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Posts posted by Hensworth

  1. I sometimes do this to try and knock out a gun.

    Anything else would be a waste of ammo, I reckon.

    It depends very much on how far the target is out of LOS of course. If it's just past where the line changes color, it's worth giving a go, especially when the target is down along the line of fire from the spot you CAN target (spread from both guns and mortars is mainly linear).

    What I do use is area fire on a gun which you can actually see and have LOS to. This makes sure that your tank (or whatever it is) keeps firing even when the gun crew takes cover and the target becomes a general marker. Avoids having to re-spot the gun by seeing it fire another round.

    Can also be used against units which you want to break rapidly, at the risk of wasting a few shells of course.

  2. After the halftracks replotting their moves to include airborne excursions and underground explorations, we now have the hunting 251/1 halftrack. This unit has no cannon and as you can see it has no hunt command.

    (ADMIN EDIT: I have deleted the image, the image file was too large. Feel free to repost a smaller version or a URL link. Martin)

    [ June 21, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: Moon ]

  3. Could someone possibly give me - or point me to -a step by step explanation of how to work with the editor to keep my HQ's ?

    I just can't figure it out.

    Several problems I've encountered :

    * What about flag placement when you generate the battle map in the editor ?

    * Purchase points seem to be different when buying within a QB or buying in the editor. Do you buy in the editor or in the actual battle ?

    * I read something about an 'ammo bug' when you use the editor. What does this mean ?

    * What are the standard sizes for small, medium, large,... maps ?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Molotovs are the pits.

    Aside from this apparent bug where troops seem to be trying to launch them into orbit (IIRC the original game didn't have this problem, it seems to have been introduced with one of the patches), they are less effective then grenades (even against open topped vehicles) but used first, it often takes an age for a squad sitting right next to a dozing tank to toss one and they have about as much chance of knocking out a vehicle as a pebble.

  5. SPOILER ALERT (Hornet's nest)

















    I played 'Hornet's nest' against a human opponent and killed all his AFV's (+/- 20, including the ones that weren't T-34s, but I forget what they were) with my first batch of 4 Nashorns. Didn't try anything special, just put them in hull down and let them blaze away at their leisure. Usually they would get a hit on the 2nd or 3rd shot, sometimes the first.

    Didn't seem to matter much whether the T-34s were stationary and shooting back (when they did, they were missing by a mile) or scampering for cover and not returning fire.

    It seemed like a suitably impossible task for my opponent to achieve anything against those big, accurate guns.

    There have been other instances where I have been impressed by the 88, notably the Flak version. One of the biggest advantages is that a hit is usually a kill.

    Don't forget that superior optics require regular and in some cases veteran and above crews to be taken advantage of. If the crew doesn't meet these requirements, their chance of hitting something actually suffers. This may or may not account for some of Redwolf's statistics.

    [ June 19, 2003, 03:12 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  6. This is all kid's stuff.

    In an 80+ turn scenario which I cannot name because I believe it is still to be released, I've spent the first 30 odd turns advancing an armored armada across wet steppe without a single shot being fired. All I've had to do is hunt down my bogged vehicles each turn and try to salvage them.

    This took the better part of 5 hours (allowing for such stoppages as letting the dog out and pizza delivery). And if you think I'm mad, spare a thought for the defender sitting on the other side of the TCP connection, doing absolutely nothing but hit 'Go'.

    Art is suffering.

  7. Originally posted by billcarey:

    This means you have essentially a binary result....

    I am assuming that currently the TacAI requests a squad to fire, and it then fires or not based on some internal timer.

    Sounds just as binary to me.

    Already the squads are only firing the most effective weapons for the range at which they are engaging, i.e. you won't hear SMGs when a squad is shooting at something 500m away.

    So the only difference your system would introduce is how many weapons are firing at the same time. For instance, only 5 rifles instead of 7, because the other 2 are reloading. This would influence the amount of firepower the squad puts out, but it wouldn't have much effect with regard to your initial thesis : the enemy being either fired upon or not within the window of opportunity.

    I don't know anything about coding either, but any attempt so far to break into the sub-squad level has met with failure, due to the immediate and drastic multiplication of calculations that would entail.

    Still, the Greeks thought that atoms could not be subdivided and it only took 2500 years to prove them wrong :D .

  8. Is an AT ditch not something which can be simulated with the available terrain features ? I can think of a number of gulleys with banks with varying degrees of steepness and different terrain type on the floor, depending on how impassable you want them to be.

    Granted, they won't appear in QBs but then I adhere to the school of thought that QBs are not going to get you the full experience of CMBB anyway. Just throw it on the QB scrapheap where rivers and realistic looking towns are already rusting. An ME where one side gets to build an instant AT ditch is a nonsense anyway.

  9. OK. I've been checking this thing on and off for a long time. I got started on a campaign a couple of times but got discouraged by the enormous amounts of time you spend doing the admin. Plus I had a sneaking suspicion that I wasn't playing it correctly anyway, particularly the calculations for the auxiliary force were giving me trouble.

    BiltAid wasn't an option at first because my computer skills are below kindergarten level and installing Java and such made me break out in a cold sweat. But whaddaya know, I've gone and got it running !

    But whaddaya know, I'm still confused about the auxiliaries. At the bottom of the battle page BiltAid neatly prints the points you can spend. Can you pick freely from all available units ?

    Or do you still have to do the dummy battle business ? Is this over and above the points total of your Kampfgruppe ? What if that already consumes all available points in a certain category ?

    What is the relevance of the division type mentioned for the Axis ? Is this the one to be used for the auxiliaries ? In the dummy battle ?

    In short, there are still a lot of questions once you have that battle sheet in front of you. The only manual I could find deals with the pen-and-paper version of BCR.

    If any of you can help to finally get a clueless old fart playing with these rules it would be greatly appreciated.

  10. Since you say that you feel it happens more often than it should, I assume you have no problem with the basic idea that light calibre AA guns CAN damage tank guns (or sights).

    It would then seem that you are of the opinion that it happens too often.

    What is 'too often' ? How often would be just often enough for you ?

    And based on what would you say that was the right chance for it to occur in CMBB ?

  11. I agree with Hans. The outer busstops of Moscow.

    Nothing in the South of the Eastern front could serve as a high tide mark for me because I subscribe to the view that Hitler's decision to switch the main focus of the war in the East away from Moscow was a mistake.

    I don't necessarily believe that the Soviet Union would have crumbled if Moscow had fallen, but if it had the Germans would certainly have been as close to winning the war as they were ever going to get.

  12. I too have been struggling with the exact meaning of the percentages and the flag exchanges during play.

    I get the impression that a flag is shown to be in the hands of a side as perceived by your force. I.e. if enemy forces are known or thought to be in the area, the flag will be shown as theirs.

    The same about the scores. When you occupy a VL your score will go up, but your opponent will not necessarily see this.

    At least that's the best theory I have been able to come up with. It doesn't explain everything I see happening though.

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