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I/O Error

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Everything posted by I/O Error

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff Heidman: If BTS correctly modelled the superior German optics, no German tanks would ever get that close to an unspotted flamethrower team.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Have you ever climbed into a vintage or modern tank? Unless the commander is out of this hatch and has VERY sharp eyes, it is FAR too easy for a tank to walk into an ambush. And if they're buttoned up? Five brave Kamerads just got turned into crispy critters, mate... Remember the Russians in Chechnya? Without infantry their tanks were killed in mass lots. And without tanks, their infantry were slaughtered.
  2. I have tried it. The GeForce has the same deal. Really, the two cards have very similar extras, but the GeForce 2 just renders them faster. *shrug* ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  3. That WOULD be a pretty big problem man... Like I said, my vote is on vBulletin. We use it. =D
  4. ATI SUCKS. I have a Mac friend with their newest Radeon, and CMBO won't even START.
  5. Don't forget the 64Mb GeForce GTS though... same RAM, better results...
  6. I have seen it before, and I believe it is a feature. Examples: 1.) In that same Arnhem campaign (first battle), I had a MG team that was covering two beaten-up infantry teams, keeping the Brits down while the remnants of those teams ran back to the bridge. The MG was then surrounded after the infantry escaped, and managed to waste 27 paratroopers. 2/3rds of 'em were killed by the time the battle ended and night dropped. Next battle, the MG team was gone. I can only assume they were cut off and either killed or captured... Iron Cross, Posthumously... 2.) Wittmann's campaign. Sometimes, a tank or two will be destroyed between battles (one assumes by airpower) and you will see the burnt out shells at the beginning of the following battle. All perfectly realistic, way I figure it. It means pretty consistent, so I figure it must be a feature.
  7. ARgh... been there, tried that. Even with the Wicked3D OpenGl drivers, the Voodoo club of cards are DEFINITELY on their way out the door. Check out some benchmark speeds, you'll be rather surprised at how poorly the Voodoo 5 stacks up... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  8. The 64Mb version is currently the best card out there, basically. It doesn't know the MEANING of the word "choppy" ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  9. Geforce 2 GTS, AGP version Microsoft Sidewinder Pro, or another one of their types. /me groans softly... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  10. NOOOOO!!!! Revolut... *I/O goes down under Moderator's clubs* Actually, those are fine reasons. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  11. *Quickly puts hand over Gronk's mouth* Psst... This'll be just our little secret, okay?
  12. No sane TD commander would offload the AP rounds that are his ONLY protection against tanks just to help out Infantry. TDs WERE used a lot in that role, and the ones who DID frequently came to nasty ends when they tangled with panzers... [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-06-2000).]
  13. PERL = Practical Extraction and Reporting Language BTW: my vote is on www.vbulletin.com , but then that's what we use. But I figure, if it works fine for us (with 21'000+ users) than I figure it can work for you too... www.counter-strike.net
  14. ^ | | | www.userfriendly.org rocks. Anyway: My question: Where do I get the TCP/IP Beta for download again? Silly me tossed the e-mail...
  15. Yeah, it REALLY sucks he left, Split's cool... Ah well, cliffe agreed with me to let Sniper_Magnum take his place, so far he seems to be on the straight and level, so to speak. I still talk to Split on ICQ, it was basically "personal" issues at home that made him leave. Anyway, since you've been there, you know what I mean when I say that the vB program is MUCH better than UBB, right? [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-06-2000).]
  16. I recently replayed the Arnhem scenario and vehicles and men COULD drive under that bridge.
  17. I would have to put that down to bad luck too... Especially if the morale levels were different, too. Remember, your last panzer WAS outnumbered very heavily. And KT don't have any sort of gyrostabilizer (I think) I'd have to say you were lucky to do so WELL at that sort of range.
  18. I'm a moderator on the www.counter-strike.net forums and we use www.vbulletin.com (Yes, I am living PROOF that you can love "twitch" games AND thinking-man pursuits. ) vBulletin has worked fine for us. We used to be in the same boat you guys are, and we were FORCED to switch after the huge influx of new members. (Yeah, 21k+ members kinda ruined UBB for us, let me tell ya. ) It's nice because our moderating has become easier, faster, and the users are happier because they have more (and more bug-free) options. In the immortal words of CS players, "w00t! vB 0wNz j00!" P.S. I hate "l33t-sp34k" too. Don't hurt me. ------------------
  19. Occasionally crawling will keep them alive in terrain OTHER than clear-cut.
  20. What's fun is comparing the relative strengths of the Allied armor and Axis armor. Play the Wittmann operation. Each time I play as Axis, I eliminate or capture EVERY single crew, tank, squad, HQ, and gun. My ending morale for each operation? 98% Axis 0% Allied When I play as Allied? Oh, that's just not something I want to share. I'm still up writing all those "I'm sorry, but your son is dead" letters. *shudder* For your armor to win, you have to do the same thing the Germans had to do to the Russians. Use overwhelming numbers, and more intelligent tactics.
  21. Hey, thanks a lot pal. Nice to get a good response like that!
  22. Infantry never really want to charge enemies alone. Make sure they have plenty of friends backing them up. Machine gun teams are superb at keeping their heads down. Remember, you don't have to kill them with the MGs, you just have to make sure they can't cut down your charging teams. [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-02-2000).]
  23. Remember: It is always a valid option to let the enemy come play in YOUR playground, instead of entering HIS.
  24. With American armor, you will always be at a disadvantage in almost every field that matters. The only options you have are to: 1.) Distract the enemy, and move in close enough without taking fire so you actually have a chance to penetrate their armor. (Smoke, infantry, and feint attacks with artillery are useful in this regard) 2.) Infantry are the death of tanks, and tanks are the death of infantry. Go figure, but it really is true! The Russians discovered in Chechnya that when their tanks did not have any infantry support, many young Russians boys did not return to their loved ones. Again, distraction will help to get them close enough, but infantry are a little easier to close in on the target in a stealthy manner. 3.) Your tanks can ONLY engage German armor with overwhelming numbers and at very close range. What sort of terrain are we talking about? If this is urban, that panzer is as good as dead. Wooded terrain is pretty good as well, but if you're talking clear open fields with no cover, it's time for you to turn tail and get back on a landing vessel at Omaha. If they can see you, you will die. So get in close to knife-fighting range by ANY MEANS POSSIBLE, and make sure that when you DO show your tanks, that he sees all four of them at ONCE, and NOT one at a time. I can only hope my advice has been useful to you. Later! [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-02-2000).]
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