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Posts posted by jd

  1. Hail and well met Lorak..now I realize that you have got yourself a nice sinecure here, goverment job and all, but really dear boy, you need to stop dozing off in the afternoon. Distinctly posted back on page 4

    Thus the legaltruppen prevail:


    Meeks - loss

    So be a good chap and adjust the record. Not for me, heavens I am beyond such gloating, rather for Meeks. He does so want the records to be straight and well...I just had to indulge the youngster


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-13-2001).]

  2. Said elsewhere by a crazed multiple personality

    Despite any statements on the Pool otherwise, I have nothing but respect for your damned abilities as a commander. I will, of course, deny I ever made that statement if asked.

    Sometimes one's hand is forced tongue.gif


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Course this is the advantage of the cesspool - winning is a means to make jokes brag and puff hotair, and losing is an opportunity to make jokes brag and puff hotair.

    Actually I think my pool comrades play a "generally" realistic and straight up game. I have never had to deal with weird force mixtures. As for tactics, some are better than others, but it is the camaraderie that matters

    For me one of the rites of obligation is to go on the board and confess I sucked big time in a game (hear that chrisl, you'll get it eventually!)

    I guess what I am saying that alot of the win/lose is taken out if the guys you play with are straight up and decent (and if anyone posts this back in the pool, I'll deny it and that's my story, and I'll stick to it)

  4. Originally posted by Hamsters:

    Jd has bested me. Mine nipples are in mine ears. Lorak, scribe it as thus.

    Tis true, MeekHamster has burrowed in. Cratering so to speak. Course I swear his brood procreated over on my right flank. A platoon went into the woods and came out a company, charging into my guns. While all of 25 turns, on a small map the fighting was intense.

    Thus the legaltruppen prevail:


    Meeks - loss


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. Okay lets get the sauna fired up and I shall regale you with tales of derring do and base cowardice........

    MeekHanster has made a valiant effort. He is massing his brave boys for a final assault across the leafy vale. Trouble is his troops suffered mightily in rousting one of my platoons and was repulsed with significant loss on my other flank. His jabofixation was put to rest by about turn 5 with the net result of two nicely positioned foxholes for my troops. Time is running out for the forces of multiple personality boy. I fear he has no choice but to blow the whistles and have his boys go over the top.

    Crodatheformersquire I fear is as equally fixated on big battles as he is on Crodaberg. Definitely some sort of psychological overcompensation for a perceived inadequacy. Oh well, out of loyalty I consent to batter him silly from time to time. This should be no different.

    JosephSmith has started out yet another game complaining that he made a mistake in setting up. Must be a standard disclaimer. All I know is at this point is that this is sniper alley and that Joe likes to hang his Panthers out one by one so that 10+ allied barrels of 76mm or more can have a shot at him, with predictable results. Stay tuned on this one.

    grenouilefacedboy has been understudying the Mormon Wives school of armor usage as aptly demonstrated by JS above. Show it and hope they run. Despite the demonstration that 3 beats 1, Monsieur insists that 1 sherman can beat 3 German tanks any day. A highlight in this night battle is the fireworks I am employing around his 2 remaining VL's, the others being held by me. I have no clue if he is there but we are on turn 3 of the bomardment. We shall see if it has had any effect. It was a whim, what can I say as his tactics so far have been of the guerrilla school of hit and die.

    In the battle of Evil Incarnate vs Evil Manifest it would seem that the things of the nether world are no match for the evilness of the world. I believe Berli's last words were,

    "It is no fun getting raped"
    crude perhaps but accurate as another building housing and sheltering his men explodes. He has lost 2 TD's 1 Sherman, 2 HT's and myriad men to my, well let me see,......hmmmm, 1 case of trenchfoot.

    MrPeng has proven to be a steady and stand up fellow about keeping up a regular flow of turns, and for that I will treat him with respect, at least till our forces come to gather and grapple in another night fest.

    Geriltoy is being methodically rousted and evicted. I lost a platoon to carelessness, ie I could have sworn his frenchies were waving a white flag......but the cowardly lot displayed their treachery and gunned my poor trusting troops down like dogs. Vengeance may be the Lord's but revenge shall be mine.

    Kitty'sBoySpacey has graduated from the armor school of JS and Spaw (see above) He has learned to use tanks in groups. After a clever ambush of one of my kampfgruppe's he has managed to employ his forces en masse. Let's see, I believe he has been losing them at a rate of an average of 2 a turn. One interesting note is that a quartet of Tigers is blasting away at a Sherman jumbo (immobilized a couple of turns ago.) Despite being turned into zombie mush from the ringing of the multiple (and I do mean multiple hits) he will not die, at least from the front. Since this was an experiment in armor pentration, he shall be dispatched shortly.

    Shandorffffffel continues his gamey tactics of sending a battalion down the board edge and insists on over running my positions. like I said a "gamey bastard" We are running low on artillery, ammo and velveeta, but my men are prepared to defend Western Civilization, even if futiley (MTV™, Survivor™ Bank of America™, Spam™) from the Hunnish foe.

    Chrisl tongue.gif enough said, because I am beseeching the CM gods to provide reinforcements for the next battle because these have been squandered and wasted in the most futile of demonstrations of the PeterNZ Principle: If it starts badly, it will almost assuredly end worse Right Berli?

    If there is anyone else Diealot™ll I can get back to you.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. Originally posted by Shandorf:

    I am a nice guy!) and one of them happened to be to JD who's ass I am kicking pretty bad right now.....in one of his e-mails to me he hinted that this might be an assault. To say the least I was shocked at his accusation and I proved it to him by telling him everything I have or had that is... and now that toad doesn't send return files.

    Yup no argument here. You are beating me on the up and up (gamey bastard) But I was blown away (along with many of my units at the discrepancy in what you get vs what my points allow, ie a Battalion+ vs a US Rifle company w/ hvy weapons platoon. 5 tanks/TD's vs 3, 6 FO's vs 2, 7 250's vs none. BTS do somefink. Maybe next time we switch he he.

    You better not be backing out you spineless bottom feeder. Our game is on the up and up. You are just losing.

    I am waiting for your next turn you sadist. To the bitter end.

    You remember losing don't you, JD? It is what you do everyday in court. Remember? Except this time after you lose there isn't any big fat paycheck from the sucker..er.. client you just screwed...err... represented. Got it? deal with it!

    You dip! That's why there are RETAINERS, paid UP FRONT!


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. Originally posted by Lordfluffers:

    ....and have a feeling that it maybe directed against me for my JagdPanther and JagdPanzer IV based on Tiger's work..... I hope this allays your concern, jd.


    Not aimed at you. Your posting was only the catalyst to a thought that actually had it's origins in a prior mod discussion on the forum some time ago. I have noticed that more and more mods are being made and often in our initial excitement we don't consider others or how they may or may not feel. Thus I thought a mere "suggestion" had merit. Perhaps to raise the collective consciousness of our community. To make others aware that there is at least an issue to consider, perhaps reflect on the best course rather on what we do without thought. Nothing more. BTW liked your mods!

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-08-2001).]

  8. Well I see the jack booted Big Brother thugs of the fascist state (for any lame-o's this is an ironical reference to recent American politics and since the thread is basically anrcho-syndicalist what do you expect) have decreed that "this' is the muthabeautiful thread. Hmm I think it's origins are suspect and the industrial-military complex is trying to set precedent to determine orthodox lineage.

    To the barricades, mes enfants! Power to the 'POOL! In fact we need to rise and show those in power what they can do with their feckin' la-de dah "will let you play here" attitude Arise brothers and sisters, You have only your Shackles to lose! Let us take back the power from those Pi...........[due to technical difficulties the remaining portion of this post has been cleansed of any taint or infection of incorrect ideology]




  9. First, of all systems, the sequential numbering IS simplist. Esp if you have 12+ games going at once.

    I receive a turn and save it to desktop. I open the turn, CM saves to PBEM folder n'est-ce pas? Sequentially numbered viola.

    I esp. came to use this when I remebered that I did not have to save any files received (my browser does that) and all I had to keep was the last turn I sent out. Thus I can grab any of my opponents turns or send out my last if there is an error. No need to waste a ton of hard drive space.

  10. Originally posted by Kitty:

    .....and only post mods on one site . . . gee, mine would seem suitable . . . that's password protected and charge a monthly membership fee to get in. =)

    Awright a mod porn site!!! smile.gif

    Perhaps this discussion will highlight that creative people care about what they do. How it's perceived and gee, maybe a word of acknowledgment. Not sking permission to modify the creative work of another and then to pass it along in the public is rude (Note I am not talking about for your own use here) At a minimum I think we all agree that attribution is necessary. I am "suggesting" for new modders who have not thought about this issue before the "Miss Manners" says, always check.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-05-2001).]

  11. Just a thought for new mod makers. Some people are modifying other people's work. Say Tiger's or Marcos. Perhaps changing the colors or zimmerat etc.

    I'd hope that before you make such mods of mods available to the public at large that you seek the permission of the mod artist whose work you are modifying.

    If they don't give you permission then I'd hope you do not release it. I'd also suggest that sending it to them and soliciting their comments might also be a good idea before making it public.

    I am sure that most will not with hold permission but I think etiquette suggests that you at least ask first.

  12. Originally posted by DekeFentle:

    I repeat any of you slack-jawed windbags want a game?

    Uhhh let me think............NO! ya ewe-ish love object. Go do your home work, figure out what this place is and how it works. Then and only then, DON"T COME BACK ya twitch faced geek (and I use it in the carnival sense) Useless wank


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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