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Posts posted by jd

  1. Originally posted by Iskander:

    ... as a loyal yet unattached-Squire by making sure that the level of cess stays high enough for all present...

    This is obviously a cry for help. As knights we are subject to helping the less fortunate , as well as lese magiste, and of course droit de seiguener. Iskander has affected a harmless conceit with his handle, has an acceptable record in pool play (of which I was a victim) as well as having a bit of grey matter between the ears. I shall sponsor same (if only to insulate myself from another bitter defeat... see also goanna, chrisl, hammy for certain, others to follow as conditions develop) and demand that once the purging and leeches have done their work that he returns to the tourament lists and justifies my faith in him.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  2. Originally posted by Stoffel:

    enough about my country,there is more here than drugs,whores and wooden shoes......

    makes me...sick ,lock this one up!!!!!

    Oh yeah and two-lips too, don't fegit them. As a side business we could trash the country or location we are in, as the toristas drive by. Sort of like the football (soccer) hooligans.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  3. ConfusedBoy apparently has (auto?) surrendered to me, but that was after the Gallic hordes with faces painted blue yelling "Vercingetriox shall be avenged!" and "Remember Alesia!"Came sweeping through the fog, smoke and burning plumes of houses afire in a le banzai! charge.Combat was hand to hand and desperate. At least on his side. They were gunned down on the spot but it was a bit exciting in a sadistic sort of way. Like pulling the legs off a spider. 86-14, your basic Total Victory.

    In other new, Mace has been trying to deal with the Panther from Hell running amok in his rear. The last survivor of a small kampfgruppe thatMacey nicely bushwhacked, this little kitty has eviscerated 5 of his tanks. Sort of like Alien where the crew keeps getting picked off one by one as they try to run me to the ground.

    Hamsters is well finding that his troops have a morale problem. On his right a Mg outpost and gun, had one shot fired at them and gave it up so quick that a Times Square Hooker would have been impressed.

    PawIamamoddernowBroom (a very nice one too btw) and I continue to stagger in the dark and both are seeking ways to lose this one to the other.

    JoebertShaw and I die in droves as we recreate the Eastern Front, Battle of Kursk, as I try to break out, and he resists. Lizardboyhas made me a one armed boxer. nothing like haveing your Pershing bogg and get immobilized on the far sode of the hill from his positions, pfaff! Chisel will win, but I am extracting some punishment in the night phase of our operation. When the sun comes up, I shall die. Peng awaits my approach in our night battle. What he doesn't know is that I am already behind him. Shhh. Don't tell him, ok?

    jd - win

    Andreas - loss


    edited to make sure GB (gunnyBunny? Seprated at birth?) loss is clear

    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-18-2001).]

  4. Originally posted by Croda:

    jd is beginning the Bataan death march toward my gritty defenders. We will stack him like cordwood and sell him to the Swedes to keep them warm in the summer.

    After numrerous judicious laying in of The strap of correction and butch slapping of my formersquirewhowillneverbeknighted, I consented to play a scenario so outlandish and crooked that even Crocklet can win. A Bn+ sized compensation for his own lacks, I am tasked with sending my troops through the forest of the wicked witch while his "flying spanking monkeys" keep watch.

    There are all of 3 exits on a large map which requires me to snake through the woods. Woods mind you so that he can concentrate 5000 pts in the equvalent of 200 meters of open space. If this boy chose to put minefields, I personally will rio his guts out, stringing them from his ears with the tendons and sinew that I first removed, then I'll get nasty.

    So as his fomer Liege lord, I have to throw him a bone and play such an unequal board, but then, hell, I'll still probably pummel the poxy prole.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  5. Welcome to the forum.....your mum did the right thing. You see, once you get it you:

    1) won't be seen again and your demands will be less. No need for other games and she'll get some peace and quiet.

    2) You will spend all your time on line or playing (either at the forum, tcp/ip or processing pbem's) and can't run with the wrong sort of crowd there by putting her mind at rest that you might get into trouble


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  6. "Okay, closer, closer..... that's it.......

    What the hell was that?!



    You bastard! Take that!

    Crap! Now what?

    How long is the FO going to wait to ge that arty to fall!



    Ha! Ha!

    NOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO where did THAT come from!

    Man was that cool!"

    There does that help? smile.gif


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  7. I beieve Madmatt is going to be posting an update to his "modders guide" at CMHQ http://www.combatmission.com/ soon. Also, you need to decide about the darker terrain mods, such as DD's. Some people love them, for me they are too dark. It's personal. Start with Matts site. CM Outpost and Combat Missions are the other 2 priemer places. IMHO


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  8. Joe, I am beginning to worry about you old man. This fixation on a young, virile and wholesome squire is making me uneasy. Has your local chapter of NAMBLA been recruiting again? In the world of sexual deviancy such behavior, esp in an older person occupying a position of power and authority over the young man, would certainly be characterized as grooming behavior.

    I am afraid Joe that you are going to have to "retire" to the monastery where you can engage in appropriate "meditation" with a whip to scourge yourself of the unclean and base desires that you seem to harbor.


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-15-2001).]

  9. Too true. I find I can't mange to keep my interest with the AI. The solution is PBEM for me. With 14+ games going I have plenty to occupy what time I have after work.

    I find the human factor to always be a challenge [course when I a being dissected and kicked around the board it is a little harder to boot up smile.gif]

    So thats the solution, keeping it hot and heavy. Besides, the AI can't taunt or make wise cracks about my most recent move!


    •Non illegitimi carborundum est

    •If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  10. hmm reinforced Bn vs reinforced company and you manage ONLY a minor victory, I'd say that that's a victory for me Mrcan'tevenmanageto thumppondscum. That's pathetic, just like your tactics, even rolling up my flank you still could not take all the flags. What a doof. A 3-1 advantage and you squander it like a 2 bit whore squanders her viginity 4x a day.

    Jefe, I thought you were supposed to be good? I guess in the venacular allegedly good. Well I haven't seen it. If I, off all people can hpold out against that tsunami of feldgrau you commanded, well the fault must lie at the top of the field command. Minor vic, jefe, minor vic.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

  11. Originally posted by SybotCB:

    Question here from a Wargaming Newbie.

    2) Peng (And why that means your allowed to taunt and slander people (In good fun of course).

    Because 1) we can, 2) it's fun and enjoyable (consensual adult only) 3) Source of pbem's with a wide variety of skill 4) No grognard personalities allowed, must be checked at door.

    As to source, Well MrPeng is a bit of a celebrity, read the "Of cabbages and Kings" http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/003957.html thread and Seanachai started the whole misbagosh....blame him


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-14-2001).]

  12. Originally posted by Iskander:

    Thesis: Croda is gamey.

    Antithesis: Inner Croda is not gamey.

    Synthesis: ???

    Now don't you be dragging your Hegelian dialectic's in here young man. This is a respectable thread, not like your cesspool.

    But the answer is......Synthesis = another loss for the Cro-boy. Sorry Croda, my former squire, but facts is facts.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-14-2001).]

  13. Hamsters...I find it hard to refrain myself when all you can manage is an ad hominen attack. I'd rather not respond in the same vein you worthless pile of moose dung. But I digress. If we are going to keep it on the western front (for the Axis) or was that the west from Poland, but East for the Allies, unless it was Russia, no the Soviet Union, of which we speak, then let us consider the under utilization of that Recon element par excellance, of course I am speaking of the US Calvary's M2A4 fast recon vehicle, the "Jackalope" Known for it's quickness and ability to shoot and scoot, the Jackalope carried a potent weapon for such a lightly armored unit. Mounting twin bofors horns, the allied jackalopes were the stuff of legends (or was that stuffed legends?) when they were used.

    There does that satisfy your uber german bent? (idiot)


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

    [This message has been edited by jd (edited 03-14-2001).]

  14. Of course ulitimately we have to ask why BTS has not modeled the deerA3E8 in CM. We have seen the incursion and ultimate inclusion, as sponsored by the Bovine wing of the stationary Jersey. Frankly I'd think the Gurnsey was more apropos vis a vis the time scale we are discussing.

    That of course raises the questions as to the ability of the deerA3E8 to run once crew casualities are incurred.

    BTS had best fix this flaw, now. I have it on good authority that this unit was involved in many operations in the european theatre, often suffering horrendous losses.

    Do somefink or I will be forced to stop playing CM as it totally desroys any sense of relaism for me.


    If frogs had uzi's, snakes woudn't mess with them so much. - Hiram

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