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Posts posted by Hensworth

  1. As far as I know there is no more development going on for CMMOS.

    At some point even the CMMOS-compatible mods dried up.

    There are some guys out there who know enough about how it works to add their own mods in and one of them has written a procedure on how to do it.

    Last I heard it was pretty much a done deal that if you wanted something added you had to do it yourself.

    There's certainly nothing going on in the CMMOS section at CMHQ.

  2. Originally posted by Robert Olesen:

    So, how does it work? Flawlessly? Is anybody using it?

    I'm not getting any feedback.

    It's still a little early in CMAK's lifecycle for this kind of thing, I think. The first big tourney in CMAK has only just kicked off.

    People are still falling over themselves making mods and scenarios.

    Once the instant satisfaction pills have all been tried they'll go looking for the more subtle slow release stuff ;) .

  3. I have read 'Scorched earth' and 'Hitler moves east' by him before I learned of his dubious reputation on this forum.

    I found both books to be an enthralling read but it was immediately clear to me that he was constantly overemphasizing the problems for the Germans and belittling the ones the Soviets had to deal with.

    If the Germans achieved something it was always against overwhelming odds and through excellent soldiering. When the Soviets forced a breakthrough it was almost always by pure luck or sheer weight of numbers.

    Overall, he maintains the typical 'the poor old Wehrmacht was thrust into a war they did not ask for and look how well they did against all odds' line of reasoning, apologetic and yet full of largely misplaced pride at the same time. This is typical of a number of postwar Nazis (Speer springs to mind).

    So I came to my own conclusions regarding the historical value of his writings.

    I don't have such an extensive knowledge of WWII literature as some here and thus much of what I take to be true about actual combat tends to come from what I see in CM.

    In this regard the books I read by PC were valuable because he offers some interesting accounts of real life battles to compare with situations in CM.

  4. I have a number of full AARs in PDF format that I keep around and actually have gone back to a couple of times.

    I'm always telling myself I need to write more, there are a couple of memorable battles I would like to have preserved in this way, but it's not always doable to write them while you're playing.

    And that's the way it should be done if you want to capture the complete mental process that took you through the fight, which is the most fun to read back I think, especially from other people.

  5. Don't try and duke it out from distance with things like Panthers and Nashorns. The Nashorn has a killer gun which will get you long before your shells start landing anywhere near it. The Panther has an excellent gun and is all but indestructible from the front.

    You have to somehow get close and take them on from the side or rear.

    The Nashorn is open-topped so you can try to take it out with artillery or mortars, the risk is minimal but so is the chance of success.

  6. The AI is notorious for accepting ceasefires. I used this a lot when I was playing one of Billtong's campaigns.

    When the AI was attacking it had a veritable ****load of units which it would run like lemmings at the flags in its customary fashion.

    You would usually be too short on ammo to kill all the attacking hordes so the best thing you could do was go for a ceasefire as soon as possible. As long as you were still sitting on all the flags you'd win handsomely (and set yourself up for another impossible task in the next game...).

  7. The target line came from a tank. It most definitely could see the squad because it had already targeted it by itself. If you look carefully you can see the end of the red line in the shot.

    Exposure has nothing to do with the type of unit doing the targeting, AFAIK. It is determined only by the terrain type a unit is sitting / moving in and on a road should be a darn sight higher than 0%. 0% means this unit is impervious to incoming fire, whether from the unit from which I'm checking LOS here or anything else that chooses to fire at it. I find this rather disturbing as I've always thought that infantry crossing a road is an excellent target to open up on.

  8. The point we're trying to make is you don't need to actively take out the pillbox yourself. Just get your troops within grenade or satchel charge range (~30m) to the rear or the sides of it and leave them alone. Eventually (and this may take several turns) they will start tossing whatever explosives they have available and the pillbox will be abandoned in due course.

    Although it goes faster, you don't need demo charges. Grenades will eventually do the job too. This represents troops sneaking up to the bunker and dropping a grenade through the firing slit.

    Flamethrowers are effective and fun of course.

    Your zook team definitely took itself out. You should never fire anything remotely explosive at point blank range.

    In case you haven't come up against mines yet : works the same way, but you need demo charges for this one and it usually takes even longer.

  9. To the best of my knowledge, the game doesn't model infantry or guns being crushed by vehicles. It may have looked that way when you ran the carrier over the AT gun, but it was probably just the gun crew deciding to split right at that moment.

    Regarding the test : it's normal for troops to break faster if you don't give them any ammo. The matter of whether the unit can do anything to harm the threat it is facing weighs heavily in making the decision to fight or give up. Obviously no ammo is a good reason to give up and run.

    And then there are the usual considerations of HQ bonuses and fanaticism to be made of course.

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