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Everything posted by Marlow

  1. He dove in with poetry No biting taunt seen Get thee the hell out
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally ranted by Croda: Oh ya, I hate Marlow too. Douchebag boy pulls an M8 up behind 2 MkIVs and KOs them. I'm sure history supports the broad unsupported flanking manuever by a scout car pays huge dividends mode of thought. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Wrongo, Not-Rommel. The M-8 only got one of your panzers. The two Ronsons that briefly peeked over the hill on my right got the other. And anyway, my M-8 was not doing some sort of wild flanking maneuver, just a careful probe of the left side of your line , oh worthless one, (and not the edge of the board either, but about midway between the edge and the middle) where it found no, nada, zero, zilch in the way of Jerry's kids to shoot at. If you had even a Geriatric one-eyed watchman on a mule on that side, you wouldn't have been surprised. Your tank presented way to good a target, I would have been a poor commander not to go for it. Also, the shot came from a dead stop (all the better to kill you), this was not a drive by. What are you going to tell the widows and orphans? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jdmorse: the Summer heat must have affected Macker's brains as he ever so nicely trots them out for target practice, much like the shooting range at the carnival arcade.... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My dear Morsey, It would appear that you are as confused as a Florida pensioner in a voting booth. Your little marksmen (and I use the term loosely) did nothing but mar the paint on my war machines. ------------------ The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue. - Mao Tse Tung
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Eagle Boy: Andy Reid - Cherubim, Seraphim, or Demi-God? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Neither. He must have sold his soul to Berli for the Philly Pigeons to be winning anything. Really, when was the last time they won the Superbowl? Oh, thats right, NEVER.
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: And now for a bit of a sing song. Being a chauvinistic bastard and because I just fulfilled a public service, the French National Anthem!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You Friggin French Looney (I know, redundant) No wonder your simpletons never get anything worthwhile done, your too busy singing that bloody interminable anthem. Doesn't it ever end. And another problem, its in French. How do you expect the important parts of the world to understand it. Time for Babelfish: 1 Let us go children of the Fatherland, the day of glory arrived! Against us of tyranny, the bloody standard is raised, Entendez you in the Mugir campaigns these wild soldiers? They come until in your arms Egorger your sons and your partners! Refrain With the weapons, citizens, Form your battalions, Marchons, go! How one impure blood Waters our furrows! 2 What wants this horde of slaves, Of traitors, entreated kings? For which these wretched obstacles, These irons as of prepared a long time? French, for us, ah! what a insult Quels transport it must excite! It is us whom one dares to contemplate to return to the antique slavery! 3 What! foreign troops Would make the law in our homes! What! these phalanges mercenaries Would embank our proud warriors! Large God! by connected hands Our faces under the yoke are ploieraient With cheap despots would become the Masters of our destinies! 4 Tremble, tyrants and you perfidious opprobrium of all the parties, Tremblez! your parricidal projects finally will receive their prices! All is soldier to fight you, If they fall, our young heroes, the ground in product the new ones, Against you any loans to be fought! 5 French, as warriors magnanimes, Carry or retain your blows! Save these sad victims, A regret being armed against us But these sanguinary despots, But these accomplices of Bouillé, All these tigers which, without pity, Déchirent the centre of their mother! 6 Crowned love of the Fatherland, Lead, supports our arms Liberté avengers, Most cherished liberty, Combats with your defenders! Under our flags that the victory Runs to your males accents, Which your expiring enemies Voient your triumph and our glory! 7 We will enter the career When our elder is not there any more, We will find there their dust And the trace of their virtues less jealous Bien to survive to them Than to share their coffin, We will have sublimates it pride Of There, much better this way. Still doesn't make any sense, but it least its pseudo-English gibberish. Hope this makes your little Gaul brain swell with righteous indignation, and causes your head to explode. Now go get some pommes frites at McDo. Glad the pools in Ozzy land rather than France. The wine is better.
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>rune spoketh from on high: Marlow, Marlow, you putrid cesspooliam want a be...I sponser you, give you scenarios to play...the least you can do is keep your Knight informed. Don't make me slap you down like the un-wanted boil that you are. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> (Knuckles to forehead) Oh brave sir rune, if you had taken some time away from picking at your ass, you would has seen my earlier posts that there is killin aplenty being carried out in your name. Capt. Croda, (ret.) is teaching his troops a new technique: fair catch of a mortar round. Between the shelling and machinegun fire, I imagine that a platoon or two of his ill lead troops are in rough shape. Three of his tin cans and a halftrack are scrap metal. One more panzer is dead meat soon. Meanwhile, I have suffered no infantry casualties to speak of. Unfortunatly, two Ronsons are burning because Croda cheats. The VL lies in no mans land; however, I will claim it soon enough. His bits will be adanglin from my pointy stick forthwith. JDMoron has taken the only casualties in our little dust-up. A platoon creeping up the edge ate some 50 cal. Otherwise, not much going on. His snipers need to go back to school. They couldn't hit the water from a boat. However, I feel some apprehension in this fight, as his use of smoke in heavy fog clearly demonstrates true tactical mastery. Still have yet to see Toomai of the Sheep's men. Only a random explosion or two at the edge of some woods. I sincerely hope it was his braut munchers playing catch with hand grenades. No action yet with Hiram. The neighborhood watch complained, and Eagle Boy has stopped shelling an empty town. I can see some of his confused little girls wandering around in the woods, but I'll let him live for a while longer. Have defeated Nijis, he just doesn't know it yet. ------------------ The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue. - Mao Tse Tung [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-28-2000).]
  6. Australia, Australia, Australia, Australia, we love you amen Good, get the damn thing out of the States. It was lowering property values. Oh and for you: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by coslaw: [Dipping a toe in the 'pool for the first time...] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Come back later for a proper "get the hell out" you devolved protosimian. We're still getting used to the new digs.
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon: You see Whitlow, when I do the double stumble stunt you just did, I always delete the first mention of: [This message has been edited by a Jerk (edited 11-27-2000).]. This way it's not so self evident. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> My incompetence knows no bounds. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: Hmmm, let's see. A lousy lawyer from the great Communist state of Washington (why are you not in Florida with all the other idiot lawyers?) ... Mike D aka Mikester<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Insult (and I use the word loosely) a lawyer, ohhhh very original. Why don’t you go take some candy from a baby or steal a senior's social security check. If your going to post something here, at least make it mildly amusing, otherwise go crawl back into whatever hole you came from. Or better yet, just get the hell out. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).] [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mikester: My life sucks big friggin rocks so I have pathological need to post worthless ****. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Doctor at the school for dysfunctional children making rounds with the new interns: Doctor: What you see before you is an unfortunate specimen (pointing at Mikester eating sand in the sandbox) His sense of self worth has been irreparably harmed by the sad fact that he is indeed a steaming pile of goat feces. Doe eyed buxom young intern: Is there nothing we can do Doctor. Doctor: Sadly, no. It is terminal. . He is destined to slowly dry up in the sun, turn to dust, and blow away.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by rune in the wastleland outside of the pool: With the approach of the tcp/ip patch..I decided to create some of the scenarios I am famous for. Yes, Evilness in its purest forms. SO, I have created for you: … Croda_marlow: Made for the 2 named individuals, a fair but nasty fight. … Other pointless battles about small, insignificant actions such as the Bulge. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Croda, we're famous. Our names will live on in infamy. I'd like to thank the members of the Academy … Oh, and we'll have to make sure that your soon to be utter defeat is noted in the scenerio briefing. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]
  11. Reason # 83432 to never leave the pool: A thread that won't die about why "CM should have included horse transport, so I can indulge my pointless urge to shoot the horses." Peter's "assault Reindeer" was worth a small chuckle however. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-27-2000).]
  12. Blink … We have signs of life doctor … Blink, Blink, Groan, Stretch … IV turkey gravy, stat. A sudden deprivation of calories from tasty dead animals may be fatal … Oh well, back to the grind. Except for the Eagles winning on Sunday, a perfect weekend. What a holiday. Beefy Americans shoveling enough food down their gullets to feed the rest of the world for a year or so, and then passing out on the couch while the gloriously inept Dallas Cowboys figure out yet another way to lose. Except for one acquaintance (obviously some kind of communist with aims of overthrowing the United States, who actually had a vegan Thanksgiving. The Horror …) it was a time for all Americans to come together and make a magnificent spectacle of overindulgence. It turns out that even the vote counters in Palm Beach took the day off - can't be bothered by a Presidential election … so what if the votes aren't counted on time … gotta go home and eat to excess. You damn foreigners don't know what you are missing. *** Croda - Happily gunning down his confused schnitzel boys by the light of burning panzers, what a beautiful sight. Surrender now. We have nice soft cots, cigarettes and real coffee waiting for you. PeterNZ - Sitting on the VL, no sign of his men or files. Morose - Watching his little lost girls stumble their way through the fog. Just a little closer … Hiram Eagle boy - He's busily shelling an empty village. My men are enjoying the fireworks. And enough already about the damn Eagles. Nijis - Topplement imminent; details to be determined. *** Oberst Oberst Oberst Oberst, As much as the very idea sickens me, it appears that we are neighbors. I think a swift kick in your (superfluous) testicles would do you nicely for daring to live in my city. Methinks that a contest for martial supremacy in Vienna is called for.
  13. It wasn't that good a game, but there was a computer version of AH's Wooden Ships and Iron Men that used a sort of turn based plotting, and simultaneous move system. Goes to show you that execution counts as much as the idea.
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Croda: Marlow came in - taunted - and disappeared, <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Not much time to post, short work week. Anyway, its more fun to shoot, shell, and otherwise blast Crawdads infantry into little bite-sized chunks with assorted thingeys that go boom - Be vawy vawy quite, we're hunting Crodas. Other reports - Still haven't seen Toomai of the Sheep in our little night lovefest. He has managed to blow up a few trees, however. After an ill advised joy ride along the the frontline in an M-18 (Lucky bugger survived), my troops have returned to sanity, and begun to butcher Morse's infantry. They're piling up like chad on the counting room floor. All quite on the Hiram front. That's all for now, Happy Friggin Thanksgiving. ------------------ The enemy advances, we retreat. The enemy camps, we harass. The enemy tires, we attack. The enemy retreats, we pursue. - Mao Tse Tung [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-22-2000).]
  15. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Roborat: Methinks that "Mr" nijism was sandbagging us with his initial hiram impersonation, his last post reveals his true colours, I am beginning to almost, maybe consider him tolerable in the pool. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Tolerable in the pool?, what kind of pantywaste crap is this!!! He's a friggin a journalist! A journalist in the pool, holy ****, and I thought the lawyers were bad enough. At least lawyers have a low cunning about them, sort of like those big, flea bitten, yellow-eyed Norway rats that manage to thrive almost any muck filled sewer. But now we've really hit rock bottom if scum-bag reporters are finding their way in here. Nitwit, You waste of protoplasm. You miserable little talentless hack. Let me guess, people used to pull your underwear over your head and put "kick me" signs on your back in your grade school days. Your pretentious, journalistic sounding bull**** doesn't cut it here. Go write a romance novel. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis: Blah, Blah, Blah … Longwinded, pseudointellectual diarrhea … Blah, Blah, Blah … but I'm sure you exhibit in spades whatever regional characteristic of your hamlet is most distasteful to its neighbors … Blah, Blah … <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> If you want to call Croda the inbred son of two drunken, cross-eyed, donkey shagging crack whores, then belt it out like you got a pair, girly!! (And in defense of poor Croda, central PA really is a nice place. Shucks, some of the houses even have 'lectricity and indoor plumbing. Its not his fault that they consider getting hitched to a second cousin to be marrying outside the family). <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by nijis: ...an assertive armored thrust into your soft mushy bits. ... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> What the hell is an " assertive armored thrust"? It sounds like something from a porno version of Camelot. Why your only redeeming factor is that your posting from a place where they like sheep even more than in New Zealand. BleeterNZ won’t feel so lonely now. As far as the rest of you deviants go, What the hell is going on here!?! I'm gone for a long weekend, and the pool has imploded. First there is a lewis sighting. I think I need a dip in the sewage to cleanse myself of his stench. Why hasn't he been locked up in a cell with a bunch of large and angry syphilis infected convicts. Next is all this "wahhhh. the pool sucks. I'm going home." Well you can all kiss my boil speckled arse. Then to top it off, Von Sclong goes ballistic telling Kurtz-a-chai that he should play kissey face with pool newbies. WTF!!! I live for Senility's long winded lyrical semi-taunts. If anyone gets their wittle feelings hurt by sean-a-chiapet's post, they wouldn't last long here anyway. ------------------ 'Gold is for the mistress - silver for the maid - copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade.' 'Good!' said the Baron, sitting in his hall, "But Iron - Cold Iron - is master of them all.' [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-21-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Elijah Meeks: I will be gone for a while, as I was caught without my pants at the petting zoo, an explicit violation of the terms of my probation. Merry Christmas. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Due to the impending absence of Sir Meeks, I bring you … At a loss for words, try Meek's Insta-Taunt. This little devil will slice, dice and chop your opponents, and if you order now, will come with not one, not two, but three bottles Sir Meek's favorite meds for bi-polar disorder! To use this ingenious device simply insert the words of your choice into the appropriate space. In no time, you'll have the pool convinced that Sir Insignificant Little Rodent Boy had never left. I have signed your death warrant, you ( insert various uncomplimentary, and preferably vulgar adjectives) piece of ( insert synonym for feces). I will now commence with the tearing off of your (insert body parts of choice here, nipples are strongly recommended) and the inserting them in ( insert random bodily orifice here). I, the (insert unlikely complementary adjectives for Sir Meeks here, the more of them used the better) Sir Meeks, will show you the true meaning of topplement, first hand. ------------------ ... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-17-2000).]
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Trooper: OK.. let's start back at basics... For those of us, even in potatoland, who have never seen a potato/snowball mortar in the flesh/steel/whatever.... Can someone please tell us just how the things work and are made by kids? NTM <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I don't know if this will answer all of your questions, but it was written by Dave Barry on the very subject several years ago: http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/mas63/cannon/spud_alert.html
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Glider Rider: ...The slobbering pup left our tank at Mach three, and the spotters radioed through that the general was impressed by our accuracy... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Careful now, we're venturing into dangerous waters, I just hope this thread doesn't degenerate into 20 pages of discussion on how CM doesn't correctly model the penetration or accuracy of HVSC rounds (Hyper Velocity, Small Canine) rounds. I can see it now … I read once that, due to its favorable length to diameter ratio, a dachshund fired from a Pak 37 could frontally penetrate the turret armor of a Sherman Jumbo …
  19. Edited because of my incompetence with posting. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-16-2000).]
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ceebee: > To the citizens of the United States of America... > > In the light of your failure to elect a President of the USA and thus to > govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your > independence, effective today. > ... > > Thank you for your cooperation. > > <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, CeeBee, It looks like our little game has taken on a whole new dimension. So no longer are we merely fighting over some imaginary digital terrain, but metaphorically , I am fighting for the honor of America, against you as the representative of the newly expansionist British Empire. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-16-2000).]
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken: I vote for surgical dissection. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How about surgical castration. Keep him from spawning. ------------------ ... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune
  22. Very funny article from the Onion: Serbia Deploys Peacekeeping Forces to U.S. BELGRADE--Serbian president Vojislav Kostunica deployed more than 30,000 peacekeeping troops to the U.S. Monday, pledging full support to the troubled North American nation as it struggles to establish democracy. "We must do all we can to support free elections in America and allow democracy to gain a foothold there," Kostunica said. "The U.S. is a major player in the Western Hemisphere and its continued stability is vital to Serbian interests in that region." Kostunica urged Al Gore, the U.S. opposition-party leader who is refusing to recognize the nation's Nov. 7 election results, to "let the democratic process take its course." "Mr. Gore needs to acknowledge the will of the people and concede that he has lost this election," Kostunica said. "Until America's political figures learn to respect the institutions that have been put in place, the nation will never be a true democracy." Serbian forces have been stationed throughout the U.S., with an emphasis on certain trouble zones. Among them are Oregon, Florida, and eastern Tennessee, where Gore set up headquarters in Bush territory. An additional 10,000 troops are expected to arrive in the capital city of Washington, D.C. by Friday. Though Kostunica has pledged to work with U.S. leaders, he did not rule out the possibility of economic sanctions if the crisis is not resolved soon. "For democracy to take root and flourish, it must be planted in the rich soil of liberty. And the cornerstone of liberty is elections free of tampering or corruption," Kostunica said. "Should America prove itself incapable of learning this lesson on its own, the international community may be forced to take stronger measures." On a serious note, I don’t think that the election results are driving anyone except for the most partisan of U.S. citizens nuts. In many countries, a contested election such as this result in an Army takeover, riots, or other such nonsense, rather than resolution by debate and rule of law that we are seeing here. The process isn't necessarily pretty, and the debate and legal maneuvering are at times unseemly, but the American system will be just fine. I think that the current situation demonstrates the true resiliency of the U.S. democracy rather than the reverse. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-16-2000).]
  23. From the Small yappy dogs....can they be used as barrel cleaners for the 105mm? thread: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: Only if you shove a stick up their butt and glue them on <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Peter, Peter, Peter, The sheep will be jealous. [This message has been edited by Marlow (edited 11-16-2000).]
  24. Far above the Pool of Cess, in the realm of the CM titans, in one of the more rundown neighborhoods, a rather shabby temple rises from an weed strewn yard. Inside, in the deep shadows, high on a decaying throne (one of the old high water-pressure jobs that have been outlawed by the EPA, and are smuggled in from Canada) Rune, Beta-God, Knight of the Old Order, sits in contemplation of his future and navel (not necessarily in that order). Profound thoughts ruminate in his languid brain: *…how can I continue to avoid battle with the crafty Morse … what should I do about that whelp Marlow, I see trouble ahead with that one … why do small children run in terror when I go for a walk in the park … how do they get all of those chocolate chips into a toll-house cookie…* He stirs from his stupor, rises heavily on his staff, and lurches to a table piled high with arcane implements (including the mystical NDA). He waves his hand over a smoking candle, and peers intently at the scene coalescing within the smoke... The Young Squire Marlow enters a cavern somewhere deep under Island Newbia. Liquid corruption from the Cesspool seeps through the earth over the cave and forms a metronome drip upon the cavern floor. Smokey torches gutter in the recesses, their dim light fails to reach the ceiling above. Marlow observes the proper forms as he prepares a sacrifice to his Dark Lord … (disembodied voice) Squire Marlow, what do you bring me? (Startled, looks around and falls quickly to his knees) Sire, I bring you an offering in honor of your impending death match with JDmorse. (Chuckles) Foolish one, there will be no battle, I have the NDA, I am protected from his challenge. But my Lord, surely you will not hide behind contracts and legalisms? That is what I would expect from Morose Esq., not the Brave Sir Robin … er, Rune! (Exasperated) Never mind that! What is the offering,? Let me see. (Marlow brings forward a tray with an vaguely animal shaped lump of meat on it). What is that?? It is a weasel, to be sent up as a burnt offering in honor of the feud with the lawyer, I thought … Its not a weasel, its made of Spam! Well you see, (tugging at his collar) the PETA people had this huge protest going down at the ACME sacrificial animal barn, and … I don't care! I demand a true sacrifice! Next time bring me one of the protesters instead! As you wish Sire. Have you brought news from the Pool? Yes your Darkishness, it would seem that the Pool threatens to be consumed by Political Correctness. The pool wenches are making demands that no Squire would dare make, and most of the brave Knights are lining up to kiss their petite behinds. In fact, YK2 has gotten so out of hand, she almost ripped off shandorfff's manhood. If it wasn't for Croda and the rest of crew of PBR Meat Thang (AKA PT 212) he would have been a goner for sure. I am above such foolishness, I couldn't even get it up anymore if Anna Kornikova did a lap dance for me. What else. Meeks is having delusions of adequacy again, he is mumbling things about becoming First Lord of Peng, or King of the CessPool or some other such nonsense. Poor deranged fool, doesn't he understand that there is not form or structure to the thread? Let the looney rave. Tell me of more important things. Have you begun the dissection of Morse and his henchmen? Yes, it has begun my Lord I am at war with the three headed Mongrel Morsian Mut. Morse and PeterNZ will fight me in QBs shrouded in night or heavy fog. Croda will die on the battlefield of your devising. Although, might I say that your evilness appears to be a little rusty. For all your talk of evil and pain, the little tilt you created appears to be a stroll in the park compared to the nastiness devised by Chupacabana for my battle with Hiram. That map is evilness distilled. Chuppy is the only being I know who could grow taller taking Viagra. (Growling) Careful impudent pup! Also, Cpt. Cruda continues to patrol the Schloss like some deranged David Hasslehoff. Now that I am planing his imminent topplement, he has given orders to his crew to shoot on sight should they see me on the Schloss. I've had to muffle the engine, and camouflage the paint job on my dingy (sit down Bauhaus) "Old PissPot." Yes, be careful of Crawdad, he may appear to be dim, but he has an animal cunning about him… Anything further? I have a plan for Kurtz-a-chai … Silence! Your little personal squabble must wait until my bidding is done. Speak no more of it. (the great one yawns) I have grown tired of your voice, crawl out of here, there's killin to be done. Marlow retires Rune hobbles back to his throne, and sinks back into deep thought *… Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't …*
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PeterNZer: What is this thread, the taunting of the weak by the strong? The tweaking of dangly bits by those with tweakers? The insulting of the loosing by the winning? Or is this thread some ejaculatory systemised cyberstate of underworked undersexed frat boys? For goodness sake, play some damn games and taunt your opponent before this thread gets locked up for being totally off topic. If I see one more topic about the respective gender of a poolian I'm going to puke. Face it, if you're in the pool you're all so damn ugly and smelly it doesn't matter what sex you are, not even passing crack whores on a 'try now pay later' plan are going to offer themselves to you. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Sniff Sniff ...(wiping single tear from my eye) that was beautiful. Now get off you lazy ass and send me my damn turn. ------------------ ... but he does have possibilities as the Western Marketing Manager of Evil. - Rune
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