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Posts posted by jd

  1. Pshaw anyone who feels the need to rely on Jake for validation and excuse giving deserves to be gutted, your sinew ripped from your body and your mouth sewn shut with your own entrails, that being the case I shall endeavor to accomplish the same in our soon to be concluded set to........


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  2. Originally posted by dalem:

    .....I will endeavor to explain my second loss to Cromag in terms even he can understand:

    TWO losses to the former squire of mine! Congratualtions to him, but man, it must suck to be you. Lorak we may need to create a special category similar to the *lost to peng notation. I mean NO NONE can lose to Croda twice! Once, maybe, but twice increases his win record by 50%!


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. Really jakeleodeo your "cm envy" is showing. One, you haven't beat me since the flood sent Noah scurrying, 2) I actually practice law, 3) You haven't been squired (need to get those inoculations first, I think, or is it neutered?) 4) you seem to think it's about winning 5) You think beating Iskander means something....heavens he's only recently been raised from serfdom and 6) we do not care.....

    Now on to other things. Nicely put young squire, but I am beginning to suspect that you are of a lean and hungry look, thinking too much and as such may be dangerous. So it is time to begin your tutelage, and while I appreciate that you both have a literary and sycophantic bent, first we have a little matter to settle between us and it may require the use of the belt for correction. We shall await a set up of your choosing to see if you understand proper groveling.

    In other news, I await Peng's most recent turn as he seems to have slipped off into sleepytime, or else he and Hiram are lying in some Phillie gutter at this moment. Also wayward, without a word is Marletoad who reappeared and has vanished.

    Mace notawholelotyoucandowiththatname has sued for a ceasefire. He has 1 immobilized jumbo off in the woods somewhere (with a Tiger hunting it down) another immobilized jumbo with the Panther from Hell (who has already single handily tracked down the slayers of his earlier compatriots and has wreaked a terrible vengeance) just waiting for the smoke to dissipate (the cm equivalent of crapping in his pants) as said Panther has him bore-sighted up the tailpipe as it were. And finally a jumbo that as we speak is being drawn down on by a JagdV. Hit 76% Kill good, Hull down. I like my chances there.

    Smokin' Joe is learning that a squad has trouble standing up against 90mm direct fire as well as 105mm and 155mm arty. However, due to the fact that we have been killing each others's everything, the out come is murky. One interesting note, a M4A3 (76) can take out a JagdTiger from the side-rear aspect as herr Shaw has learned.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  4. Lorak We are pleased to announce that the match of Evil Incarnate vs Evil Manifest has come to it's conclusion. Various daemons, sprites, familiars and incarnates battled across a frozen landscape bearing a certain resemblance to one of the lower levels of Dante's Hell. No Beatrices anywhere insight. But I do believe that a frozen face appearing in the ice over which our hobnailed boots trod, did, in a peculiar manner resemble consigliari "jake the snake".

    Nonetheless the combination of brimstone and sulfur, obscuring the skies as mighty armies battled resulted in the victory of evil manifest in the world over that which spawns and inspires. Truly, we both summoned foul and noxious creature to aid in our struggle, and ethereal cyan hued rays split the earth asunder, yet prevail over a mighty foe, a worthy , yet defeated opponent, victorious I be.

    I mount (now is it Mace or Bauhaus we are admonishing) on the pole outside my tent the skull and visage of Berli.

    jd - win

    Berli - loss


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-30-2001).]

  5. For Mac users only: (you can turn over and go back to sleep maximus smile.gif)

    After installing the Tiger sky mods, they still did not show up. They were installed in Graphic 9 just fine but my iMac still kept showing the old sky views. I discovered that Graphic 10 also had a set of textures. The solution is then easy..

    Re-number the bmp's (1400 -->) to 1430-1444. Use either MacMod manager to install them into Graphic 10 and there you are.

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-28-2001).]

  6. question why the honorable and oh so esteemed CM barrister, jd had so cruelly and slanderously been mentioned in a rather crude context on the previosu page. "well I guess it's that Australian Condition", he muttered, "Always galavanting around and making their presence felt, disturbing decent folk." Suddenly, he spied......


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. Okay, call me a dolt, but for some reason everynow and again the forum loses my password and id causing me to have to manually post them each time I start.... I had this once before, and iirc you delete cookies on the preference page and turn around 3 times and spit, oh never mind, does anyone remember what we need to do for it to remember id/passwords?

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-26-2001).]

  8. Lorak, prepare the cup of bitter herbs and scrive thusly....

    Hamsters has well and truly buried us. I have sent my surrender.

    Pawbroom and I have managed to settle our match with a draw, neither of us truly excelled in this one.

    Hamsters - win

    jd - loss

    Pawbroom - draw

    jd - draw


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  9. Sorry for the intrusion folks, but I have to get a hold of Sgt Morgue as soon as possible regarding some business matters. So if anyone has heard from him or is in contact with him, please let me know where he is or have him call or email me.


    John David Morse

    Hi Mom smile.gif !


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-23-2001).]

  10. Originally posted by Abbott:

    I do understand that the fear in your hearts of a REAL player entering the depths of this stinking slime pit of a home you have here causes you concern. I have stated ? would take it easy on you?but still you cringe in fear and hide behind your malodorous printed tripe.

    You , you GunnyBambino, sheesh are you so totally lacking in intellect to actually think we care that we may lose. ****e on a stick man, I'd have hoped you'd do your homework and research. The actual playing is of inconsequential nature, it is in words of boastful taunting, or weasely shifting of the blame to the other, or simply proudly being gamey that we, the collective pool revel in. The words matter. let's have some pedagogy or pettifoggery, but not some gee I can play CM. Like we care. Go away.


    • illegitimi carborundum est

    • frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-22-2001).]

  11. Originally posted by Abbott:

    How insulting does a guy seeking respite for a game or two from ladder play have to get around here to get a game?

    A hell of alot more than this. You were warned. In our infinite compassion we shall share with you our truest thoughts: Go stick your pustule pocked face down some effluent filled hole, inhale and get the hell out of here. Ya stupid git.
    I have been told "just post in the Peng thread and insult somebody"
    Gawd almighty, must we be forced to suffer these lambs (back off Mace.....no on second thought have at him) led to slaughter? ****e, does NO one read out there? I mean it'd not like bloody hell we haven't repeatedly told these moronic inbred hog wallerin poofs about what is expected here? abbot, go, just go......it is not a nice place here, we do not care about you, nor give a rat's ass about playing a game with you (well Bauhaus does, but only about the ass of the rat part.)

    You are an ignorant putz, go read the previous "peng" threads and maybe you will get the idea. No, probably not 'cause you are a worthless dumbass wanker. And that's fair dinkum. Piss off. Please (go see Leoo)! and tell the "other world" not to bother dropping by. Just dropping dead will do.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  12. Originally posted by Mace:

    But I digress, under rule B, I would like to report the following cheating, gamey bastards: JD ... either by tweaking the PBEM files in their favour, or black mailing the CMBO algorithms by threatening to release incriminating photos of these in compromising positions.

    There is a taint of corruption here, and I don't mean Joe Shaw. I will now be carrying out an official hearing into these malpractices (as representative of Government).[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 03-21-2001).]

    Ahh my dear Mace, an exposition is in order, I believe, because as I observed it is a lovely piece of work that is unfolding.....

    As I have acknowledged before, my unsuspecting kampfgruppe had tragedy befall it when Mace sprung a very pretty ambush. The sole surviving Panther was cut off, far from any support, it's only choice to flee or to stand and fight until relieved.

    Facing, as memory serves, several Hellcats, 3 Sherman Jumbos and another tank or two, my brave TC has been playing hide and seek with the task force assigned his destruction. I believe the Panther's kill stats are at 6 and still he continues to prowl behind Mace's lines. A true Ghost in the Darkness he bedevils and out maneuvers, outfoxes and out shoots all who are sent against him.

    Now some may comment that perhaps it is the hand behind the units that has resulted in such disastrous shortcomings in armor handling, far from it be my place to make such an observation, yet truly that end of the board marks the grave of many a crew, who expiring whispers a curse at the men that sent them to so needlessly die, oh so far from the succor of hearth......


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-21-2001).]

  13. Originally posted by Lawyer:

    I'm an EEO killer who stalks the Pool at my leisure flushing away useless gits at all levels because it's cheaper and easier than getting a new septic tank. The Legal King picks the prime, the prim, and the pompous to feel the sharp sting .... etc

    Jakeleodeo, your pomposity is only surpassed by your delusion. After all as I recall, in the setup we recently played, carefully constructed by you to maximize your advantage, you lost! So much for Mr. toothless Lion Scat.

    Now as for faithful and earnest young squire Iskander we shall apply such tutelage and instruction in the ways of the pool that the stiff rod of correction (watch it there Bauhaus) shall be appropriately employed that through sacrifice and the forge of service he may some day rise his sallow mien from the low estates from whence he has sojourned. First lesson will be in the humility of remembering that those of privileged rank often bestow a boon and favor upon such newcomers that allowing a win to slip gently into that goodnight, is oft practiced, and should be gratefully acknowledged. Am I not right, my young apprentice?


    edited to remove Jake's overuse of bold typeface

    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-21-2001).]

  14. Not intentional but.......picture this.....

    On one side of a ridge line a Panther, on the other side a Hellcat stalking (along with 4 other allied tanks the panther that has already killed 4 of his compatriots) ...... Orders are given....the movie plays.....

    Both advance, they meet at the top, head on and engage in a deadly pax de deux. The Panther pushes the Hellcat, back...and back and back, knowing that if it slipped off, the Hellcats turret turned alot quicker...end of turn.....

    Next movie, panther backs in reverse, targets the M18 who seems to be asleep and ....... paint a 5th circle on the barrel....

    Currently hunting the 6th victim, like Alien, picking the crew off one by one. Right Mace!


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  15. Originally posted by chrisl:

    jd is trying to bore me into surrendering by continuing to play...

    Nope I am bored also. Surrender has been sent. I figure rune or chrisl/1 used superglue or had a Bn of NKVD commissars behind their lines to shoot panicked troops. His squads (British paras) refused to budge, no wonder they held Arnheim so long...so last of rune for me, the evil bastard, the last two of his I have played have been , well lets just say unsightly....so bury this as the dead dog it is..

    jd - loss

    chrisl/1 (rune familiar, right Berli?)- win


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-21-2001).]

  16. Iskander.....you silly poof your isp is bouncing stuff....Okay you ungrateful wretch, get out here and grovel. Else I'll get out the belt, the one with the metal studs and little bits of Croda's flesh still adhering. Course since your head is down the toidy you are probably clueless (as are all squires) to your elevation in status. No matter, we shall soon learn ye manners ......

    Hamsters is gnawing my leg, lizardbreath beating me about the head, chrysalis/1 is laughing his head off at rune's evilness to me in our game, so I have taken to ritually abusing Berli and Mace. Grenouille hasn't been seen in a sang froid moment, MormonWives and I trade killing tanks and shooting up the countryside, and theformersquirenevertobekinighted Cromagon awaits to prove he can finally win in a fixed game.


    •illegitimi carborundum est

    •frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-20-2001).]

  17. Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

    Considering that I have committed the "unpardonable sin" of not continuing the other PBEMs, what do I need to do be forgiven? I know that I have been cast out of the group I was never welcome in.

    Ahh Hiram, you were never cast out, in fact I suspect that your little corner of the pool has been kept, well not clean, but it's there. I hate to say it but I suspect (although if they admidt it, I'd be surprised) that the denizen's of that time hold a fondness for your presence (even if it was to be able to pad their record!). Frankly I missed the daily fun of wondering which Hiram was going to show up. And as I told you before, you developed a particular persona in the pool.

    In fact, I still have our pbem in the "pending" folder. True that this part of the world is kind of like scabies, horriffic to look at, but you can't tear your eyes away.

    So if you want to spit in the cat's eye and call it a bastard and continue on, all right by me......


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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