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Posts posted by Redwolf

  1. 15 hours ago, lcm1947 said:

    My opinion for what it's worth.  I was going to buy RT in the next couple of weeks but now that there is a question of how accurate the research and stats on the Russian 

    tanks are I have decided to hold off and buy another more accurate one like FB or FI.  

    Where is that concern coming from? The recent video bashing T-34s?

  2. 4 minutes ago, BFCElvis said:

    Yeah. Ronno played a Les Paul Custom. But it's still pretty freaky because the picture had to trigger the ad, right?

    Yeah. Modern image recognition is certainly able to tell a LP from a Stratocaster in an image that clear.

    But we cannot rule out that it is coincidence. Maybe they just decided to show you a Gibson ad and it happened to have a Les Paul for sale.

  3. 1 hour ago, kohlenklau said:

    It makes me wonder where is the rotten fish? In the 75's data or the building's? I am starting to think it must be the 75HE wunder waffen? You too?

    In the scenario I am writing it will be nice as I have only HMG fire being dealt with and some semblance of an orderly world can be seen as troops take cover in the stone house which is really a CM church. 


    In CMx2 in general smallish HE is pretty effective but it doesn't scale to larger HE like some think it should.

    Correspondingly, heavy cover such as foxholes, trenches and heavy buildings offer less protection than some think they should.

    Fixing this would be an interesting balancing act. But for now you are in a world like 1941 where a short 75mm StuG or Pz IV is an "assault" vehicle.

  4. 13 hours ago, fireship4 said:

    [Edit: Thanks for the article.]

    I have seen Germany criticised for the pipeline - giving Russia leverage over Europe.  I always wondered if it was more about trying to stabilise the Russo-European relationship by making them reliant on each other.  Am I wrong?  Is it more to do with just needing the gas, not wanting nuclear power or what?

    [Edit 2: I also heard it might just be corruption on the German side... with a guy who works for Gazprom.  Surely if that's true though it couldn't be the only factor.]

    [Edit 3: Part 1: https://www.aei.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Strategic-Misdirection-An-Alternate-Framework-for-Understanding-Russia’s-Play-in-Ukraine.pdf?x91208  Part three is yet to be released I believe.

    Well, Germany already uses Russian gas. It is just coming through third party countries (*) which charge for passage. Money is definitely involved in the pipeline project.

    (*) including Ukraine, who need that money

  5. 27 minutes ago, z1812 said:

    As I recall, there was no expectation of Russia moving into Crimea either. As the article says, the expected areas of interest to the Russians would be those with large ethnically Russian populations such as the Donbas(s). 

    There is also a non-bridge land connection to the Crimea.

    And the water crisis on Crimea which could be solved with the same land bridge.

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