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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by BloodyBucket

  1. The part of the review that hit home with me was the lack of Winter effects. It is really too bad that a theater level game covering Barbarossa has no Winter effects, other than turn length. The lack of "flavor" there is something that will be sorely missed, I'm afraid.

  2. Damn! Leave the forum for a few days and all Hell breaks loose!

    As to SuperTed and his snotty taunting and childish hints, I think we can safely start loudly demanding the release of SC2: The World at War, as of right now.

    What's wrong with you Beta Boys? We want the war in the Pacific! Get cracking! What does a guy have to do around here to get a little customer service, anyway? :D:D

  3. I agree that altering someone's game without permission is wrong. But I also know that people do it, and it is unwise to pretend that they don't.

    If changes have to be made to SC to protect it from hacking, then that is the way it is and we are going to just have to cool our jets and be patient.

    As to the issue of editing posts, it is the decision of the people who own the board, and if you want to post instructions for hacking a game there are other places to do it, without you having to worry about the people whose work you are stealing editing your post.

    For the record, I agree that there is a line between modding and hacking that is not always crystal clear. This particular instance is fairly free from ambiguity, the hacking was simple theft.

    Once the game is purchased, user mods can and do extend the life of other games. If Hubert thinks that this is verbotten, I will abide by it, but I freely admit that if I came across a mod that allowed you to play the game with more than two players or added say, airborne units I would be very sorely tempted to download it.

    Would this hurt SC, if those mods became available? Possibly, if there is a future edition planned that would include them. It also might lead others to buy the game who would not otherwise.

    But hacking a demo is just simple theft, that has no other motive behind it than ripping off the designer.

  4. Good news on the updated features. Lousy news on the hacking.

    I don't have the technical knowledge to suggest how to secure your property from theft, but I can suggest to the many supporters of SC that the best response available is to promote the game. Tell anyone you think might be interested in a game like SC about SC.

    Post to other forums. Get extra copies as gifts. Let others know that you think it is a great game.

    I can say that I'm dissapointed and that I support Hubert, BTS and Fury. I can DO a little word of mouth advertising, and that might bring results.

  5. Commencing Thursday evening watch. Heavy explosions, nearby and in the distance. A volley of sarcasm from SuperTed lands close by, but my trusty steel pot keeps me safe. Still no sign of SC.

    "The rockets red glare,

    The bombs bursting in air,

    Gave proof through the night,

    That SC wasn't there."

    Happy Fourth.

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