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Posts posted by jd

  1. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Enter a default judgment major victory in my name vs. jd

    Sorry Jake, no standing, no in personam jurisdiction, motion denied counselor. Terms to be assesed later for a frivolous action. "In personam actio est, qua cum eo agimus qui obligatus est nobis ad faciendum alquid vel dandum", as my sainted grandmother used to say.

    By the way Jake, I want to thank you for showing up in the pool. Your presence has give my fellow pudillians an opportunity to see that in comparison to you , I am a down right regular, scum sucking bottom dweller true, but there is worse. So thanks for making me look, well not so distasteful as before.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-06-2001).]

  2. Originally posted by stevetherat:

    If one of you ProBoner legal secretaries would like to accept a challenge from me, you could consider yourself honoured.

    Dear Mr. Homo Rodentia:

    In regards to your request of this date regarding a "game" of Combat Mission I am afraid that I must decline at this time. Unforunetly, I find my current schedule quite full and am unable to accomodate all of the requests from mutant sychophantic (or is it syphilytic) cross breeds such as yourself.

    I have reviewed your application and found it totally without merit and devoid of sufficient taunts and/or expectorant matter. You have failed to demonstrate in an adequate and convincing manner that engaging in a contest with you will result in any betterment, other than my pool scores.

    Thank you for your interest in contacting our firm but circumstances allow us only to engage in contests that stand a reasonable chance to be exciting and a challenge. Your precis and curriculumn vitae, I afraid do not meet these standards. If in the future circumstances change, feel free to contact us again. Might I suggest that you scurry about in the danker areas of the pool and perhaps you may find an opponent more of your, shall we say, calibre?


    jd, Esq.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    Blathering revisonist history, blaming 5th columnists (George Will?) whining LOSER boy

    Jake, one word matters .......LOSER. Go play Hiram, Croda or better yet Check666 and learn how to play this game, and maybe then, I'll consider a rematch. After all I want this to stick in that pencil necked craw for quite some time. Oh did I say......Loser!

    Tata for now


    Toppler of barely-legal boy


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  4. Okay, listen up losers (and most of you are)

    Theformersquirenowalosingnon-squireCrawdad continues to attack - toujour l'audace. Very brave, very dead. His tanks lie scattered as so much chaff, used up and abandoned, he presses the attack, the last roundup, floundering as a fish thrown upon the shore above the waterline, gasping, eyes bulging, guess I better get the gaff and end it.

    paralegal shall be momentarily sending the AAR of his crushing loss. This was our rematch, in a tailor made scenario of his construction. Unfortunetly he seems to have no concept of snow warfare. He has also been shown the value of a Hvy weapons platoon and it's Mg's

    Frenchy and I are stumbling in the dark. His flank turned we have no idea where things are. Obviously the fix is in because his arty fell "only" on my troops with no direct los possible. He has demonstrated the famous Gallic disdain by shelling his own troops as well.

    RickShaw is causing me concern. His 4 panthers took out 2 shermans, losing 1 in the process. Some surprises await, but I fear this map is too big to effectively defend.

    Chuckie666's (promoted to italics) men are running for the back. The inital pool scourging being applied, he will soon learn his place at our feet.

    jsffffffffff & Wehrmachtboy are still early, Pillocks and Ewelover owe turns, Melbatoast is on hold till he restores his isp as well as CelticBard whose game hangs in the balance, 30 turns I win, 35 turns ????? Guess who set up 35 turns the batard.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. They say Big is Better..... Here's a chance to see. No puny low end systems should apply.

    Pool offer only.......

    There is a LARGE scenario, Cinetheaux based on Operation Totalize. If Big is your thing this looks like it. If interested, drop me a line, even current opponents, and we can discuss. As mentioned above, this offer is for pool folks only.

    So if you dare.....


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. For the world at large....the earlier reports of our demise have proven premature (neener neener)

    The Peng thread shall continue, as always infuriating grogdom and the like. Matt has spoken here and elsewhere and the message is Watch yerselves, fight fair and no biting off ears. Occasionally we need to remember that. ALL OF US.

    So sod off, nothing to see here, the debris has been swept to the side of the roadway, move along.

    Taunt at will. That is all.



    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. And in the category If at first you don't succeed.... our Own Elijah who has successfully infected the Gi Combat Board with his heartfelt rendition of Peng I take our Challenge Intergalactic to be found at http://www.gicombat.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/000013.html

    The unsuspecting infectee is unaware of the viral load that has been inserted and seems to be naievely wondering about his new found "friend" Be afraid, be very afraid.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  8. From Fionn's post which I think makes a very good point to remember.....

    GI Combat will survive or fall on its ability to get casual wargamers and RT gamers to buy it ON THE SHELVES (a real difference no-one has yet focussed on.. publicly). It's going for a different market. It's market wouldn't know a Pz III E from a Pz II L. It'll be flashy, graphicy and RT and it will sell to its market. I hope it does well, it certainly should if it is finished well and gets promoted heavily as the basic idea is a winner.
    that means ultimately more CM sales. Fionn finished by saying "Support wargaming, not tribalism." Well said.

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-02-2001).]

  9. Slappy posted a follow up that I think help clarify his comments and was positive feedback. That is he hopes the focus will be at the actual squad level, then FPS/RTS makes more sense and might make a good addition to wargaming. Any larger than that and it risks dissolving into a massive clickfest.

    As was noted IgotMilk, an interesting character has signed on so best to pity them.

    Finally, Fionn has shown up and made inquires as to what is happening.

    What's a bit perplexing is that there have been quite a few number of posts that are asking about game parameters,but no one is answering them. Not a good customer service action. I 'd expect (cause BTS spoiled me) that it'd be wise to have a constant monitor on it and get some basic answers out there to new arrivals

  10. I'll second that. As has been pointed out they are still in developmental stages and really do not have much to share. Not that you can't ask questions about what the parameters of the game will be, but to engage in a debate about CM v Gi Combat is not called for.

    Remember how it felt when we had our CC incursion a while back? Be classy, let them take the shots. When the games available evaluate it. Because it may not hold a candle to CM (which I suspect will be the case) remember that it is a way to get more people interested in wargaming and that is a good thing. Serious players will soon figure out if the final product is good or not.

    But remember that newbies to wargaming who use it as an entrance point will be potential BTS clients.

  11. Ahhh Peng..you and I have never really crossed, like traders on the spice roads we take little notice of each other, save tightening one hand on our dirks and the other on the bag of coins at our waist. Like the avoidance of the "I will work for food" vagrant that could care less about actually working our glances find only vacuity present.

    So you have chosen to to allow us a few words. Good. You lament amid sackcloths and ashes, and rending and gnashing of teeth and say you are bored and and the world is worthless. You decry the civility, such as passes here, as deflated virol with none of the desired bile. As if some moonshiner finds that his latest batch isn't up to par.

    I have never been one to unleash a flood of despicability nor do I posses facility of words. I speak in a rather passionless and contrieved way because I lack the soul of a sociopath, but more embrace the souless vacumn of the serial killer who lingers over the victim and considers the better way to flay them. So take your leave enveloped in a veil of tears or laugh mightily at seeking to provoke reaction. your games are transparent.

    Peng you are a vagrant toad, mightily in need of the elxir enema you obviously and patently crave. Sitting in your dingy warren, reading with bulbous eyes and wizened mien, the trite pap that we post. You have become a characture of your self, a misbegotten relic of another time ages past when the words you wrote meant something. When is the last time you actually wrote anything that matters? When was the last time you bothered yourelf to actually show these tadpoles what a vicious stream of conciousness can do when coupled with a talent and love of the written word? In a word, so to speak, it's been a long time. Don't lecture us about how things aren't the way you think they ought to be. Get down here with the sociopaths and psychotics and loonies and lawyers and pretend like you have a spark of inspiration. Truth be told old man, your postings are irrelevant as are you. Useless tripe and uninspired doggerel. Why should it be "the Peng Thread" there is no peng here, nor has there been one for a long time.

    So stay in your Olympian eyrie. Sucking your Maloox and bicarb. Throw your geritol at the TV. You lack the single most important element you codger, you no longer care. Fie to you boyo, Meeks at least cares in his own twisted Messianic way, Sean cares with the gentle careess of a lover, Mace, well the sheep care about Mace.

    So what it comes to you twisted cartiliginous pompous and bombastic sack of [insert approriate substance here] you have about as much insight, value and intelligence as Kelli on Survivor 2. you are our nightmares vampire, sucking our precious bodily fluids and essence and complaining that we do not have enough blood to satisfy your cravings. Begone or stay, but embrace the passion and be, for once worthy of your name.

    I remain your humble servant

    jd, Esquire


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 02-02-2001).]

  12. Ishmaelkander, sorry mate, I suscribe to the school of, 1) we play games here 2) if you are amusing we keep you around. Unlike some other useless wanks we tend to have drop in. Unfortunetly, you seemed to show some promise. Consequently my assent.

    Since you seem to be reneging on what you asked for, ie a game, it no doubt indicates you have no desire to play a game and actually subject yourself to losing. Contrary to your image, I enjoy the journey rather than the reward. If you make it amusing, all the better.

    So I shall grant you your wish. Go "taunt" someone else. Whether I play you or not IS inconsequential to me. Shoot I have too many games going as it is. Hang here if you wish and insult but merely running off at the mouth is so passe. It is a challenge thread afterall. Frankly, I cannot find the wherewithall to care to respond in any particular way other than to ignore you.

    So it'll be a cold day my friend before we shall play. And if I sound pissy it is because I am in a rotten and foul mood after tangling with a particular administrative law judge who is attempting to screw my client. So take your babbling elsewhere, CAUSE I DON"T (nor will I ever ) CARE.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  13. So the turnip, Ismell decides to proceed? Let's exaimine his application.

    Originally posted by Iskander:

    ...Not that the Hagia Sophia of the Third Person of PENG™ would not know,

    Good nice reference with some cultural awareness
    ...Gods fiery testicles, man!
    nice imagery there, but you shall of course must deal with "you know whose" retibution for that
    Of course “engineer” is ambiguous! The likes of us can slither from one overpaid job to the next while our last boss was still figuring out what the hell it was we were supposed to do!
    At least you posses a modicum of insight into your owm pathetic self
    ... And I don’t believe for an Albertan minnit)…
    acceptable allusion to the god forsaken wasteland we find ourselves banished to
    Now dump that secretary off your lap ... for I shall plant you and your jacket into the dirt like so many other avocadoes!
    Not a strong finish but it has a certain amusement qualty to it. The rest was unadulterated ****e.

    I'll give it a C-. At least you have shown some promise. Much like the potential mold has on a left open container of yougurt. Mind you I'd never sponsor you , but tolerate comes to mind. Before you prattle on, reflect that you are the supplicant seeking my deference to your presence. truly pathetic when you consider it. Hmmm should I allow him to grovel and kiss my ring, or piss on him. Well that's the beauty of the pool I can do both.

    So by seeking a game you acknowledge your worthlessness, in that case you may send an appropriate setup and we shall carve upon your softer parts, Loser as has been done to so many before you.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-31-2001).]

  14. Originally posted by Iskander:

    jd, the only bar association that would approve of you...mindless drivel......it's obvious the only reason you have won blather and useless posturing....Yeah, that's right, Mr.-lay-out-the-cigs-workers-on-their-ass-while-I-fire-up-a-Camel-with-my-secretary(or Meeks)-squirming-in-my-lap-as-she-takes-dic-tation,....(actually this is pretty good).... I am calling you out!

    Sheesh bugger it all. Did I step in something? An Engineer with 32 posts. Don;t that just beat all. This is what I get for being such a sucker at taking on new games with useless wanks who drop in......such as Croda, or Marlow and recently Chuckles666. Course he has broken my heart as I broke his back and has not be seen in a age and a day.

    Well CallmeIshmael or is it ischemia? Nevermind, dropping by with a fine folderol may impress some but I have learned to be more sparing in my largesse. Obviously you are someone who harbors a great sense of inadequacy probably because you couldn't even get into law school so had to settle on being an "engineer" Always an ambiguous and uncertain term. It can conceal so much inadequacy andin your case obviously does.

    Course your choosing to pick me out defiantly marks you as defective, both in mental acuity, taste and pose,as well as any chance at impressing the others. Stick around boyo, engage in the fun, splash in the wading pool and we shall see. After all, why should I play a useless git like you? Let's see your "logical and mathematical reasoning" at work. Impress me why I should stain my hands with the puerile likes of you.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  15. Disclaimer: My appearance here is not to be construed as an endorsement or support of this thread at this time. At the time of this writing, however, the "Mutha Beautiful Thread" is still alive, although on a respirator and Dr. Death Matt is looming in the background.

    That being said I have no objections to the northerly swing of the thread and Babs as an initiator is a spot on fellow. However, the Mutha Beautiful Thread is a transcendent concept that picks it's own resting place. So in the interim, we shall see where the collective consciousness settles.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  16. Originally posted by Croda:

    As for the rest of you...especially jd and shandorffffffff, bah!!!

    He he. Ahh my little croda, did losing your Hellcat and Shermie make your day? How many men and tanks have you lost? Bunches buttcheeks. I was truly appalled reviewing our battlefield at the waste of life you so callously have thrown away. WWI lives, mon general.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  17. With the recent barrages lancing the skies o'r our heads, I am absolutely amazed at the depth, amount, breadth and size, of the insightful aucumen and knowledge of the massed pool. Course I also am amazed at the totally useless and unused and wasted knowledge, as if any of us actually had a life at any point as well. Never have so few, known so much of totally irrelevant information. It's almost sociological.....or is that pathological or both? In honor of our current apostasy, and to piss off the French (they do hate our fractured HS attempts), whose for a little sing song then?

    Sur la pont d'Avigion

    l'on y danse, l'on y danse

    Sur la pont d"Avigion

    Tout du monde

    It's always amusing to see someone try to create order out of chaos. The pool is already anrcho-syndicalist in nature.....with 2 lawyers, could there be any other result than more chaos?


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 01-30-2001).]

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