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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. ME ................. : ) Undaunted. Thanks for the research. I think I quite like the sound of playing PiPa : ) I suspect that the attractions of two women simply performing rather than erotically performing is a magnitude of difference in effectiveness. I think historians have a habit of bowdlerising the good bits! Incidentally I have a small collection of CD's of Chinese music played on ancient instruments - they have some wonderful titles The King of Qin Breaking Up Battle Arrays A Phoenix Worshipped By Hundreds Of Birds Night Rain on Banana Panel The Loving Song of Mountain Fastness and the The Yellow River Concerto has some Inner-Mongolian folk songs. Its actually quite good.
  2. I on one hand fear that complexity may detract from a very simple Empire like experience and on the other hand like the complexity. Which brings me back to what makes a good multi-player game. CIV sucks mightily as a multiplayer so perhaps there should be care in extracting good bits from other games if the whole experience is diminished. Incidentally perhaps the use of an ironclad based scenario would provide a simpler game before tweaking to subs and airpower .... Hard to say as I am not familiar with EoS other than by what is here.
  3. And I thought this was a forum for wargamers .... : ) http://www.clickfire.com/military-use-of-elephants-in-the-greek-and-roman-period/ I think the smell of unknown animals was a problem so they had to be familiarised with them - and even then you can see from the accounts that the elephants overawed the horses by their size. They just kept saying "Why can't I be hung like an elephant"
  4. Worryingly this has been noticed that customer who bought the book also bought: and 17 further pages of similar!!!
  5. Battle of Kansu 623A.D Surrounded in Kansu Province and surrounded By Huns General Chai Shao ordered two scantily dressed girls to an isolated knoll in full view of the Hun army where they performed curious and obscene dances and gestures [i yeah right] and sang lewd songs. The huns became distected and gathered around the knoll to get a better view. The Chinese launched an attack from the rear ..... This item from John P Greer's book "The Armies and Enemeies of Ancient China". I understand that not everyone believes it to be of the same standard as the other WRG books. Elephants: Horses don't like elephants - its a size thing
  6. Wind is not always unpredictable. And especially not in a relatively short time span. In some areas such as the Mediterranean coast you can almost guarantee a strong onshore wind in the afternoon. I imagine Perth rarely sees ... o a linky http://www.windfinder.com/report/perth_airport And of course being upwind is handy if you have elephants or arrows : )
  7. Nice link JD. I was aware of honey and rhodedendrons but had never seen the military applications mentioned before. Also of the Chinese inventiveness - of course they are also the nation that arranged the live lesbian sex show to distract the other army. Cunning stuff. : )
  8. http://www.amazon.com/Chemical-Coupling-Constants-Silicon-29-Landolt-Bornstein/dp/354045277X You will be amazed. And the reviews are interesting too.
  9. My initial thought was to just have holding pools to which freighters and convoy protection vessels/air are assigned. Both players can also assign assets - naval to corresponding attack pools. However the knock on here is that within say 10 hexes of known enemy bases you cannot use convoys /abstracted forces. Supply would have to be by destroyer etc. The abstracted pools effect supply throughout the Empire and therefore production rates decrease. I would like the concept of supply routes however I am wondering if the complexity in play is getting too high. I have recently started playing CIV3 and that does flounder on so many levels. As I was saying to a fellow player - if you view it as a puzzle game it works. As a recreation of civilisations and warfare it sucks mightily. I do wonder if because it has no randomisation in production values etc the entire game has been analysed to death as a game. I hope EoS does not suffer the same fate.
  10. Curious. I would do a search of my drives for the extensions and see where they turn up. Also create a saved game folder just fo laughs and see if you can then save to it. However the search is the interesting one to do - and you may recover your games by sticking them into scenario folder. Vista! - phooey : )
  11. Very nice touch. Well done Donaldson, not only a bowler then. : )
  12. I have 111 saved games in my saved folder in CMAK. To access them I press the New Battle button and they all appear there in the list along with the regular scenarios.
  13. : ) Italian Tanks My bad spelling Moriarty - Sherlock's enemy. Based probably on Adam Worth, german born American who fled to Europe when it got too hot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Worth PS rather bizarrely after I had done the original post I went downstairs for lunch and we watched QI a very good interesting funny programme chaired by Stephen Fry. As part of the questions to the panellists it asked how many times could you fold a sheet of paper : ) Apparently using really thin toilet paper an Americam girl managed 12 folds. She also produced a formula for the folds maxima. You will be pleased to know that I got the answer 6 correct. : )
  14. Reading a fun book called: "100 essential things you didn't know you didn't know" One of the interesting things is the doubling of a sheet of A4 and how once you fold it seven times it is impossible to tear. That is straightforward. More interesting is that if you took a sheet of A4 and doubled its height each time as if folding it again and again after 204 iterations you would have passed out of the universe. Halving each time takes you to the lowest size. It also suggests the character that Moriaty was based on. Covers the match between Barbados And Grenada in 1994 were both teams were defending their opponents goal!!!!!? Its on Youtube for those who find it surprising. And stacks of other fascinating anecdotes on maths and the world.
  15. I reckon personally that this is better suited to the General Discussion Forum ........ ooops
  16. Reading a fun book called: "100 essential things you didn't know you didn't know" One of the interesting things is the doubling of a sheet of A4 and how once you fold it seven times it is impossible to tear. That is straightforward. More interesting is that if you took a sheet of A4 and doubled its height each time as if folding it again and again after 204 iterations you would have passed out of the universe. Halving each time takes you to the lowest size. It also suggests the character that Moriaty was based on. Covers the match between Barbados And Grenada in 1994 were both teams were defending their opponents goal!!!!!? Its on Youtube for those who find it surprising. And stacks of other fascinating anecdotes on maths and the world.
  17. Chaffees are in CMAK : ) Evil little buggers too. North Africa for desert warfare which occurs nowhere else. Crete, East Africa, modded for Normandy. No compromises on attack defence scenarios. Reasonable reaction times. Play as US, UK, Poles , French, Italian, Germans, New Zealanders, Canadian, Australian so national pride can be invoked : )
  18. CMAK for sure. There are too many problem areas in CMBB to feel comfortable about and asking which to play on the diehards CMBB forum is not the place for unbiased answers. The command delay for the Soviets early war is pretty bad, and bizarrely it also means the Russian troops shoot crookeder and morale is one step down also The penetration figures for the main Russian gun the 76mm are underrated The StugIII in later versions is overarmoured to the point it is impervious to T34's Bogging occurs very frequently Russian tanks cower from Axis tanks annoyingly often. The attack/defense points are screwy for some fortifications so QB's are screwed. Well they are if you object to buying fortifications and your opponent gets VP's depending on what you buy. A lot of people invested a lot of time in the CMBB system and the break to the improved engine of CMAK was too much of a wrench : ) Not to say there are not interesting bits but if you buy one only ..... So if you want to buy go to the top of the evolutionary tree and get CMAK. Plenty of different theatres to play in and the annoying bugs removed
  19. Sense of humour seems to be a strong help. The refernce to William Hill is the firm who took the bet on and had to pay £25000 In the thread there seems to be confusion about life insurance and healthcare. You can get refused for both I am sure but in most civilised countries healthcare is primarily free. Life insurance is not necessary but certainly it is nice to have if you have family debts. I have debts but I have not had any life insurance for a decade or more as my policies were only taken long enough to cover the children through until they were 21 years. Even that was not totally necessary but it was relatively cheap as I took policies that paid a fixed sum per year on my death - what is called a Family Income Benefit. Advantageous too the insurance company as they face a diminishing payout as I get older. I take a policy at 25 for 20years for £10000 - I die the next day and they pay £10000 a year to my widow. I die year 19 and they are on the hook for £20000 in depreciated value so it is quite a cheap payout. And it means cheap premiums - so much so that a lot of insurance agents/salesmen would not mention it if possible as it paid little commission. It is better known now.
  20. Top Left of page. But not an option when you are already in a thread like this one.
  21. http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/24/automobiles/autospecial/24history.html?_r=1 Mr. Porsche I salute you : )
  22. I hope the manuals you requested have sorted out the answers you require : )!
  23. In WeBoB three years ago when I was looking at the sides for an intercontinental tourney I think Australia had 22 players - all in the eastern half. As it happened we had enough for 6 teams to represent Europe, Australasia [had to include the Kiwis], East USA , West USA, Canada and the UK. Europe has increased its membership I know because I last year sponsored in a German, a Frenchman and a Belgian. : ) I cannot recall if the Aussies were mainly Adelaide or Melbourne. No women members as the sole one we had left a couple of years ago. There is always a degree of turnover even in the best clubs : ) Edit : A quick scan of the list: It is Adelaide , and we have a Danish player.
  24. AaaaaRRRRGHHHH! I felt great pain looking at those - the wasted hours of cardboard counter mega-games. I feel almost sick. My second thought is how the hell people play that in preference to CM!!! Oh well each to their own.
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