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Everything posted by Monty

  1. Thank you, Monty. Your almost complete lack of comprehension has been duly noted, and will not count against you unless you post again.</font>
  2. Hi Awesome skin! I vote for the lighter colours, maybe add some more rust markings and other weathering effects, its then a skin after a few years of heavy duty and sun and battering , beautiful. Monty aka Moose
  3. HERE Nasty and lethal looking ....i like them that way Monty aka Moose
  4. Here is an example of a nice battered tank HERE Who can make this or such tanks for CM ??
  5. Imagine this for a future CM version : When you start the battle, you have/see only a very ROUGH map of the terrain, also mucho ?'s on spots where bridges and the like are supposed. You send out a Recon unit or FO and when they have crossed certain terrain sections, those sections are becoming ACCURATE on the map ( with different color ) Offcours in RL , there would be a larger time difference, but it would be much better then the "god mode" map we have now. Monty aka Moose
  6. I like the Wirblewind Tiger, going to grab it now. Indeed PawBroon, we can use a good course in weathering existing skins. Even better would be if future skins would have 2 versions: a clean one and a dirty, rusty and muddy one. Monty aka Moose
  7. After the fabulous BOB ( Battle of the Bulge ) mod, my wintered AFV skins seem much too clean and white. I would like to see dirty, muddy, rusty and battered tanks !!!! I think there are more like me ?? Post here to get some modders into making some new skins Monty aka Moose
  8. I have downloaded Tanks a Lot's trees Mod. Its awesome !! , but i think its not complete. In the Pines folder, i cant find the 524.bmp file. Maybe some more are missing, not sure. Monty aka Moose
  9. This mod previews looks AWESOME !! Really looking forward to get it...drool..drool. Monty aka Moose [ February 01, 2002, 10:56 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  10. Very nice !! Can you mail it to me please ?? Monty aka Moose
  11. Thanks for the answers. Maybe there could be an Tac AI solution this way: If 2 hits on enemy AFV are not causing a knock-out, they switch automatically to special shells ( if any ) ? I play CM now for 1 year, but its still the best Sim i have ever played I only have CM, IL-2 and now SH2.
  12. btw, all tanks are NOT moving during the whole turn. Monty aka Moose
  13. In a PBEM battle i have, this occured in the last turn 2 x M18 Hellcat ( Regular both ) are facing a Tiger ? at 590 meter. The Tiger ? is at a small hill. Both Hellcats have LOS on the enemy vehicle ( Red line ) Hellcat nr. 1 has this LOS : Hit : 22 %, Kill : Good Hull down. Hellcat nr. 2 has this LOS : Hit: 11 %, Kill: Good Hull down Hellcat nr. 1 has 26 Armor Piercing shells and 3 Tungsten shells Hellcat nr. 2 has 28 Armor Piercing shells Ok, now read and weap: Hellcat 2 fires an AP shell, miss. Tiger ? fires and miss. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell and miss. Hellcat 2 fires an AP shell and miss. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell and miss. Tiger ? fires and miss. Hellcat 2 fires an AP shell and miss. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell, front turret hit, shell broke up. Tiger ? fires, front turret penetration of Hellcat 2, knocked out. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell ( grrrrrr ),front turret hit, shell broke up. Tiger ? fires, miss. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell ( doh ! ), upper hull hit, shell broke up. Tiger ? fires and miss. Hellcat 1 fires an AP shell ( no !!! why !!! ) , miss. Turn over. Now is my question: I thought with version 1.12 , this problems were solved ? I can image the Hellcat nr. 1 waits for the first hit to see if an AP is sufficient. But waiting for 3 hits is a bit dangerous i think................. I can use any info about this in general or about my specific case. Monty aka Moose
  14. Neg, the Priest was not buttoned, also no crewmember injured. Ok, its normal that the co-axial mg from a tank not fires when the gun is hit, but from this Priest its rather odd imho. Monty aka Moose
  15. Guys, lets take this thread back to my question: In my current PBEM fight, a Priest have a damaged gun, but the .50 mg ( seperate ) can not fire or target. I think we should get message like : Damaged Gun/mg OR Damaged Gun , in this case the .50 mg should be able to fire. Monty aka Moose
  16. When a gun ( from lets say a Priest ) is damaged, the seperate mg is NOT able to target and /or fire. ( I never saw a tank with damaged gun fire a mg, but maybe it happens ?? ) Is this on purpose done or a bug ?? Monty aka Moose
  17. Rgr, the small buildings are a bit dark but i like them anyway ! The big buildings are top notch , maybe a little difference in stone colour for the different big buildings could be added in a future update ? Monty aka Moose [ 08-18-2001: Message edited by: Monty ]
  18. Thanks Icm1947 ! ( hey, what about your name, is there a story behind it ? ) Got the idea when i saw the Combat Mission Times site, with the black and white pictures. btw there was a really good site for the Flight Sim called Fighter Squadron. It was like a newspaper with stories about Airbattles, all with black and white pictures ( screenshots ) and very funny comments. I would love to see such a site for CM too!! I will try to make a sample story.
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