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Skott Karlsson

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Everything posted by Skott Karlsson

  1. How about the Polish Cavalry units of 1939? Word is that they actually charged German tanks. Steel Panthers modeled them in some of their battles. Granted SP was an entirely different type of game. ~Skott~
  2. Talonsoft was making wargames when the bigger outfits were refusing to do them. We need companies like Talonsoft and BTS. Dont discount them till you see the finished product. Imagine if we had done that before BTS had finished CM? As far as copying or ripping off? I'll wait to see the finished product before passing judgment. ~Skott~
  3. Tragic but it has no relevance on this board. Lock this thread up please. ~Skott~
  4. ::laughing:: Kinda makes me imagine these men getting out these glue guns and going to work on a broken down plastic tank during combat situations. Driver: Damn! We lost a wheel on the track! Tank Commander: Quick, get out the model glue! Seriously though.. The idea of making it less dectectable by using plastic isnt a far fetched idea I suppose.
  5. "Skott, check out Warphead's link. There's a third wheel." I see that Babra, thanks. ~Skott~
  6. "I'd believe that this was a real mineclearing prototype. The US had a very similar thing called the Mine Exploder T10 based on the Sherman. It was like a huge backwards tricycle: 2 huge wheels in front and another behind. The idea was, it would just roll over AT mines, absorbing the explosions by sheer mass. Like this German thing, unfortunately, the T10 also was only an unsuccessful prototype" Yeah, I seem to recall the Allies devised something remotely (very remotely) similar it this for clearing mines on the Normandy beaches. Old film showed them testing this contraption with two big wheels with rockets attached to the wheels to turn it in a forward direction. It was supposed to set of mines that it rolled over. If memory serves correctly it was one of those ideas that didnt work. I dont remember if they actually used it though. The tests didnt go well. ~Skott~
  7. "What I'm wondering is how does it manage to stay upright on just one set of wheels? Seems to me that if you started it up and put it in gear, the torque would just simply rotate the cab backwards until it struck the ground." I agree. In this picture it looks like if it ran into a building, wall, or mine it would fall over. ~Skott~
  8. I think one of the reasons mechanized infantry units were organized was because the foot soldier simply couldn't keep up with a faster moving tank. The Germans knew this early I believe. If you go back and watch the History Channel's(HC)episode of Tanks (Forget the actual title) they talk about the early developements and use of tanks. In WW1 the British sent in tanks in one battle. At first the Germans were taken completely off guard and didnt know what to do. Then, according to the HC the Germans managed to close the breach against the Allied infantry that got woefully behind the tanks and then went back and took out the tanks one by one. It was an interesting episode. Anyway, the Germans learned from this, and the British I'm sure, that armour needs infantry support. The Germans developed this better than anyone during the 30's it seems. They learned Combined Arms Warfare. The use of armour, infantry, artillery, and aircraft in a combined use. The Allies finally caught onto this concept too. As far as CM is concerned I would say it depends on what your opponent is throwing at you. I keep my infantry very close till I know the situation and then go from there as to what best to do. Most times I keep infantry constantly close by to my tanks whenever possible. ~Skott~
  9. 415 Votes Total CM = 56.3% Sims = 23.6% Shogun = 20%
  10. Michael writes: "Feeling masochistic, I set up a WW I type scenario with trenches and wire. I can see where the CM game engine could be very easily adapted to WW I tactical battles - though interest in that would definitely be low. Too bad, since by 1917, both sides were actually making a bit of tactical headway - ie using small parties of attacking troops, etc. Would be neat to see duplicated - a Brit/Canadian platoon of divided into squads of bombers, bayonetmen, Lewis gunners, etc." I'd be interested in seeing a WW1 game based on the CM engine if it can be done. Unfortunately WW1 games are not high on peoples lists. The trench warfare wasn't exciting enough. People seem to enjoy forces and tactics that move. Hence game companies are not going to take the time to make a game based on WW1 unless its a sub sim or Red Baron type of game. Anyone remember the boardgame "Guns of August"? I still have my copy. ~Skott~
  11. You can invent all the ungodly vehicles, bombs and weapons of mass destruction but in the end its always that poor old foot soldier that determines who holds the land. ~Skott~
  12. Nothing like invoking the almighty goddess, "Ignora" ::chuckle:: ~Skott~
  13. I predict that I will see huge water demands during each and every commercial break. I can tell by the system pressures throughout the county when a commercial break occurs. The pressures drop like a rock. Especially during half-time. Yes, I live one county over from Tampa. ~Skott~
  14. I'm not implying he or anyone else is trying to get a rise out of or create problems for anyone here but the best tactic for dealing with anyone who seems to be seeking attention in a negative way is to simply ignore them. To quote one fellow netizen "Ignore them to death" Thats my philosophy on dealing with so called trouble makers and snerts on the Internet. ~Skott~
  15. "Put a battalion of exhausted, pinned green American troops in the water and on the 'beach'. Have mines and TRP's all over the place. Make sure few, if any, American squads are in C&C. Then give the Germans a constant supply of artillery and many HMG's at a comfortably long range. A few pillboxes can be nice as well. To get around the lack of boats, you can have reinforcements arrive periodically in the 'ford' water tiles. Set them at 'weary'." Just a question here... Why would you set the Allied units as "exhausted" and "weary" if they are just hitting the beach? If they are just hitting the beach one would presume they just exited the landing craft. They may be scared to death but "exhausted" and "weary"? wouldnt reflect it properly. They would be reasonably fresh. Now if your using the setting as if they just came running and crawling a 100 yards or so from the beach to a ridge of cliff then that would fit but not if they were starting at water/sand edge. ~Skott~
  16. There is a part in the movie where the German Colonel goes to inspect his tank crew commanders after his aide suggests it. Inside the room he makes a comment about them being young boys or something. Then one crew commander starts to sing. Then the others join in. Then the Colonel also joins in the singing after ordering his aide to sing. I remember seeing this movie when it first came out. As a young lad I found the music very moving and inspiring. Is there anyone that knows the English translation of the lyrics? I have always been curious about them. To this day I still enjoy that part of the movie very much. Unfortunately its often cut out to shave time off the movie for television. Once in a while a television station will show a movie in its complete entirety. Btw... Am I the only one that hates when they cut out parts of a movie to fit it into a specified time frame? I understand why its done. I just dont like it. ~Skott~
  17. "No, you're correct. Dubya is an idiot. You watch, Cheney is our only hope. I honestly don't think Dubya knows what he got himself into. Or worse yet, doesn't even realize that he actually is the Leader of the Free World." The man knows full well what he was getting into. Which makes me very worried!! Its going to be a very interesting next 4 years.
  18. "No, you're correct. Dubya is an idiot. You watch, Cheney is our only hope. I honestly don't think Dubya knows what he got himself into. Or worse yet, doesn't even realize that he actually is the Leader of the Free World." The man knows full well what he was getting into. Which makes me very worried!! Its going to be a very interesting next 4 years.
  19. Kudos for KMan! Necessity is the mother of invention!
  20. ~ROFLMAO~ Yes, the best medicine is laughter ~Skott~
  21. The only two magazines I feel that give the best and most honest reviews are PC Magazine and Computer Gaming World. The only online source I pay attention to is Gamespot.com. I find that these are the best most reliable and unbiased sources I have come across so far when it comes to rating PC games. There may be others I'm not aware of but everyone has their own opinions of whats best and what isnt. Just my two cents on the matter. ~Skott~
  22. Maximum PC magazine has two articles in its January 2001 issue that gamers may find of interest. Actually the entire mag is worth reading IMHO. First they have an article about the new Pentium 4 processor chip. It does a pretty good job of explaining its advantages and disadvantages to us, the users. If your planning on doing a PC upgrade this year you may want to read it. The second article of interest to gamers is their article on the next generartion game engines that are in the works for Quake, Unreal, Shiny(MDK and Messiah), Black & White (Peter Molyneux), and they also talk about some about the European companies. Thought I would let my fellow CMers and Gamers know. Check it out. ~Skott~
  23. This sort of question constantly keeps popping up in many places. Computer games of varying classes categories, and types have highs and lows. It doesnt matter wether its Strategy, Adventure, Roleplaying, Sports, Puzzle, Wargame, RTS, or any other type of game. They all go through a periods of slow down, then just when everyone starts crying that something or a category is dead or dying, the industry comes out with a slew of games in that category flooding the store shelves. It takes anywhere from 18-36 months to make a really good game from conception to publication according to the so called experts. Also some say there are not as many good games as there used to be. I dont agree with that asessment. Over the years more an more games have come out. I figure about the upper 10% are the best. When computer games started coming out years ago this number was small. I'll use the number 50 as a arbitrary number to illustrate my point. It may not have been 50 but you'll understand my point once I explain it. Okay, with a constant 10% (actual percentage may be different) factor figuring in, 10% of 50 games equals 5 great games a year. Then as the years progressed and more companies made games 10% 0r 100 = 10, 10% of 500 = 50, 10% of 1000 = 100. Get the point? As more and more games come out the actual number of good or great games also increases. The percentage may or may not change but the *number* of good games does. Granted you also have to figure in the tides of industry. Rises and falls, then rises again. Now some will argue that fewer game complanies are in existance than a few years ago. May be true. Last couple of years we've seen alot of mergers and closings. The companies themselves disappear but the lead designers and programers dont die. The trend is that many go off and start their own game companies. Notice the trend? In the beginning it was individual independents, then grew into larger companies, now the larger companies are are falling back and more independents are springing up again. Its a cyclic thing. And know what? Its going global now. Your going to see more and more independents and small companies spring up from all over the world. Lot of the games that come out wont be good, but many will. As the numbers grow the number of good games will grow too. Technology has an effect on games also. As new technology is developed games that couldnt be made before can now be made. So I say stop fussing and just be patient, play the good games you like now and more will come down the pipe. Happy Gaming, ~Skott~
  24. If you look at the terrain of most of those South American countries you'll notice that its not exactly ideal for amour warfare. Gorrilla infantry style fighting seems to be the norm. Perfect terrian for it too. So, armored vehicles such as tanks have limited usability. ~Skott~
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