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Posts posted by BloodyBucket

  1. Thanks for the link. I was thinking more along the lines of a source that would show where armies and corps were deployed at any given point in the war, so you could use it as a basis for coming up with SC scenarios.

    I guess one could use other games as a starting point, and translate the setups from them into SC.

  2. Since one of the major problems facing the Allies during the war was one of co-operation, wouldn't it make sense to make the Allied side somehow weaker in this area when playing against an Axis AI? Something along the lines of an AI controled Russia? How about slowing US entry or making Russian production levels go up in phases after war is declared?

  3. If this feature is included, I vote that sitting in front of your computer watching a SC game unfold by itself while getting a full helping of your favorite adult beverage be known as "Strahaing".

  4. I am willing to wait as long as it takes, if the designer is looking at some of the ideas that get presented here and trying to implement them.

    Too many games get released as Beta, because of a publish on time or be damned mindset. I think a little patience here will be rewarded.

  5. I am no expert, but you might try going to the "future" file, right click, select properties/program, select "advanced" and check the "prevent ms-dos based programs from detecting windows" box.

    Speaking of being no expert, how do I modify my "autoexe.bat." settings. I don't know where to begin. redface.gif

  6. Given the Army/Corps scale of SC, what would be a good source for OOB and deployment info for all the custom scenarios that are sure to pop up?

    Also, since we know a little about the scenario editor, what "What If?" scenarios are you thinking about?

    For example, you could simulate increased French preparedness by furnishing them with a HQ. Perhaps an early German jet research scenario? How about the Stalin doesn't purge the army scenario?

  7. Why would I want to play the Germans? smile.gif

    Point taken, but there is no corresponding setting for the opposite side. Just hoping that if SuperTed has only two difficulty settings left to go in his AAR, that there is a signifigant increase in difficulty for each.

    When France fell so quickly, it was a shock to the world. With hindsight, we understand why that happened, but in a game like SC, it would be disapointing if you could count on conquering France quickly every game. IMHO, competent play by the Germans against the AI should result in France falling around the historical date most of the time, but not every time. As the French against the German AI, you should know that you are doomed, but you should have a shot at upsetting the timetable of the Germans. The default difficulty should tend towards these results, and if you have to crank up the difficulty all the way to get there, then the median should be reset.

    Of course, SuperTed might be a strategic genius, or simply have gotten good luck in his attack on France. I'm just hoping that the AI is capable of giving the opposition a headache at the default level of difficulty.

  8. I played Clash of Steel! tonight with every option set the Allies way...The Poles took Berlin in June of 1940, but the Germans only surrender when another major power occupies Berlin, so it took another turn to replace the Polish garrison with a French one.

    Difficulty settings that make things that easy should be avoided. I would rather the scale tend more toward the "more challenging" end, as games get easier the more you play them.

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