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Everything posted by General_Petrovsky

  1. While playing a PBEM battle I had a sound contact for light armor behind a group of trees. So I had my tank destroyer (a german one, open top, forget the name)sit patiently on the edge of the trees with clear line of sight down the side of the patch so if he drove around the corner he would be right in my sights. The next turn the sound contact drove around the corner right through my line of sight, and not only did my TD not see or target the vehicle the sound contact drove right up next to my TD, machine gunned them to abandonment then killed the crew. And all this happened without it ever being identified. It remained just a light armor sound contact and then just went on it's way. How did this happen? How did my guys not see the vehicle when I had clear line of sight where it drove through? What did I do wrong? or is this a bug? The TD was unbuttoned in case you're wondering. Please help.
  2. I'm defending in a large PBEM battle and my opponent bought a bomber who is blowing up all of my vehicles one by one, every turn that goes by I lose another tank or something. They are completely hidden from his ground forces, but his planes are ripping me to shreads. I have no AA power either. 2 questions: 1) Which units are good to buy for AA power? 2) Is there anything I can do in my present situation to prevent furthur loses? When His attack gets there he's going to find a bunch of blown up tanks. PLEASE HELP, INCOMING!!!
  3. Funny, I read this post like 2 days ago and was thinking to myself, wow these guys are really out there, I'm addicted to CM and often find myself thinking about my current or next turn in a PBEM game I'm, but once I'm into the daily routine I just live life. But last nite I had a vivid dream about a current PBEM game I"m doing. I was actually in the last turn I did before I went to bed. I guess it was on my mind as a lay in bed and then I dreamt about it. It was real though, no target lines or LOS lines. It was real, but everything was in the exact location as in my game. Unfortunately I was woken up right in the middle of it because I left the window open and at about 4am the sheer cold woke me. I wish I could have continued that dream, not only was it great, but maybe I could have gotten some true insight on what to do in my next turn!!
  4. I'm not one to bring up gamey tactics, but the CM book even says something about using crew as scouts. When I have a vehicle knocked out I pull the crew back to safety or off the map entirely. This is to avoid hearing anything about being gamey. I'm playing a PBEM now, which is also a registered game at Tournament House and my current opponent just used crew in the most gamey way as possible by using them as scouts. They were in a building in a town I"m defending, I wasted like 12 HE rounds to blow up the building plus moved my tanks in fear it was a AT team and not only does my opponent come back with this friggin email (below) but on the turn before accused me of having crew on the front lines (It was a sniper) Look at what he wrote: Heh, yeah, that's my truck crew that accidentaly bogged the vehicle down in some trees. Stupid of them. Since they had nothing to do, I turned them into scouts. By the way, nice shooting on this last turn. I have to figure out how to deal with those tanks you got in town. Col on top of that he's lying about the truck being bogged down, I took it out with a mortar round a few turns earlier. Now i have to say something to him about this because it's BS, but I don't want to take any fun away from the game. It's just not fair that I put a lot of time and thought into purchasing troops, setting them up, thinking out each turn and I gotta deal with this. What is one to do in a situation like this with no apparent positive out come?
  5. well how are these other games compared to CM? Are any of them better or at least comparable? If so which ones??
  6. Whoa wait a second here. I move all crew off the map after they have abadoned a vehicle or a mortor. I saw above that the games counts these guys as casualties at the end??? I pull them back and off the map so my opponent doesn't starting moaning about using crew as infantry and being gamey and all that. Plus I figured by pulling them off the map I would be CONSERVING casualties. Does it really count as a loss if you move them near or off the map?? what should I do just hide them somewhere???
  7. Let me guess you're using your sharpshooter against infantry??? No No No, use your sharpshooter against ARMOR. You plug the unit's commander in the head, then they stay buttoned up so they roll blindly into your bazooka's range. Either that or if you're lucky you can make them abandon the vehicle.
  8. Keep them far from the action and hidden well. When you spot your enemy's infantry move the Priest into a well protected position with a NARROW FIRING ARC to shell his troops from a distance. Pull back into full defilade if his armor starts moving into position for a shot a your Priest. Repeat as necessary.
  9. Hi I'll be sure to register at the blitz for Combat Mission, once I figure out how. I've never played Steel Panther and I'm a war game nut. How is it?? better or worse than CM, should I bother buying the game or would it be a waste of time and money and I'll end up playing CM all the time anyway?
  10. France is a 3rd world country??? I thought you were modern, but just all snobs
  11. I've never played any of the CC games, but I am a CM fanatic and I love wargames. Tell me, am I missing out?? Should I buy a CC game or two to try them out? Or is CM so much better that they would be a waste of time and money??
  12. Hey this thread won't be stupid if Big Time Software goes public because that's a stock to buy ASAP.
  13. Yo PA from philly, actually delaware county, just outside. A battle of PA huh? the toughest state in the Union, best footballers and wrestlers now let's see about the field generals. Let me know if any of you Pennsylvanians want to do a PBEM game. I'm available most nites for multi-turns and a lot of turns of the weekends. I'm a so-so player, still making a lot of costly mistakes. I would rather PBEM opponents in the same time zone that way we can do a lot of turns in one sitting. My European opponents are asleep when I send my turn so it's only possible to a turn a nite, really drags the game out. Plus they talk funny email: gopetro1@aol.com
  14. In reading all of the replies and from my own experience with close air support (limited) it seems that spending the points on a bomber is a GAMBLE. I only use them on defense and it seems that they kick some butt or don't impact the battle at all. But they are definitely not a conservative tactic. If you feel like being aggressive buy one. There is two sides to every coin. If you confident on your arty spotting skills then buy them, but if u miss a lot and that is a waste of points then buy a bomber and leave it up to them. One thing is for sure, if they show up and hit a target or two it's a lot of fun and it really keeps your opponent guessing because no one expects that top penetration on their perfectly hidden tank. If you see black planes it's the British, if you see white planes it's the Americans, if you see no planes at all...it's the Luftwaffe
  15. I don't know if you forget about close air support entirely. Yes it is a gamble because they might not show up and if they get some AA fire they don't seem to come back. But I've had some success with planes when on the defense. Basically in the first 3-5 turns of an attack the defender is just sitting in hiding waiting for the oncoming attack. During this time your planes can be very effective in stripping your opponent of his armor and break up his attack all while you aren't losing anything. Plus you take away the chance of your planes attacking your own troops because you are on the other side of the map in hiding. I was defending as the axis in a PBEM game and my plane took out a Sherman, 2 armored cars, and some other vehicle I can't remember, all this before the enemy even got close to my front lines. In the end, however, I seemed to be short on men when his final assault came and I really could have used a few more platoons of infantry instead of the 300pts I blew on the part time air attack.
  16. Hey I'm in Philly too, actually the immediate suburbs in delaware county, this game is played internationally and we're all from PA??? Good to see I'm not the only local hooked on this game!
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