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Posts posted by BloodyBucket

  1. Originally posted by PrivateSlovik:

    I strongly agree w/ comment about supply inside encirclement. What's the point of playing at this scale if you can't race to the sea or use kessels in USSR? Even if you manage a total encirclement the combat seems to play out the same as a head on slugfest. Supply rules should be much tighter, making even partial cutoff a real threat.

    Last suggestion: we need to talk up the fun factor of this game to non-fanatics, the screenshots aren't going to sell it. ;)

    I really thought the no Zone Of Control, have to have units in each adjacent land hex to cut supply thing was going to bug me more than it has. Perhaps this is because I have yet to fight against Russia, where, as you point out, the encirclement battles really should take place. The current system seems to work for me, in a strange way.

    I think it is a good looking game, but you are right, the sum is greater than the parts. I am posting to other forums regarding SC, and I hope that others do the same. Strong sales breed good things like add-ons and sequels (Pacific War or the whole world, anyone?).

    [ May 25, 2002, 01:05 AM: Message edited by: BloodyBucket ]

  2. Not a bad idea. Could be included as a game option. Would it work both ways, in case the Allies invade Spain?

    BTW, as far as I know owning Gibraltar doesn't restrict the passage of naval units in or out of the Med, and doesn't cut supply to the Med. Is this correct?

  3. Well, there is no FM yet. smile.gif

    AFAIK, the only way to check to see what HQ is attached to what units is to click on the HQ at the start of the turn. Supported units have a kind of barberpole border around them. I am guessing that this stays constant throughout the turn, if if you move the HQ or units.

    I do wish there was some other clue as to what is in command, why it gets assigned if two HQ are nearby, and a history of who was in command from what HQ last turn, since if you keep the same HQ with the same units, they fight better in the future (I think).

  4. The more I play it, the more I like it. Some of the abstractions (no combined attack)that I thought would be terrible just don't seem to matter that much.

    Also, I am starting to think that some issues with the demo will become less of an issue in the full game (sub vulnerability). There are some things that should be tweaked, of course, but the more game time I get, the more I want to try it again.

  5. Well thought out and documented post.

    Seems that the simplest solution would be to increase the size of the US army that immediately deploys with a declaration of war. Of course, there may be balance issues if the US has too many forces available in a more "normal" situation.

  6. Control Panel/System/Device Manager/Sound, video and game controlers.

    Click on the "x", expanding Sound, video and game controlers. That should list your sound card, or chipset, etc.

    I've got an ESS Solo-1 PCI Audio drive. I've tried playing with the sound settings, but I can't shake the "Slow button with sound playing" syndrome.

  7. I didn't know there was an AA research category that would up the AA value of cities.

    As to AA units being Gamey, it was those Gamey Germans who used an 88mm AA gun to shoot holes in tanks and other assorted ground items. smile.gif

    I know that there is a HQ bonus, so I thought that a different type of bonus for air units might be possible. It just seems that an escorted bomber is more or less invincible in the demo. Perhaps the key is for those who are offended by bombing raids is to buy advanced fighters through research.

  8. Darn airdales! What I mean is this:

    Five airgroups stationed around strategic target.

    RAF bomber comes to visit, alone or escorted.

    One of my airgroups intercepts, the rest are drinking beer at the O-club, and can't be bothered to defend the target.

    Any chance that I might get more activity out of my lazy pilots in the final release? Perhaps a way to toggle them to "defense", so that there could be multiple intercepts?

  9. The Strat bomb hits being absorbed by units is an issue that I would like to see resolved. The ideal solution would be to give the player a choice, if you made it so the Bombers only hit the cities than units could "hide out" in them, but that would be better than the way it is now.

    The sub suprise issue could be fixed by making subs immune to all suprise. Better if other subs and carriers could still suprise subs. Best if surface units in range of usable air units could inflict suprise on subs, also.

    I'm OK with limited supply for surrounded units in forts and cities. This makes sense, and historical examples like Leningrad come to mind.

    Purchase screen should stay open as long as one does not actively close it. That says it all.

    The move, wait, attack later option would be great, but I find that I don't miss the option of having several units combine for one attack, and I thought I would.

    I have yet to figure out the way to do an amphib invasion. Is it corps only? Can you land in an enemy occupied hex? How about ports and cities? Seems to me that "opposed" landings into an enemy occupied hex should be possible (Omaha beach).

    Not crazy about the stacking idea, the one unit per hex seems to work ok.

    Altering the map for more terrain in the far North and South would be great, but IIRC it ain't gonna happen, so the only other solution (at least for the Northern area) would be some kind of transit or off map box.

    I think the "Partisans" in Yugoslavia are actually Yugo army units, but I'm not sure.

    Having a way to see what units are assigned to each HQ would be a plus, like in CM where double-clicking the HQ hilites all the subordinate units. Also, I seem to recall reading that units that stick with a HQ get a bonus of some sort, so a way to help remember who was commanded by who would be great.

    I am OK with the turn length. Still wish that there was some visual indication of the season besides the text in the lower right screen. Even if the time of year had no effect on gameplay other than the turn length it would add flavor.

  10. Might be nice for Hubert if we consolidated all the Tech issues in one thread. If you are having any trouble with the demo you could post your problem and your system specs here.

    So far no problems on my splindly little 350 Mhz Aptiva with a Prophet Kyro graphics card.

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