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Posts posted by BloodyBucket

  1. While I have no knowledge of the relative merits of the Canadian forces in WWII (sadly, as it sounds fascinating and I should fix this), I do know that I grew up assuming that GI Joe was the best soldier on the planet, and could outfight ten Germans easy. After all, my dad was one of those invincible heroes.

    When I got wise to the truth, that he was in a division that was ripped apart for army political reasons before being sent into combat, led by a very brave but barely competent (some say alcoholic) general in the divisions most famous battles, ill served by a terrible replacement system, often outfought on a tactical level by the Germans, committed to ghastly frontal attacks by officers who should have known better, and finally smashed due to intelligence blunders, my respect for him, if anything, went up.

    Can't say the same for the army.

    [ May 06, 2002, 11:32 PM: Message edited by: BloodyBucket ]

  2. </font>

    • Airborne - Wish it was there, just for the flavor </font>
    • Mech Infantry - Wish it was there, probably as a research type that the US gets a head start on </font>
    • AT, Engineers, - Naahhh, don't need 'em </font>
    Other units that I've seen in other games that would be welcome include:
    • Russian Cavalry </font>
    • Seperate SS (just different color scheme) </font>
    • Home Gaurd/Militia/Volkstrumm </font>
    • Mountain troops (maybe) </font>

    None of these is essential, but they all provide a little flavor and some more production choices. If I had to choose one to include, it would be airborne.

  3. If you'd like, I could make a list of the prices for German units.

    I'd like. Nothing like a shopping list. smile.gif

    Interesting that you went for upgrading your industrial capacity. I thought that your priorities might be geared more towards a quick victory rather than setting up for increased production for the long haul.

    BTW, I'm toying with the idea of a fansite for SC, and I'd like permission to rip off, err, I mean use some of the screens that get posted here, along with linking to the forum and the SC site that BTS maintains. Any objections?

  4. Looks like another walk in the park for the Germans, with the exception of the naval action. One wonders what the English and French are doing, besides watching the minors get gobbled up.

    Good AAR. Any chance of getting a screen of an intel report? I'd love to see how much of your budget the new HQ devoured.

    Version 1.29a? Hubert has been busy, if he is changing versions on you in midgame. One day, after SC is in our grubby little hands, it would be interesting to see a list of changes made during development, along with a commentary of why.

  5. It seems that if Canada wasn't on the SC map, then Canadian forces would be treated as any other Commonwealth forces. Since Canada (at least a bit of it) IS on the SC map, the decision to have Canadian units was made, and have them arrive when purchased in Canada (at least, I think they show up in Canada).

    It seems that the lack of HQ support for the two Canadian units is more a matter of uniformity than a real decision, since other "minors" are without HQ. If a change could be made that would allow Canada to use English HQ without too many programing difficulties or play balance issues, that would be the way to go.

  6. There will be no "movie" that you can replay of the game.

    "Report tables keep track of all game statistics including current military strengths, the number of resources for all combatants, and even the total combat losses for both sides."--from the SC features list.

    So I guess that by keeping track of when you win or lose, combined with a report from the last turn, you could get a good idea of how you did.

  7. The Hover feature would be nifty. The unit graphics will be fully modable, so I'm sure that there will be several options shortly after SC is released. IIRC, there is a feature that allows the names of the units to be changed in the game. The limiting factor will probably be the number of individual BMPs. If there is one BMP for all tank units, then all tank units will look alike. If there is a seperate one for each country, then your mod options increase.

  8. So, I guess the next question has to be, was there an Army and a Corps formed in Canada, and then transported to the fighting, or should the units in question be formed in England with resources gained from Cananda? And if the cooperation between England and Canada was so close, shouldn't the units be different only in name?

    Are the other Commonwealth forces in the same category?

  9. Originally posted by SuperTed:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by BloodyBucket:


    Just reference the Varying Quality thread over to the General forum and see how busy it gets. ;)


    Not a bad idea. Feel free to do that. smile.gif </font>

  10. One thing that would be hard to model is the fact that the Germans didn't know that their communications were being read. Also, if the Allies acted on every piece of information they got, the Germans might have figured it out.

    Since the game doesn't know the plans of the player in advance (I hope), the effect of ULTRA and humint would have to be simulated in other ways. Since unrevealed units have a large effect on movement and combat, tinkering with that aspect is probably tricky at best.

    I don't know enough about what aspects of a players research, purchasing and deployments remain hidden to guess at what intel might reveal that would otherwise stay secret.

    A topic worth considering, since intel played a large role in the war.

  11. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    Even the Canadians? :eek: Historically, Canadians were the highest quality troops the Allies had.


    I'm publicly and loudly declaring that, even though I have posted to this thread, that I, nor any relative of mine, living or dead, nor anyone I know, had anything to do with making Canadians in SC a minor power without headquarters.

    The above statement applies to Aussies, Kiwis, Indians, and all other former or present countries that might be considered, or were considered, part of the empire.

    The ensuing firestorm of protest and justifiable posting of numerous examples of the fine combat records of said nations, should in no way be aimed at yours truly.

    I am now retiring to my bomb shelter to watch the show. :eek:

  12. It's an interesting design question. Perhaps a German 10 strenth unit might represent 50,000 men, and an Rumanian or Italian 10 strength unit 80,000 (Just using those numbers as an example).

    I would guess that minors could be limited in max strength for a corps or army. We know that research can raise the max strength of major power units.

    The HQ will have a big effect, I think. Since HQ ratings are built in, that will make some countries more effective than others.

    I just don't think that the historical performance of a particular country should absolutely limit a players chances in the game. Kind of a balancing act for the designer.

    No arguement here that German training and doctrine made a difference, I'm just saying that it shouldn't mean the German (or any other) forces in SC always win a battle because "that's how it went in real life". smile.gif

  13. Hadn't thought about invasions and the weather. While you can make a good case for leaving out special Russian Winter rules, or making them optional, not much could be done to prepare LSTs for winter storms.

    Having a January cross channel attack be as likely as a June or July invasion does seem odd.

  14. Music, graphics and other chrome are part of what makes a game fun. However, music should always have a toggle switch, so it doesn't become grating. Intro movies should have a toggle or a way to bypass them.

    There are good games without multimedia goodies, and horrible games that have lots of really good music and cutscenes. To my tastes, at least, the SC maps that have been posted so far are very attractive. Making the graphics and sounds open to mods will keep them fresh, and allow individuals to find or make something that they like.

    I really liked the movie clips in the first couple of Close Combat games. Also, the fact that units would get medals based on performance was completely silly, but fun. CC retired to my shelf when CMBO came out, and I think I watched the CM intro movie once. So it really isn't a factor in what games I play at all, but I do get a kick out of the extras.

  15. Interesting subject, from a technical standpoint. It is a wonder that there is no service out there for acting as a broker for PBEM games. Disabling the save feature is probably all that can be done, without inventing some new system. I searched some newsgroups that focus on PBEM and no magic bullet was mentioned.

    If there was a service offering a secure transfer of PBEM files that was banner ad supported, would people here use it?

  16. Someone said that different nationalities will start the '39 game with different research already in place. This will give each major some flavor.

    Since leaders and units get positive or negative experience bonuses from past success or failure, in the campaigns that start later you could argue for differences based on that.

    The '39 game sort of starts with a clean slate, so I am leery of prejudging the combatants. The Italians might have fought like lions for a different leader, and the early German conquests could have been bungled.

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