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Posts posted by Hensworth

  1. My 2c :

    I definitely share Lou2000's idea that a new site for finding opponents would be the most interesting. In fact I've been wrestling with the idea myself for some time now. Unfortunately I don't have the technical skills to realize anything on my own.

    More specifically I'd be interested in a site where players can find opponents who are NOT interested in competitive ladder play, as there are already plenty of sites who cater for the ones who ARE that way inclined.

    A site for players who put emphasis on reliability (e.g. it's very hard to find a player who will start - let alone finish - a lengthy operation), the learning experience (as opposed to the competitive element) and the scenario rather than the QB.

    Such a site might quickly attract a community of its own which opens up possibilities of AAR and tactics sections, own tournaments and campaigns, etc.

    I'd be happy to help provide content and some webspace (~50 MB) for such an undertaking.

  2. I have often seen tanks that I have selected (i.e. unit information shown in bottom screen bar) during the movie phase maintain a target line to units that have disappeared behind buildings.

    When I check LOS during the orders phase, with the target line still there, it shows that the tank has no LOS. The target line disappears as soon as the next movie begins.

    So although in my case the tanks don't fire, it might be a related problem with sticky target lines.

  3. The best use I've seen for shoot and scoot is for close in tank fighting in urban environments : pop out from behind a building, fire one shot (short range = high chance of hitting the target with one shot) and get back to safety behind the building.

    It works best if you can get 2 tanks either side of an enemy tank that has either no turret or a slow one : tank 1 moves and shoots, opponent rotates tank or turret to face threat on the next turn, tank 2 moves and kills taking advantage of exposed weak armor. The paved surfaces in cities make sure you get away before the enemy tank can bring its gun to bear.

    Try it in that scenario that has a bunch of T-34s cavorting around in Budapest, Danube Blues I think.

  4. I've been toying with the idea of setting up a site where people can find 'trustworthy' PBEM oppononents.

    Anyone wanting to join would have to play a number of games against senior members before their name gets added to the list.

    I would also add other constraints : scenarios only, minimum number of games played in a given period of time, etc.

    It could be the more toughtful, less competition-driven gamer's answer to the ladder sites.

    The only 2 hitches are that I have neither the skills nor the time to do this at the moment :D .

  5. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    Hey, Vadr, you twit, how about posting a spoiler warning before you describe just about every aspect of an operation I havent played yet!!!

    Now that is Gamey !!!

    Simmer down, Altzheimer, we've played it :D .

    As for the matter in hand.

    After reading BOTH sides of the story, there is in my opinion a gamey aspect to what Vadr did.

    He clearly rushed his tanks across the bridge with the intention of withdrawing them again after the end of the battle during the next setup phase. This is where the game takes a necessary break from reality and Vadr exploits it.

    Moreover, the manual states that :

    In Assault and Static ops, isolated units ending the last turn of a previous battle in this zone (meaning no man's land) are "trapped" and can not be moved back into the rear areas (they are padlocked).

    If we assume the manual describes how the game should function, then Vadr should not have been able to use his tactic.

    This issue was raised before in this thread but, to my knowledge, never picked up on by BTS.

    [ January 18, 2003, 10:29 AM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  6. I don't know what a StuGF8 is. In january 1942 there appear to be 2 models available : the IIIB and the IIIE.

    In any case here is a shot of a StuGIIIF taken out by a trio of T-34's in hull down on the ridge ahead. The T-34's took few hits and no penetrations.


    I do realize that it's abandoned and not knocked out, but that will do for me. Another StuG (exact type not identified, but shown as short barrelled) is burning right in front of it and a PzIV also got knocked out in the same shoot out.

    I'd say the T-34 in hull down is a potent weapon.

    [ January 17, 2003, 07:40 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  7. OK, here's a little theory.

    Remember that the 10 men you see representing a platoon on the screen actually mean closer to 40. In reality these would all have their personal strenghts and weaknesses.

    So the platoon runs into a nasty obstacle, say a pillbox. Now the Lt knows his charges and yells 'get Nevsky and Kiriakov / Hube and Meissner to toss some grenades through that firing slit' because they're particularly good at this.

    Alright, the ordnance comes out of the HQ's bag, so the kite doesn't quite fly. But I still like my story :D .

    Remember to use your imagination a little while you're playing. You'll have even more fun.

  8. CM wins the Sarge Kelly Favorite Game Contest the way Ferrari won the F1 Championship this year : with more points than all its opponents put together.

    I have played a few other games since getting into CM (well, it's been a few years after all), but I'd say 95% of my time behind the screen still goes to CM.

    Just to show that I think it's a GREAT game.

    It cannot be beaten for realism by anything ever produced or - for that matter - likely to be produced within the near future (apart from other BTS products, of course :D ). This is still what matters beyond all else.

    And now for the inevitable but : the houses and buildings do get a little old after a while. The landscape for the most part still looks like it had never been touched by humans before the war got to it. If I could add anything to CM, it would be human clutter.

  9. CMMOS mods are intended to work with the CMMOS application, developed by Gordon Molek and his cronies.

    CMMOS allows you to easily switch between different mods for the same textures, without having to fiddle around with bitmaps yourself (that's how normal mods are installed).

    This is just to give you a general idea. There are reams and reams of posts on CMMOS out there. You can also find out a lot about CMMOS at CMHQ .

  10. Originally posted by Nidan1:

    stick to your mission, and dont have a few cocktails while playing

    You might as well. You don't fight that much better when you're sober. Or haven't you ever faced me sober ? :D

    Edited because I was so busy beating up on poor Nidan that I forgot to answer the question.

    The stupidest thing I ever did was limber up 2 105 mm howies to trucks in the middle of a vast patch of brush. That was in tournament, too. :rolleyes:

    [ December 16, 2002, 02:49 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

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