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Everything posted by Shatter

  1. One other thing, I try to leave an At gun or tank hidden on a flank to perform this very deed. _____________________________________________ quote from Captitalistdoginchina The mighty 88mm AT gun must have hit the jumbos 5 or 6 times from 1,000 meters without doing any damage at all. _____________________________________________ This quote I wanted to give a little attention to. At 1,000 meter there most likely is not a At gun that will cause damage to any think skin tank on CM. Not even some of the other lesser armored tanks will be damaged at this range. My suggestion keep the Big Boy (88 I mean) hid until enemy is at closer range. Also click on units and hit enter to see damage values at differnet ranges, and you will see why I believe 1,000 meters is to far to engage enemy. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 03-04-2001).] [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 03-04-2001).]
  2. Looks like we will just have to do our own mods or send them to members one by one. I offer to send mods to others if people will send them to me. I know there will be a problem will this because some of your e-mails only handle 1 MEG or less. I know I do not have this problem, because I recieved the new Sherman plain pack through e-mail from Old Dog. If the moders would like for me to send the mods to others let me know.
  3. A friend and I were talking, and he asked if there were any wooden bunker mods with foilage. I told him, I thought Tiger did a wooden bunker mod with foilage. I looked around, but I cannot find the mod anywhere. I could be wrong, it sure would not be the firs time as all of you know. So if anyone knows could you either tell me where or send them to me. I would appreciate it. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-28-2001).]
  4. Jagdcarcajou would you consider sending them to me. I do not have a site, but I sure would love to have them. They are very good and I know they will go through my E-mail without a problem. Please Please Please I would owe you one. Brett
  5. I am done with this pissing contest, if you guys wanna bitch and moan about oppinions of others go right ahead, but it is not worth my time. I don't have the time as many of you have to post on this forum(I wish I did). Commissar ya I know it was all joking but some jokes are just are not funny. I next time you start calling people stupid and uneducated.... ah screw it, why don't we just settle this with a nice friendly game instend of calling people uneducated and stupid. I will compare my over all IQ to yours anyday. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-27-2001).]
  6. Jagdcarcajou are you posting them at Rob/1 site because I would sure like to have them all. I have (I think) all that are available and change them often. These are very good and I look foward to having them.
  7. I know you said no supertanks, do you mean Large or what exactly. If you tired of Ktigers and Jtigers like I am, I have recently shifted attention to the Panther. The Panther has good armor and a powerful gun and good speed. One other plus is it looks great with all the mods available. I have had very little luck with the Panzers. Panzers in my oppinion are Germans version of the Sherman when knock out they usually light up. I have recently destroyed 3 opponents with total victories, while supporting my infantry with Panthers. Most of my games against others people rarely end in a total victory. So maybe it is just luck that my last 3 games have been total victories while using the Panthers. Hope this helps. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-27-2001).]
  8. This is not the first time this has been done. Thats OK anyway, lots more newbies are showing up every day. I am not as new as many may think I changed name from Shatter50 to Shatter (50 was due to my Mustang GT 5.0). Friend said I talk about my car too much so I changed name to plain old Shatter. Age 25
  9. Kanonier Reichmann, I am not upset or worked up at all. I am just defending the Amercian pride.
  10. All Rommel did was make a damn pic and all this started. And I don't feel like the US is all powerful, but I grow tired of people dismissing our large contribution, and when someone brings up Patton, it seems to amplify it.
  11. No I did not miss the point, BTS has had the same shipping method since I have been a member back in Aug(changed name from Shatter50 to Shatter) and I do not think they are going to change anytime soon. Yes I was not happy my CM took longer than suggested, infact I even e-mailed BTS twice. Steve told me to chill out and patience, it will arrive. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]
  12. True I do not know the actual numbers for the Americans captured at Bataan, but weren't something like a 100,000 russians catured in the early invasion of Russia by the Germans. Another thing, we were supplying the British with supplies and weapons and also fighting the Pacific and West front. Can the Russians say they were contributing this much to the war??? [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]
  13. Rommel22 it not your fault I was just trying to defend the Americans [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]
  14. I tried to stay out but this set me off. I do not remember thousands of Americans being catured at a single battle because they were surrounded. Russains:"Oh we are surrounded what will do??? I got an idea lets surrender and be starved to dealth by the Germans". If you think your country is better than why are we Americans number 1 now. Ha can't beat that. And I do not need my Daddy to take care of my own battles. Your the one who needs to chill BUD. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-25-2001).]
  15. Boo hoo You guys just have to wait your turn, like all of us had too. I am in US and order CM last July,I had to wait longer than the suggested time. But I was not about to start telling BTS how to conduct their bussiness. For all who are not in the US, the extra time should be expected. I hear that the mail has to pass customs. This is most likely the delay. If I ordered something from UK I would expect it to take longer. This is just common sense guys. So quit your whinning we all had to wait.
  16. I thought of posting a thread for all who have or had relatives in the war, and to share their fondest memory of their relatives stories or an event shared by their relatives and themselves. Anyone think this is a good idea???
  17. Hey Guys I have seen this often, at least a dozen times, I notice it happens more often with the 155mm German infantry gun attacking jeeps. With the 155mm gun it looks really nice due to the combination of explosion from the shell of the 155mm and the explosion of the Jeep. I have even seen this when once playing as Germans I had two MG42s hiding in the upper floor of a building at the edge of some woods. Two jeeps popped out of a road in the woods and approached the building with my MG42's. The MG42 crews opened fire when the jeeps got close enough. Each MG42 opened fire, and caused both jeeps to go up in fire balls just like Tiger posted.
  18. Thanks John Kettler I was posting as I got you post, one last question what are the armor ratings on the M3 if anyone knows???? I like learning new things about WWII, I guess because as a boy both my grandfathers would take me to numerous WWII museums and WWII airshows, but I was too young to really appreciate the knowledge they were passing to me. I have always regreted that. Now I wish to continue what they tried to pass on to me years ago. Actually my fondest memory is when Grandpa and a War buddy (whose name I can not remember) persuaded one of the B-17 pilots to let me sit in the Ball Turret after the show. I can still remember this day like it was just yesterday. Yes I still remember their personal tales of the war. With all the great members I have learned a great deal since last Aug when I joined all of you as Shatter50 then changed to Shatter. Anyways I just want to throw out a THANKYOU to all the members for all the informative info as well as BTS for making the best game ever. Grandfather Baugher and Grandfather Suriowic I wish we had one more day. I will honor the knowledge and pass it on to your Great Grandson. I love both of you and both of you are always in my thoughts. Your Grandson Brett Note last paragraph is of a personal nature. Every once and again I like to do this for my Grandfathers who risk their lives for a greater cause.
  19. Thanks for all the informative info. If anyone has anything to add I sure would like to hear from you. I am always trying to increase my WWII knowledge. In a way I believe I am honoring both of my late grandfathers by learning more.
  20. No offense to any nationalities was intended. I am a German American one grandfather US navy and the other Grandfather German infantry (Heer). Grandfather moved to US in 1954. My point is almost every tank besides the German tanks in WWII were all ugly except the Pershings. The Sherman variants simply looked like a turret set on top of a huge ugly armored chassis with trends. Although the Tigers look a turret on top of a armored box. I suppose it boils down to combat effectiveness and not how they look. Strange the Panthers are the best looking in my oppinion and were one of the best battle proven tanks in WWII. I still would like to know if any US troops saw combat with the M3 LEE, when where and any other info would be appreciated. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-23-2001).]
  21. So the US built the M3 Lee and never used it??? I would think they would have at least seen some action by US troops. So did the US just junk the remaining M3 Lee's they did not lease out or turn them into M4's??? Thanks for the info [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-23-2001).]
  22. I have been a history channel watcher for a while, and I keep seeing a allied tank(actually US produced) without main gun in turret. It looks to have a 75mm gun on the right able to move left to right slightly. Also has maybe a 37mm simply mounted higher up, maybe in a turret. I can not tell if the smaller gun is in a turret or not. I have seen these tanks before, but have not heard much about them. It was produced by the US. I was wondering if any of these tanks made it to action. I figured the US dropped the design, once the M4 hit production, due to its turret. I was just wondering if anyone had some info on this tank. I thought the Jumbos were ugly but these tanks take the prize. If all you have to say is: USE THE SEARCH, don't bother because I already have. [This message has been edited by Shatter (edited 02-23-2001).]
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