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I/O Error

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Everything posted by I/O Error

  1. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure out where my front door is now! Help me? I am rapidly running out of food, please help me... But the outside seems so dark and scary!
  2. Actaully, I'm having no problems with this issue at all, I just notice a lot of other people seem to. *shrugs*
  3. Cool, thanks for telling me that! Could have been rather nasty, otherwise! So I figure either Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest I will be satisifed with my first attempt at mapping, so I'll send off a copy to Gustav and Beman. Anyone else want a try at ridicule? The more the merrier! ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... Edit: My "marrier" spelling mistake was just too blatant to ignore. Maybe I SHOULD make use of the Spell Check... Nah, that's for wimps! [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-12-2000).]
  4. Actually, you beat me to a comment about his "cod" statement! The "cods" indeed! ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  5. I should also show you this link: http://www.rugged-defense.nl/cm/Fionn3.htm Good way to level the playing field. I mean, llike we haven't seen enough games where Tigers dominate?
  6. The only way you, as an Allied player, will be able to take out Tigers or better is by getting behind them and surprising them. Seems like you also tried to go head-to-head, and THAT will never work in the Allies favor...
  7. The Warsaw Pact plan's (as best as our Intelligence could gather) revolved around smashing through Northern Germany as quickly as possible to either capture or destroy all the industry they could in Ruhr Valley. Ironically enough, the USA got (by random pick) the easiest terrain to guard, that of Southern Germany. The Soviets would INDEED have encountered difficulties there, so they planned to completely bypass that area and advance through the north, which mainly consists of relatively flat terrain, HEAVEN SENT for mass armor attacks... Fortunately, we never had to test just how practical that would have been... *whew* ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  8. Steel Panthers, but in a real 3D engine like Combat Mission? Oh yes. You know you want it... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  9. All depends on the weapons being used. Artillery will find it almost impossible to knock out bunkers, while a tank with a large-bore and accurate cannon will find it relatively easy. "Dammit boy, how many times do I have to tell you?! Use the right tool, for the right job!" - Scotty. [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-10-2000).]
  10. In real conditions, a squad-level officer would hopefully know to let the enemy get within effective range, not just pop off caps to hopefully scare them away... *shrugs*
  11. I didn't use that thread because I'm talking about a war between the same sides THEY talk about, but with more than 30 years difference! Way I see it, totally different idea, really... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  12. Yeah, in your case the situation is much more difficult. A Tank Destroyer, once immobilized, is totally defenseless besides for about 20 degrees. Now a TANK, on the other hand, gets turned into a pillbox. eeek! THOSE guys are a lot LESS likely to run off.
  13. Perhaps a system of Rules of Engagement? "Fire only when fired upon" "Open fire only when the enemy is within a certain range" etc. Does anyone else think it could be possible (and practical) to code such a thing? Would be a nice addition, if nothing else... [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-10-2000).]
  14. Okay, I realize just how many people REALLY don't like the idea of hypothetical wars, prefering that CM stay within the boundaries of reality, not fiction. And for the most part, I agree with that completely. That said, does anyone else relish the idea of a NATO vs. Warsaw Pact war, for instance sometime from 1978-1989? I would LOVE to command either side. I mean, we taught our troops in the 80's to EXPECT a war with Russia. The Soviets taught similar beliefs into THEIR forces. Every plan we had told us that the Soviets were going to come POURING across the Fulda Gap and march on the Bay of Biscay. Huge armies of T-72s, T-62s, BTRs, BMPs, ZSUs, early-model M1s, M60s, M113s, Bradley IFVs... I mean, c'mon, I know SOMEBODY else out there just drools at that idea in a CM-type setting! Tell me you couldn't get into some of that! It's not nearly as hypothetical as some other ideas out there, and it's right at the turning point of History! Well, just an idea. Please don't yell at me, I'm small, weak, and highly flammable. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  15. Another thing to consider is how likely was the Confederacy to give in EVEN IF they lost a major portion of their army? The general officers would most likely have lived, and the South has a much higher will to fight the war, as opposed to the North. Might have shortened things a LITTLE, but the end result would have STILL required huge Union armies killing every Rebel they could find in order to FORCE a surrender. Back on topic: The flags are quite useful on larger maps. They can mark important territory and strategic objectives. A huge hill, for instance, would be an INVALUABLE objective. Even if you could ONLY grab that one hill for the time being, that hill would allow you to dominate the landscape, leading to the capture of OTHER objectives in short order. ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  16. Many, if not most, tanks have a lock on the hatch. A tank destroyer that KNOWS there are infantry around and their vehicle is stuck is for DAMN sure going to lock the hatch! Unless the infantry happened to be carrying a blowtorch, ( ) That hatch is not moving anytime soon! Fortunately, most crews are smart enough to either run off or surrender in short order. Nobody REALLY relishes the idea of being stuck in a metal coffin while explosions go off outside! ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  17. Ouch... Must be the fault of Customs. You'd think our countries would have closer ties, but ah well... Let's hear it for bureaucracy! [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-10-2000).]
  18. Why I REALLY want to see #2 and #4: #2 = Kursk & Stalingrad. *quietly moans at the mere thought* #4 = Poland, Denmark, Invasion of the Low Countries. Ummm... Excuse me, I need to go to the little boy's room now. *runs* ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior... [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-09-2000).]
  19. Yeah, I second that. Say what? Anyway, with the hold fire thing, it would not surprise me if: 1.) Their ability to hold fire is HIGHLY dependant on their experience. and 2.) That they will open fire if the enemy they're waiting for opening fire or sees THEM first. Both just guesses, but I figure it makes at least some sense, right? ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  20. Whoops, almost forgot: 4.) Would you prefer Tournament-locked or open version?
  21. 1.) E-mail attachment work for you? 2.) All I need to send is the .cmb file, right? (after the briefings have been made part of the scenario, of course) 3.) I would LOVE to have someone else try it out!
  22. Wait until you see airpower in action... ------------------ Honor, Duty, Courage. Valhalla awaits you, honorable warrior...
  23. Only the number of units/men it has killed. Are you talking about men who abandon the field and run home? Those aren't counted at ALL, I don't think... If a tank kills 7 men in a squad and the other 5 run away, the tank only gets 7 kills. (I'm pretty sure, at least)
  24. Pvt. Ryan: I thought it was a little odd myself at first, but I reloaded the save game right before the battle ended and watched every single tank I had. I didn't need to, every Brit was either captured/routed/dead. EVERYone of them... But it turned out that, yes, I lost a Tiger and a Pz IV. Hardly surprising from a realism standpoint, airpower WAS pretty prevalent in the battles. However, I think my Tigers were mustang-proof... [This message has been edited by I/O Error (edited 12-06-2000).]
  25. That first one is not totally strange. As the Germans became more desperate for vehicles, they made the habit of policing up the battlefields to capture enemy equipment and try to fix it up. Russian T-34 were known to be used by the Wehrmacht and the Waffen SS a day after they had been originally lost... (Imagine the smell. I for one would not want to mop up five dead russians/americans/brits. YUCK! ) Now, that second one? Umm... Uh, the Nazis allied with the Smoke Jaguars! That's it! (So I'm really reaching here. Give a guy a break. ) How did you guys find those models, btw?
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