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Everything posted by Treeburst155

  1. Zealotburner has been placed in Tourney One, Section 3. Matt Green has been placed in Tourney Two, Section 3. See the master list above for email addresses. Joques, You must be Joakim Ruud. If you don't mind, we'll just keep things the way they are. I might mess something up if I go in and do name changes. I'd have to do it in many different places. Is that OK with you? AARs should be sent to me using the procedures outlined in the tourney manual. Treeburst155 out. [ December 17, 2002, 12:35 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  2. Sgt CDAT, We're planning on an early January start date; however, no firm date has been set. We don't want to rush the scenario designers. BTW, I was a crewman on an M60A1 back in the mid seventies, the 3rd Armored Division. Just before I got out we received brand new tanks with stabilizers. They called them M60A1 RISE (Reliability Improved Selected Equipment). I didn't get much time to play with the new tank though. Does that make me a DAT or a CDAT? Treeburst155 out. [ December 17, 2002, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  3. LOS calculations coupled with lots of movement orders, and maybe arty strikes, would surely slow down "crunch" time; but what about while giving orders? Why such a slow down there? In many large scenarios, the LOS/movement/etc. lines cannot keep up with the cursor very well, and more annoying is the jerky scrolling. I'm a fan of big scenarios, and crunch time doesn't bother me because I can do something else in the meantime; but jerky scrolling in the orders phase can be a real pain. Heck, in the Volga operation, there is a brief delay before the unit is even highlighted when clicked on. Why? Panzer Leader, Good point about the Volga scenario. Treeburst155 out.
  4. Thinking further about creating and sending out contact lists and game schedules, I've come to the conclusion it's a bit too early for that. Once they are sent out, replacing players becomes much more labor intensive. Also, the scenarios will have to be numbered, because I don't yet know the names. Having scenarios designated by a name AND a number gets to be a minor hassle for me when it comes to results reporting. I learned this from ROW I. What I will do is post the Master List with all the email addresses players want to use for tourney email. Here it is: Tourney One Section 1 Combined Arms, ttravisano@stny.rr.com Spanish Bombs, chucknsue1@juno.com Enoch, EnochCM@softhome.net Juha A, juha.ahoniemi@mail.htk.fi Bimmer, aeg@computer.net TABPUB, robert.davidson2@attbi.com Section 2 Cpl Carrot, rjb109@slingshot.co.nz Holien, Holien@woodford.gioserve.com Kanonier Reichmann, troppo@internode.on.net Dorosh, madorosh@shaw.ca Tuomas, tnummela@cc.hut.fi Bertram, BORedmeijer@home.nl Section 3 Ted, tramos1@optonline.net Thumpre, aewert@adelphia.net Gunnersman, gunnersman99@yahoo.com Zealotburner, khicks1955@yahoo.com Kunstler, jturner@attcanada.ca jjelinek, jjelinek@intertek.net Section 4 Fate, kirkcm@telus.net The_Capt, k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net Mick_OZ, mickcm@optushome.com.au Heavy Drop, rtravis1@satx.rr.com Pixelmaster, jeroen@laika.nl mPisi, mPisi@flash.net ________________________________________________ Tourney Two Section 1 Vadr, chaz@cgidesign.net TexasToast, creese@mac.com Cpt T, dktravis@stx.rr.com Frontovik, gallid@oz-online.net Redwolf,redwolf@cons.org U8led, U8led@aol.com Section 2 Jeb, jcallan@austin.rr.com John Kettler, kettler@relaypoint.net Frunze, evanroberts1@charter.net Jon_L, russlav@frontiernet.net Tero, tero.leppanen@pp.inet.fi JAT, jatucker@loxinfo.co.th Section 3 Matt Green, vallhallan@kc.rr.com MrSpkr, hinestribe@sbcglobal.net Lord Dragon, michael.boyd@attbi.com a1steaks, gpaull@pacbell.net endit, dlkruger2000@yahoo.com Mikeydz, Mikeydz@houston.rr.com Section 4 Sgt_Gold, rspilot@nyc.rr.com JPS, jsalmenk@cc.hut.fi WadePM, wadepm@attbi.com (email may change soon) Scheer, soenke.nommensen@kielnet.net Nidan1, nidan1@optonline.net James Crowley, jim@ti-team.com _________________________________________________ Tourney Three Section 1 Ron A, zonsa@telus.net Seahawk, Seahawk-VFA201@wanadoo.fr Wellsonian, wellsonian@earthlink.net Sgt CDAT, whitney69@basin-net.net Nolloff, Nolloff@t-online.de Cyrano, cyrano@execpc.com Section 2 Legend42, ronbowen42@comcast.net Major Victory, targosfan1@rogers.com Steve Fielding, Steven.Fielding@ntlworld.com SlicerW, Slicerw@mindspring.com StoneAge, anthony.hudson@pmplimited.com.au Dave Turner, dturner@bham.rr.com Section 3 Joakim Ruud, joques@frisurf.no Sripe, Reed_Schaffer@mindspring.com Determinant, nigel@heppenstalls.demon.co.uk Red 6, josbornesprint11@earthlink.net Flammenwerfer, petercerda@earthlink.net Jaws, vdzwaan@planet.nl Section 4 Souljah1, souljah1@lanset.com SuperSlug, TheSuperSlug@rogers.com Joe Cz, joecz@warwick.net Frenchy, skdixon@bellsouth.net Space Hamster, kimmo.karjala@kotinet.com Ryddle, reade@ryddle.com There you have it. Now you guys can test for email problems. Again, try sending files in excess of 2MB to be sure your attachment size limit is not surpassed. Treeburst155 out. [ December 22, 2002, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  5. LOL! Get 'em, Kingfish!! This brings up an addition I just made to the "tourney manual" yesterday. The prize eligible finalists will get bonus points for AARs, just as in the "regular season". Apparently, players need motivation in this area. _________________________________________________ Here are the sections, selected from a hat, with but a few intentional, requested, pair-ups. Also, Tourney Three contains almost all the ROW newbies. Within Tourney Three itself, the sections were chosen out of a hat. TOURNEY ONE Section 1 Combined_Arms Spanish_Bombs Enoch Juha_Ahoniemi Bimmer TabPub Section 2 Cpl_Carrot Holien Kanonier_R Grog_Dorosh Tuomas Bertram Section 3 Ted THumpre Gunnersman Zealotburner Kunstler jjelinek Section 4 Fate The_Capt MickOZ Heavy_Drop Pixelmaster mPisi TOURNEY TWO Section 1 Vadr TexasToast Cpt_T Frontovik Redwolf U8led Section 2 Jeb John_Kettler Frunze Jon_L Tero JAT Section 3 Matt Green MrSpkr Lord_Dragon a1steaks endit mikeydz Section 4 Sgt_Gold JPS WadePM Scheer Nidan1 James_Crowley TOURNEY THREE Section 1 Ron_Alderdice Seahawk Wellsonian Sgt_CDAT Nolloff Cyrano Section 2 Legend42 Major_Victory Steve_Fielding slicerw StoneAge Dave_Turner Section 3 Joakim_Ruud Sripe Determinant Red_6 Flammenwerfer Jaws Section 4 Souljah1 Superslug Joe_Cz Frenchy Space_Hampster Ryddle The next step is to send out a Contact List of opponents and a Game Schedule to each of the sections. As soon as you receive this email you should start testing for email problems. Try sending attachments a bit over 2 MB in size to each other. In cases of severe email problems with one or more of your opponents, I will act as a go-between; although I also have some problems with some people occasionally. Anti-SPAM software in use by ISPs is a major culprit. These Contact Lists/Game Schedules will take some time to prepare and send out. I'll try to have them sent by tomorrow night. Treeburst155 out. [ December 22, 2002, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  6. Zealotburner has been sent an invitation to take Vader's Jester's slot. Major Green has been offerred Ari Maenpaa's slot too. The current replacement list looks like this: Replacement List: 1) Zealotburner (invitation sent) 2) Major Green (invitation sent) 3) endit 4) Javaslinger 5) Lt Bull 6) Deadly 88 7) Shocktrooper 8) sgtabell 9) White4 10) Ace Pilot 11) Cuzn 12) Mark Gallear 13) Beckman 14) Diceman 15) Ivan_RU Have a great holiday season, Vader's Jester and Ari. Perhaps we will catch you two for the next tourney. ______________________________________________ Redwolf and Red 6 both bring up good points. I will cut up my slips of paper and draw the names out of the hat tonight to determine the sections. This will give everyone plenty of time to root out email problems. Like Redwolf said, a 1 MB limit on attachment size is not enough for CMBB!! Treeburst155 out. [ December 16, 2002, 09:14 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  7. Yeah, that's a big 'un alright! I think it's playable on my XP 1900+/Ti4200, but giving orders would be tedious. I've spent a fair amount of time experimenting with big scenarios trying to find out exactly what slows them down. Here are some things I've learned: 1) Maps with heavy damage (lots of craters) are a major source of slowdowns. 2) Lots of units will slow things down. 3) Enlarging units to size 3 or 4 (Shift C) will slow things down considerably. Much to my surprise, going to low res textures for grass, buildings, and much more did not improve the speed of "jerky" scenarios with my 128MB Ti4200. Treeburst155 out.
  8. "To The Volga"? 18,000 points? I don't have it. Are you sure it's on the CD? I'd like to see if I can run it. Maybe I accidentally deleted it. EDIT: Oh, it's an operation. I found it. Treeburst155 out. [ December 16, 2002, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  9. Now it's time to announce the names of the scenario designers who brought you the final round. They are: Emilville Exit - Wyatt "wwb" Barnett Lab Rats In Norway - Kevin Kinscherf North of Epron - David "Stix" James Thanks, guys! Thanks also to the entire Boots & Tracks design team for making the tourney possible. The scenarios each have a separate thread on the scenario forum. Feel free to head on over and have your say about the scenarios. The feedback is always appreciated. Treeburst155 out.
  10. Wyatt "wwb" Barnett was the designer of "Emilville Exit". Thanks, Wyatt!! Treeburst155 out.
  11. David "Stix" James brought you "North Of Epron". Thanks, Stix!! Treeburst155 out.
  12. "Lab Rats In Norway" was designed by Kevin Kinscherf. Thanks, Kevin!! Treeburst155 out.
  13. Don't worry about that, John. Just enjoy your tourney game(s). That's the real purpose of the tourneys anyway. Hopefully your two missing opponents will turn up. Treeburst155 out.
  14. Vadr, The battles will be fought using Extreme Fog Of War. John Kettler, Good Luck with your computer problems. Treeburst155 out.
  15. Hi Holien, Yes, I think we can move over to the scenario forum and start discussing these three battles. I do not know who the scenario designers are. Scott Boston or Kingfish will have to let us know this. Are you going to start the thread? Maybe a thread for each scenario would be better. Treeburst155 out.
  16. Below are the Nabla scores for each individual scenario. With this list you can see who the "Scenario Champions" were. This may be of some interest to the non-prize eligible players. "Emilville Exit" Ali 1.15 Holien 1.11 Michael_Reddy 0.92 Jeb 0.85 TabPub 0.84 Fate 0.78 Combined_Arms 0.77 Visom 0.68 Kanonier_R 0.61 Vadr 0.44 Mikeydz 0.35 Frunze 0.15 Mike8g 0.12 Cpl_Carrot 0.09 Saport 0.02 JonS 0.02 Heavy_Drop -0.02 Big_X -0.02 Strider -0.09 Wadepm -0.12 Juha_A -0.15 a1steaks -0.35 Jon_L -0.44 Spanish_Bombs -0.61 Jim_Liang -0.68 MickOZ -0.77 Tero -0.78 Cuzn -0.86 U8led -0.87 Jack_Trap -0.98 The_Capt -1.42 Lopaka -1.60 "Labrats in Norway" Juha_A 1.05 Jack_Trap 1.05 Wadepm 1.03 Visom 0.93 Jon_L 0.82 Boris 0.80 mPisi 0.64 Vadr 0.62 Heavy_Drop 0.60 Ali 0.57 Kanonier_R 0.53 Frunze 0.53 a1steaks 0.46 Mike8g 0.30 Lopaka 0.18 Spanish_Bombs 0.12 Jim_Liang 0.00 Cpl_Carrot 0.00 MickOZ -0.12 The_Capt -0.18 Cuzn -0.30 Cpt_T -0.46 JonS -0.53 Combined_Arms -0.53 Holien -0.57 JJelinek -0.60 Jeb -0.62 White4 -0.64 Tero -0.80 U8led -0.83 Strider -0.99 TabPub -1.18 Big_X -1.23 Bertram -1.23 "North Of Epron" Jon_L 0.93 Jim_Liang 0.93 Holien 0.93 TabPub 0.89 Saport 0.88 Jack_Trap 0.83 Juha_A 0.76 Big_X 0.70 Ali 0.65 Hobo 0.63 U8led 0.55 Cpl_Carrot 0.48 Fate 0.43 Combined_Arms 0.41 MickOZ 0.01 Michael_Reddy 0.01 Kanonier_R -0.01 Bertram -0.01 Spanish_Bombs -0.41 Boris -0.43 Visom -0.48 Vadr -0.55 Heavy_Drop -0.63 The_Capt -0.65 Frunze -0.70 JonS -0.76 EASY_V -0.84 JJelinek -0.92 Mike8g -0.93 Strider -0.99 Lopaka -0.99 Jeb -0.99 Next, the final Nabla Scores of the prize eligible players, thus giving us our champions: Tourney One Ali...0.790 Holien...0.490 The_Capt...-0.750 Lopaka...-0.803 Tourney Two Kanonier Reichmann...0.377 Combined Arms...0.217 MickOZ...-0.293 Spanish Bombs...-0.300 Tourney Three Jon L...0.437 Vadr...0.170 Jeb...-0.253 U8led...-0.383 Congratulations to Ali, Kanonier Reichmann, and Jon L!! You three are the ROW II Champions! Ali and Kanonier will receive the wines, and Jon L will receive the three VCR war movies. WineCape and I will be in touch very soon to get your physical addresses. ______________________________________________ Note: A score of 1.0 would be a win at the level of the standard deviation from the median. A score of 0 would mean you were on the median. Negative scores mean below median. If you finished all three games (reported a score), and would like to know your final Nabla score, simply add your scores for each scenario (posted above) and divide by three. You may find you did rather well compared to the prize eligible players. Treeburst155 out.
  17. OK then, I'm hard at work crunching scores. Below is the input file I'm using. If you see an incorrect score for one of your games, speak up. The results will be posted within a couple hours. # Emilville_Exit Tero 13 Fate 87 Mikeydz 36 a1steaks 64 JonS 30 Big_X 69 Frunze 31 Juha_A 66 Heavy_Drop 26 Saport 66 Cuzn 9 TabPub 88 Mike8g 31 Wadepm 67 Cpl_Carrot 31 Strider 68 Jim_Liang 16 Visom 83 Michael_Reddy 54 Jack Trap 46 Ali 75 Lopaka 25 Holien 69 The_Capt 31 MickOZ 13 Combined_Arms 86 Spanish_Bombs 17 Kanonier_R 80 U8led 10 Jeb 90 Jon_L 22 Vadr 77 # Lab_Rats_In_Norway Tero 24 Boris 68 a1steaks 57 Cpt_T 43 mPisi 62 White4 38 Frunze 59 JonS 41 Big_X 12 Juha_A 88 Heavy_Drop 61 JJelinek 39 Mike8g 50 Cuzn 43 TabPub 14 Wadepm 86 Jim_Liang 44 Cpl_Carrot 48 Strider 21 Visom 79 Bertram 12 Jack Trap 88 Holien 36 Ali 64 Lopaka 47 The_Capt 45 Spanish_Bombs 50 MickOZ 50 Combined_Arms 37 Kanonier_R 63 Jon_L 69 U8led 31 Jeb 27 Vadr 58 # North_Of_Epron Boris 43 Fate 57 JonS 32 Juha_A 68 Big_X 69 Frunze 31 JJelinek 26 Saport 74 Hobo 66 Heavy_Drop 33 TabPub 78 Mike8g 22 Cpl_Carrot 60 Visom 36 Strider 23 Jim_Liang 77 EASY_V 29 Jack Trap 71 Bertram 50 Michael_Reddy 47 Ali 67 The_Capt 33 Lopaka 23 Holien 77 MickOZ 52 Kanonier_R 48 Combined_Arms 58 Spanish_Bombs 38 U8led 64 Vadr 36 Jeb 23 Jon_L 77 Treeburst155 out.
  18. Hi guys! I just got done with a couple grueling days at work. Now I'm going to score the ROW II tourney. Before I do, I thought I'd post the new replacement list so you guys know I have received your emails. Replacement List: 1) Zealotburner 2) Major Green 3) endit 4) Javaslinger 5) Lt Bull 6) Deadly 88 7) Shocktrooper 8) sgtabell 9) White4 10) Ace Pilot 11) Cuzn 12) Mark Gallear 13) Beckman 14) Diceman I will be posting the sections soon, maybe even tonight. Treeburst155 out.
  19. Hehe....yeah, I could live without this new feature. If I wanted computer picked forces, I'd choose computer picked forces. It's just another reason to stick with scenarios IMO. I never was much of a QB player. Treeburst155 out.
  20. Geez, there's too much luck in this game now, and I'm not a lucky person. I got greens for critical units, and vet mortars. Treeburst155 out. [ December 13, 2002, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  21. I couldn't find anything in the manual about this. I bought regular troops in a QB and the computer gave me many greens, and even a vet. Is this a feature? I paid for regulars, and I want regulars! I'm not talking about automatic purchases here. Thanks! Treeburst155 out.
  22. I want some Carrot mortars! I'll give you ALL my Redwolf rifle grenades for just 4 Carrot mortars! Ahaa! Space Hampter is an UberFinn. You cannot have too many UberFinns in a tournament. The question is, "How uber is he?" We shall find out soon enough. Treeburst155 out. [ December 13, 2002, 01:17 PM: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]
  23. Hmmm....looks like Mr. Kettler's computer and internet connection are doing quite well considering all the carnage flowing into and out of his computer of late. Fight On!! Treeburst155 out.
  24. Hi guys, Work is a bit crazy for the next few days. I'll be posting the sections sometime next week, maybe Sunday, after I score the ROW II Finals. I've a couple more signups to add to the replacement list too. John Kettler, Good to hear you have CMBB running. Hopefully you can stabilize that computer, and get it out of "intensive care". Treeburst155 out.
  25. Yeah, Panzer Leader and his "34 seconds of fame". It was a fun thread. Squire Treeburst155 out.
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