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Posts posted by Hensworth

  1. Two things come to mind.

    In CMBO I had a Canadian platoon take out an entire German platoon down to the last man, not suffering a single casualty themselves, within one turn. Never seen anything like it. The Canucks were in a church which my opponent didn't realize was occupied.

    In CMBB I once had a single gun crew save the battle for me. They were on a railway embankment taking a tremendous pounding from distant King Tigers and about to be overrun by a platoon of infantry. But they just kept firing their pistols at the Germans, suppressing them in a wheat field, and held out for 5 or 6 turns until reinforcements arrived to plug up the hole.

  2. I have played CMBO and CMBB since they first came out without any problem, until today.

    A few minutes into either game it simply freezes and the only thing I can do is reboot the PC.

    I've had it in TCP/IP and against the AI.

    The only thing I can think of that's changed since yesterday is that I have installed the latest WinXP upgrade. I know of at least one person who has also installed it and he doesn't have any problems.

    I am at a complete loss.

    [ October 16, 2003, 03:59 PM: Message edited by: Sgt_Kelly ]

  3. *** SPOILER ALERT ***

    Here's a full account of my battle :

    After spotting the wire obstacles, I was convinced that the Russkies had roadblocks on both the dirt road where Blödman starts off and on the highway, at the points where they cut through the forest. I was worried that Blödman's guns would be taken out by mortars or guns hidden in the treeline in front of them so I got them out of there as fast as possible. I teamed up his infantry with the Leibstandarte men to try and push through the forest towards the factory. It turned out the Soviets had quite a bit of infantry in there so I got slowed down a lot. Meanwhile I was trying to cart the 150mm guns over to the Romanians on the right to deal with the infantry in trenches ahead of their starting line. They were very slow in getting there, partly because they came under fire from a KV-1.

    So after the first battle neither the Leibstandarte nor the Romanians had made much progress.

    In the second battle the Romanians started off at the source of the river, supported by a platoon of StuGs, another of ACs, the mortar halftracks and the sIG-33.

    The Leibstandarte would keep pushing through the woods.

    The Romanians advanced well, driving the Soviet infantry before them, until they ran out of ammo. During this time, I saw a lot of fleeting contacts between the forest and the highway, so I hit that area with all the artillery I had, hoping to engulf a big bunch of enemy infantry in an inferno. Too late did I realize that these units were not moving FORWARD, but SIDEWAYS, into the river valley and straight towards the ammo-starved Romanians. The company was completely wiped out and I had a lot of trouble saving the AFVs behind them. Good move by the AI ! The only positive thing here was that I managed to knock out the KV-1 with the sIG :D .

    The Leibstandarte now ran into a hornet's nest of Maxims. There were at least a dozen of them and it was a nightmare. I couldn't leave them alive, because we were heading into the open country and they would have cut us up. But again it took ages to take them out.

    In the end I concentrated too much on destroying the enemy and not enough on taking ground, I think. I was misled by the fact that the battlewindow was so much smaller in this op. I had no idea the map would be so big.

  4. Originally posted by eichenbaum:

    Did anybody combined the forces in B1 as described in the mission briefing ? What were the results of that decision ?


    The result was that I wasted too much time on lateral movement in the first battle. Combined with other factors, it led to my not making it to the end of the map.

    Since I don't like playing the same scenario twice, I now have a wee problem...

  5. Originally posted by Frunze:

    The complaining about CDV "Waffengrenadiers" can most charitably be explained away as anal-retentive groggishness.

    Wrong. The antidote to Nazi-glorification is not to ignore that they have ever existed.

    It may have occurred to you that a large contingent of the Waffen SS did not actually come from Germany, but from countries which had been conquered (including France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway,...).

    This extreme form of 'collaboration' has led to post war traumas which still today have not been completely overcome in some of these countries. In fact it is directly linked to the resurgence of the extreme right and thus affects even people with a political conscience who did not live through the war.

    Suffice it to say that it would suit many to see the true (SS-)character of these contingents airbrushed out of history, which is exactly what the CDV-solution did.

    To have seen it happening due to the application of German law was the ultimate irony.

  6. I don't think we have need of travelling hyphens.


    • At the time this shot was taken, another tank was selected which was the one targeted by the plane, as indicated by the yellow line</font>
    • You can clearly see 2 distinct lines of tracers either coming from or going to the two tanks in the shot. I don't think an airplane's cannon and MGs have this kind of flexibility</font>

    Therefore it is quite clearly the tanks firing at the plane and not vice versa.

    Something which I hadn't seen before either. Most scenario designers don't bother with German CAS by the time these things appear.

  7. Originally posted by Warmaker:

    their traverse rate is quite slow

    Not the 88 Flak. The wheeled guns turn slowly because the crew have to turn the whole gun, but the AA gun rotates on its base. It can switch between targets very fast, often it doesn't even wait for a confirmed kill. If the target has taken a couple of hits and there's another one which looks more threatening, it will take that one on.
  8. I had a quick peek. Looks interesting.

    I only really got hooked on BCR when BiltAid was introduced, relieving me of the need to steal paper at work to print all those endless sheets :D .

    But since you say these rules are much simpler, I'll give it a go.

    I like the addition of the operational aspect. If this could be somehow combined with the feeling of relentless exertion you get from BCR, it would come very close to single player campaign heaven.

  9. I had the same experience of T-34/85s not using Tungsten against identified and bracketed King Tigers (no T fired even after bouncing up to 3 AP shells off the target).

    My theory is that the AI has to apply quite a complicated logic (possibly involving range and facing of the target, hit and kill chance, ammo left, etc.) and therefore does not always get it right.

    The AI has no 'Wait a minute, this can't be right, I'll use T anyway' reflex.

  10. I have set up infantry in the open steppe a couple of times (because of a complete and total lack of any cover, try Biltong's campaign...) and it seems they're safe as long as they don't move (no sneaking either). Woe betide them if they get spotted though. The tiniest amount of fire will send them into 'aimless irretrievable squirm' mode until death ensues.

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