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Everything posted by dieseltaylor

  1. I hate to rain on your good news Affy but: http://barlist.hkba.org/hkba/BarList/bar_list_alphabetical_a.htm apparently Andreen has been struck off , or possibly disbarred : )
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Body_language http://www.memorymentor.com/eye_movements.htm I am afraid Google only came up with 900000 hits but those two were top. This was amusing:
  3. sixxkiller - I am never sure that the line of reasoning - "other guys do it and get away with lesser punishments if they get caught" - is actually much help. Surely we could be lamenting that others got off too lightly? Three years is a lot of time - of which no doubt he will only spend a part in a better class of prison . However judges know more about perjury than most, and the importance that perjurers are punished severely if the rule of law is to prevail. Any society that has optional rules on whether you tell the truth or not an hardly be expected to run properly. In ancient Greek times one of the punishments was to banish people from their city-state. I have often felt that this ostracisation is still perhaps the most potent of punishments. Imagine if you will the white collar "criminals" who are banished to Alaska for several years. Of course they can pay for all the luxuries, and will certainly be paying for the necessities, they want but its hardly going to compare to the society of NY or LA. For Australia there is plenty to irritate them with - Coober Peddy would do. Coober Peddy is in the Australian Outback. Adelaide 846kms Alice Springs 685kms Darwin 2,170kms Port Augusta 535kms Tennant Creek 1,173kms Yulara 725kms. Did I mention no personal internet access allowed? Of course visitors would be allowed. : )
  4. I am familiar with newsgroups. Not every ISP carries them - particularly binary newsgroups. Even if you get it set-up and you have people with ISP's who allow binaries I am not sure that all ISP's take all possible newsgroups. Given that the number of people downloading is probably a small number of all players it may be excessive effort for reward for those who upload. Whether it is a suitable time for someone/group to bite the bullet and rationalise what is available and then what is worth spreading further. I find it hard to believe that all the mods are of equal value. In any event the number of people who are holding copies of all that was/is on CMMODS is several hundred percent more than it was three weeks ago : ) So organising a distribution system and organising how to deal with uploads seems a more manageable area of activity. WeBoB has a complete [virtually] set of the mods and metadata. Organising distribution and archiving in a club with 200 members should be relatively easy as an infrastructure exists. Other clubs will no doubt be similarly capable. For those not in a club the pinning of permanent notices to the forums may provide guidance to where they may be downloadable. BFC? for gridded terrain which must be the most useful of all mods for those who fight battles. : )
  5. OOO I like this precedent. I think there may be a lever here in this case reported this month
  6. Merkin Muffley has received his disks - Thanks DaFritz [MM is currently out of internet]
  7. You expect politicians to tell the truth?!!!
  8. I am encourage by the comments I see. Disheartened by the stupidity of politicians in power.
  9. Old man being stupid. However it will certainly encourage a lot of people not to perjure themselves which is a very good thing.
  10. I suddenly realised that if Australians could not see Wikileaks then they probably could not access this:
  11. I am impressed , and also depressed. Mind you I have gone of the idea of nipping down to the gym to pick up a free lady!
  12. Basically Barcys Bank borrows money from itself, lends it to a company it owns 100% and by skullduggery then improves its tax position to effectively defraud the UK public The original Bank documents are here: http://www.wikileaks.org/wiki/Barclays_Bank_gags_Guardian_over_leaked_memos_detailing_offshore_tax_scam%2C_16_Mar_2009 If you live in Australia your Govt has probably blocked your access. As we all know all the news you should know ought to be censored. I am surprised that in a democracy people are happy for their ISp's to roll over so easily for a Government.
  13. Wool I thought it was great. Very funny.
  14. wow that Media monkey is the dogs ballocks! http://www.mediamonkey.com/information/free/
  15. more from ZDnet with an interesting list of alternatives covering various OS's
  16. Lars. You really know how to get to the nub of a story : ) Mike - one of the reasons so many organisations thought they ought to go to an industry standard formats for office type files. Whilst M$ may want to change them unilaterally to make more bucks after a couple more decades early stuff might be unreadable. Hence Open Office. Why anyone could think it advisable to keep important stuff in proprietary formats is beyond me if a better alternative exists. But I know what you mean about physical stuff being thoughtlessly trashed because no one has the sense to see it has value possibly now to another company.
  17. Tero on what basis do you make the above statement? Links please. Redwolf - it rather depends if you see the SSN as a convenient admin device or the basis for a national security system [national ID]. In the first instance not a big deal but the second one has amjor problems. I refuse to carry one or register - jail-me. I am an Alzheimer sufferee, I am a dosser, etc. Bad guys will forge them. The average punter looks at a piece of plastic and thinks thats great even when they had to have signatures and pictures peope were cashing for people of the wrong gender and with pictures of gorillas. In the UK it is reckoned 200 "authorities " will have access to the natioanl database. No chance of a ;leak or inappropriate use then! Here is an existing database - if you read the article see the last couple of paragraphs: http://www.e-health-insider.com/news/4090/police_to_get_access_to_national_child_database
  18. It is very hard to credit this - but then in this short term age lots of stupid decisions are left to and made by people who are looking for a new job every couple of years. And when the **** hits the fan they are long gone.
  19. : ) Funny indeed. National ID - yep gets everyone of the hook and as much use as signatures on credit cards in the long run. Bad guys forge it and everyone else losses it or has it stolen and pays a fortune for a duplicate. And how do you make the dossers/street people obey? Lockem-up? Identity theft a problem - just wait for the Govt. to centralise it. Oh yea disaster waiting to happen. I suppose you all saw last week one of the four US departments that was so IT clever that it was going to help other Departments be secure ..... then "lost" 48000 details sufficient for ID theft. You could hardly believe it. Now if 10% of a Department got sacked every time something went missing, or the computer system was breached you might find things improved. I dare say fining commercial companies would sharpen their attitudes but Civil Services do not give a ****
  20. http://wtop.com/?nid=596&sid=1622618 I say American jobs for American workers. This sure ain't going to do the contract workers much good.
  21. I love your belief that Mr Cote was personally responsible for the extra $2billion rise. I have been monitoring Honeywell for the past few years and there has been nothing to suggest that any of the Honeywell divisions could not have performed aswell if Mr Cote was not CEO. In fact if you wish to look at the figures you may wonder if Honeywell's continual purchase of successful companies forms a basis of the CEO's and Honeywells increased income. Sell parts but buy better parts and succeed. Not a terribly difficult strategy. Edit. ITW or Illinois Tool Works is a similar sort of beast, admittedly only 17billion$ sales in a good year, see how there guy gets paid: http://www.forbes.com/lists/2008/12/lead_bestbosses08_David-B-Speer_OP9X.html Unfortunately again a CEO and Chairman jointly held by Mr Speer
  22. http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=14578&tag=nl.e539 some ZDnet journalists view on iTunes and potential problems
  23. Gunnergoz you sure got lucky. I was mulling over why women are not mechanically minded - was it true? That from an article I am not prepared to pay for! Allowing for differences in nomenclature I still think it probably is a fair point to make.
  24. I do wonder if the wage inflation is a function of looking at sporting heroes and pop and film stars and seeing the obscene amounts they can get - without any apparent backlash. Running a major corporation would seem to be more arduous so should be well paid. I would take a view that there are probably 10000 people who could do Mr Cots job as well and for less money. One could argue that athletes and pop stars are unique - but honestly if they did not exist would someone else be filling the role and being lauded by the media. You betcha there would. The media circus exists to give us little gods to worship and for women to endlessly gossip over. Given it will happen anyway why not do it more cheaply!
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