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Posts posted by Vergeltungswaffe

  1. I'm curious to know if there is anything preventing us from making 2x2 block maps now? I assume the typical .cme map file will be used in CMC, and that there is no reason not to get started.

    If so, we need to figure out if COG would mind having a CMC maps section at CMMODs or if The Proving Grounds map section would be the place.

    If its all kosher, no reason not to have lots of areas mapped out by the time CMC is ready. :cool:

  2. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    This one could be a REAL Gem after they work out all the bugs in the CMx2 game engine while finishing CM:SF!

    This mirrors my thoughts. I'm not ecstatic about CMSF, but I'll enjoy it, I imagine. However, as much as I loved BO when it came out, it sucked compared to BB and AK. Same thing here, I suspect. SF will be revolutionary and all, but the ETO game will get the benefit of everything BFC learns from SF and will be an order of magnitude better than it would have been as the 1st release.
  3. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    If we get the ability to set up wrecks on board, there should be the question of whether or not they are wrecks or not, even when encountered for the first time.

    This would be excellent! Many times advancing troops came upon an AFV and fired on it only to find it was abandoned, etc. Anything that causes confusion or makes for incorrect intel is great, imo.
  4. Okay, I can see there is no reason to read this anymore, but, fwiw, strafing is the act. There are not strafing and non-strafing data above.

    Everything in the earlier data post is in regard to strafing. Any attack involving rockets is strafing, unless you are at 10,000 feet and just hosing them off at nothing to waste the taxpayers money.

    We have already seen the results of firing at a 450 sq ft target above, the Panther. Number of rockets to get ONE FREAKING HIT as stated before.

  5. Originally posted by pamak1970:

    All you say is right as long as we do not talk about strafing.

    When we talk about strafing using rockets , the table gives different data .

    The table does not give "different data". You are saying that increasing the target size by 45 times increases the accuracy by 45 times and that is clearly not the case. The data shows that it takes 140 rockets just to get a 50% chance of ONE hit on that 450 sq ft target.

    By the way, strafing is just the term that refers to making a low level fired ordnance attack against a ground target. Doesn't matter whether you use machine guns, cannon, or rockets.

  6. Rockets were horribly inaccurate. Your 450 square foot target wouldn't get hit by anything like 2 out of 8 rockets. Look at the stats for a 50% chance to hit on a Panther sized target. Takes 18 sorties and 140 rockets.

    Also 1000-2000m is not long range by any means. At 300mph you are covering 146.6 yards/second. You only have a few seconds after firing to make sure you don't augur in at that range.

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    ...with the initial releases to map out what the Modules are.


    Ah ha. I retract my prediction of two initial releases for 44 ETO and 43 Russia for two GAMES being released close together. One 44 ETO and one Korea.
  8. Originally posted by dalem:

    I disagree. Depending on era, theater, and timeline, I bet they can give us OBs that will serve us pretty well for our own "expansion" scenarios. Maybe it'll take a few modules for us to really get enough to round out our choices, but if they can do the rate they say they want, say one module every 6 months, I think we'll be pretty happy unit choice-wise.


    Agreed. Assuming WWII, which I do, so much of the research has already been done, so the coding, functionality and mechanics are what they will spend time on, meaning we very likely will get new modules in a timely fashion.
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