upheveals you have subjected us to in the past.

    Go sniff your elderberries, toad.

    [ 04-10-2001: Message edited by: jd ]

  7. It would seem that we are approaching the moment of truth......has our continuity, as a anarcho-syndicalist ater-ego been restored? Frankly I think the communal zeitgeist was more interesting when we were 40 pages into a single thread. This re-posting threads every 10 pages (or less) has no substance and casts a rather sad shadow of it's formerly pengish self. I haven't noticed words from on high. I hope anew, but hold no bets......

  8. Only place is BTS's web site. No stores, no other places...except the occasional e-bay (which seem to sell for more than listed prices!) Everyone her bought it thru them (non-internet transactions can be arranged. Just email for where to send the check)

    If you haven't downloaded the demo, do so....then BUY it. You will not be sorry.

    Also when there check out the BTS manifesto, that should give you the background why internet sales only

  9. So much of that is personal. Start with the suggestions of Madmatt at CMHQ under the third party mod section, but remember it is out of date and hopefully soon to be updated.

    The next stop is Combat Missions which maintains an amazing, up to date and comprehensive list of ALL mods done to date, with links. Combat Mission Mod List also Manx has alot of good mods at Combat Missions Mods nicely organized and with available thumbnails.

    Unfortunetly many of the really great ones are at CM Outpost, which last I checked is currently off line.

    Old Dog at Combat Mission Central also has some pictures of mods that are popular and can give you anidea if you'd like to download them.

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 04-02-2001).]

  10. Originally posted by harpooner:

    Come test the veteran newbie. Your death is assured.

    Vegas odds are 3-2 that Meeks/Hamsters has split off another alter personality.....Perhaps we can resuscitate Margret Meade to investigate this family, truly some werid ****e going on


    • illegitimi carborundum est

    • frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 04-02-2001).]

  11. Originally posted by Marlow:

    But it did warm the cockles of my stony heart to watch the surprised look on the face of your Panther's commander (who knew BTS modeled a TC pissing his pants) when he crested the hill and found that 95mm cannon pointing strait between the eyes.

    Agreed here as well, stupid git, even told him where you were hiding. Got whot 'e deserved!
    Also, I am enjoying your feeble attempt at ultragamey edgehugging.
    Then what were you doing over there, 2 Sherman Fireflys, 2 carriers and 2+ platoons and nary a VL around. Methinks you were busily hugging the edge yerself in an attempt to infiltrate my rear (Sic semper bauhaus) areas and thus cause great distress.....thus Mr. sendthefreakinturnyagit you have been outed.

    And on the subject of turns Mr. Joe let's see who prevails in our little match, eh? So send it back, ya git. If payment has already been sent then please disregard this notice


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 04-02-2001).]

  12. Lorak We regret to inform you (not really) that our dear Ozzie cousin Mace has succumbed to the ÜberPanther from Hell whose exploits I have previously chronicled. Suffice to say, Unt. Orthman has managed to savage the major part of Mace's armor with 7 kills of various sorts of Mace's afv's. All the while being hunted down by those self same seven. Lest I be accused of "being gamey", Macey had Hellcats, Jumbos and M4A3(76)w's out after my sole Panther, who, Alien like plucked them off one by one.

    So record thusly:

    jd - win

    mace - loss

    In other news we have a Smarlow sighting with a turn in our mailbox, however since said turn does entail the loss of one of my tanks, I apparently "Never received it!" But fair Ted, I caution you, I am most dangerous after wasting the vast bulk of my armor. Apparently my mind can only deal with 1-2 tanks at a time, but I do that pretty well. Ask Mace.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-31-2001).]

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