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Posts posted by Hensworth

  1. Don't forget that the German high command, notably Hitler, refused to accept that there were any lessons to be learnt in the first place.

    Right up until 1943, Hitler refused to believe that Russia could keep recovering from 'one more great blow'. Anybody who dared to suggest otherwise, or failed to execute his part in dealing the blow, was removed from command. A policy not exactly conducive to learning lessons.

    After that, Germany was forced onto the back foot to a degree which, in my view, made their offensive tactics relatively irrelevant. They probably no longer had the opportunity to make ANY large scale offensive action succesfully.

    [ October 10, 2002, 02:45 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  2. My humble advice would be to play the game.

    You'll get to know the limits of the AI. The only thing it can really do with any degree of success is defend prepared positions.

    In the short time that I have been playing CMBB I feel it does this much better then in CMBO (better placement of assets when given free setup).



























    I was pulling my hair out in this scenario. I kept manoeuvring my T34's into perfect side shot positions only to have them miss and get creamed by the Tiger's first return shot.

    Then I started using S&S and the big cats were soon suffering from severe drooping gun syndrome.

    I agree with the comment about having the first part of the move be 'hunt'-like. Sometimes the tank spots its target sooner than you expect (better than expected LOS through trees, eg) but it keeps moving until it reaches the designated firing position. Also, fast movement is not conducive to spotting. Hunt speed would be more appropriate for moving into position.

    What I wondered about is what should happen if the tank doesn't acquire a target (blocked LOS, target gone, eg). I believe they don't move now (potentially very dangerous of course). Should the scoot part of the command be executed after a certain period of time if the tank doesn't acquire a target ?

  4. I've always considered armored engagements to be the stronger part of my CMBO game.

    I was often apprehensive and unsure about committing my infantry but with armor my instincts rarely seemed to fail (although it wouldn't take me long to come up with a few notable exceptions...).

    I fear that these instincts will be of little use to me in CMBB. I know next to nothing about the tanks I'll be handling and tank combat has changed utterly.

    I like to learn by trial and error rather than study myself a nosebleed. Looks like I'm in for a steep learning curve all over again. Anyone share my trepidation ? :confused:

  5. I wasn't a great fan of it either. But Medieval : Total War uses the same system. Thanks to playing that and CM together I've gotten used to both.

    Although I do not like the ridiculing of other people's plight that seems to have become all the rage on this forum I would like to point out that MTW is bugridden to the point of being unplayable (under XP at least). And that reminded me for one that the quality and support levels achieved by BTS are simply unequalled.

    You see : it's quite possible to be supportive and appreciative without being sycophantic :cool: .

    [ September 22, 2002, 05:13 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  6. Originally posted by Achim:

    there are many small changes that realy makes life easier (u can activate "labels" above your soldiers (there is a text like (broken, low on ammo, panic) u dont have to click on every damm single unit to watch their status.

    I don't mean to spoil your party, but this was already in CMBO. Don't worry, only yesterday I found out that halftracks can fly... Really.

    See the CMBO Memorial thread.

  7. Other posts bring back more memories...

    The cliffhanging PzIV

    In the scenario that takes place in the foothills of the Alps (I forget the name) you can suspend a PzIV on a road leading up a steep incline. I was trying to get it into a hull down position from which to fire at 2 Shermans on a distant hilltop. During the movie I watched the buttoned Shermies blithely whacking away at my hapless Gebirgsjäger, waiting for the good old 75 to wreak its fiery revenge. But no shells ever came. In a replay I went to check on my PzIV and saw it hanging off the cliff, engine roaring at full tilt but not moving an inch. The terrain had not been shown as impassable and the tank was neither bogged nor immobilized...

    The undead flamethrower

    Posted before :


    Winning without a shot being fired on-map

    I once won a meeting engagement against the AI by guessing his route of advance and plastering it with 105 mm arty. I got a surrender without any other unit firing a shot.

    Keep 'em coming.

  8. The good :

    A Canadian platoon killing an entire (and I do mean entire, to the last man) German platoon without a single casualty to themselves.

    The Nordic Wannabee Tourney (thank you Treeburst and all opponents).

    The bad :

    Getting my battered company run off the map by the AI in my last (= 4th) attempt at making it past June in Wreck's campaign.

    The countless worthless slobs who quit PBEM's on me. At least 3/4 of all PBEM's started were never finished.

  9. Originally posted by dalem:

    You used the phrase "poor scenarios". "poor" is a word with a lot of baggage and responsibility.

    This is perhaps a good time to point out that for many posters on this forum English is not their native language.

    Many speak it so well that you can hardly tell. But it's in cases like this, when words have an acquired meaning beside what is mentioned in the dictionary, that problems may arise.

    Your perception of the entire post as lacking humility is probably another example. I'm sure this was completely unintentional.

    [ September 09, 2002, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

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