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Everything posted by Monty

  1. Im curious why you choose the name SS Heydrich. AFAIK Heydrich was a Nazi. I dont think you will make friends around here using a Nazi name.........i personally dont like it. Monty
  2. Arto, If you want the Winter War, buy this sim soon : HERE :cool: Monty
  3. This deserves a BUMP Even if i am not a newbie at all, i would love to learn a new trick or two Anybody want/can make such learn scenario with additional instructions ?
  4. It depends on your system: pcu, soundcard, vid card etc. Especially the soundcard is important in this case. Post again in the tech support forum with all info and im shure you get an answer. Monty
  5. Imho a "new mod" thread IS an interesting thread... Monty [ January 02, 2003, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  6. Who have any news about the CM Mod Catalogue ? Now we have many CMBB mods, an update would be very nice. For newbies : CM Mod Catalogue Monty
  7. I have read that Navy units were used for infantery in the last months of the war, lets say march-mai 1945. Even U-boat personal who never used a pistol/gun in the whole war, was forced into infantery service. I dont know about Luftwaffe units, was it the same like the Navy units or were the Luftwaffe normal infantery units during the whole WW II ?? Monty
  8. At last my Strategy Guide arrived (order 10-12) Im pleased ( even with the typo's ) and will have a nice reading time. Now beware Tigre,Sandy,Puff,Bertram, Werter and Verseput ! * evil grin Monty [ December 28, 2002, 08:43 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  9. Came online just to wish you all PRETTIGE KERSTDAGEN / A MERRY CHRISTMAS !!! cheers, Monty
  10. Happy X-Mas to all ! Yes, if every soldier would play CM in stead of listening to his HQ, in 2003 we will have peace !! Monty
  11. When i see the word treeburst i have to think immediately to the movie "When Trumpets Fade" In that movie american forces attack german positions in the Hurtgen Forest but have heavy casualties mainly due to tree bursts and mines. Try to see this movie, its worth it. btw is there a scenario for CMBO which simulates such an attack ?? Monty [ December 24, 2002, 03:59 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  12. Pud has a good point, its hard to see the difference between woods and scattered trees for example when you have trees off ( which i have often ) Monty
  13. Name: Sturmtiger (notch notch) How to use it : Say no more Monty
  14. Name: Field day for tankhunter teams. How to use it: Make a map with HEAVY FORESTS, and i mean HEAVY Now make a QB with for the AI armored force, and for you infantery. Load the map and buy a LOT of tank hunter teams or panzerschreck teams if available. Go and bust some tanks The enemy tanks are stuck in the setupzone so you know where they are :cool: Monty
  15. Name: Win the battle in max 4 turns Setting: Only for fun against A.I. How to use it: make a scenario, you are the attacker. AI is defending a small village. Use a small map. Buy for your force ONLY the heaviest rocket artillery available, nothing else. In turn 1, unleash all your rockets on the village. After all ammo is spend, SURRENDER ! Now you will have a total victory ! :cool: This is ONLY for fun, not serious tactic offcourse ! Monty
  16. In version 1.00 of CMBB, some models of AFV's are shared ( too little space on the CD ) In the first patch, some models are fixed. HQ's can direct mortars yes ( allready possible in CMBO ) but now also the mortar HT's Be sure the HQ is not hided, otherwise it wont work. Monty
  17. a. New models not possible in a patch, only fix wrong models of allready available units. b. d (the medic d ) and e ( ammo resupply e ) : Not possible due to the small time frame in CM battles is the answer i think. c. would be nice yes, but maybe the time is also the problem for this feature. d ( first d ): HQ can allready direct mortar fire and also direct mortars on HT's And yes, CM is indeed the best game ever ( together with MOH:AA ) Monty [ December 23, 2002, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Monty ]
  18. Que ? :confused: Yes, i live in * NEDERLAND * as we Dutch call our own country. The Netherlands is the best name for English speaking people. Holland is the other name used. Officially, Holland is only a part of the Netherlands namely North and South Holland which are two provinces of the Netherlands. My ancestors are from Luxemburg, they moved to Holland around 1600 due to religion matters we guess. I use this opportunity to wish you all a Marry Christmas and a healthy 2003 ! Monty aka Moose aka Mossie
  19. Freefrench2, that is not a very friendly answer ... BTW, as an optometrist i have to say you this: Wearing glasses does NOT mean your VA (visual acuirity ) is worse than the VA of a person who dont need glasses. So, the VA of me ( with glasses ) is 20/20 and the VA of lets say you ( without glasses ) can be 15/20 Monty
  20. 1. You can select "hide" for a tank from the order menu, but this does not mean it wont be spotted. Especially aircrafts have little problems to spot armored vehicles in scattered trees. Tanks who havent moved at all have a "camouflage" bonus, they will be much harder to spot by enemy units. When they start moving, they loose this bonus. 2. I think its not possible with the CMBO/CMBB engine. We will have to wait to CM II for this kind of features. Monty
  21. With the Scenario Editor, you can set the Fanatism of the units. If you set it at 50 % fanatism for all units, be ready for a tough fight !! ( they wont panic,break or rout ) Monty
  22. I havent tried it myself so i cant answer you but maybe someone else can ? Interesting enough for a bump i thought......... Monty
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