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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Scipio

  1. Goldwave Sound Forge 5 Philippe, have you received my email?
  2. KwazyDog I see the problem. I just wonder how serious this problem will be on a GTS2 with 64mb VRAM, 4xAGP and 512mb RAM. What I see as a standart configuration for a modern computer. [ March 12, 2002, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  3. BTS I see the missunderstanding. But I do NOT understand this : why uses a texture for a destroyed building more VRAM then for a undestroyed building? Wouldn't it be the same texture size of (for example) 256x256 pixel, but with the upper area repainted in 'pink'? [ March 12, 2002, 09:37 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  4. Question to the experts: was the typical German Fj Jumpsmock, also known as 'Knochensack', and the FJ ammo bandolier still common in the CM:BO time frame?
  5. A new camo has been issued to the US45 troops. This is an original camo, but was rarly used by US troops on the European theatre - the poor sods with this camo were regulary killed by own troops, cause they were held for SS. Download at WarfareHQ [ March 10, 2002, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  6. I use cuff titles for my Wehrmacht uniforms, but only for the Gebirgsjägertroops, cause they have a seperat bmp for the right arm.
  7. A roof with little snow You can find it at WarfareHQ
  8. Tank and crew can be found at WarfareHQ [ February 15, 2002, 11:54 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  9. Dalem, M Hofbauer This is not correct. I made a quick ckeck, 2000pp, medium map, the setup zone was for attack and assault 550m, only for the probe it was smaller. And the troop types doesn't matter in case of an unrestricted battle.
  10. Just to clarify. a) I leave because I'm sick and tired of personal insultings I have received on this board and by email. It has nothing to do with a critic about my mods. Indeed I can't remember a single bad comment about the quality of my mods. Madmatt, you have obviously no idea what is happening on this board. Of course it can not be expected that you spend all your time here, you have surly more important things to do. But if you don't know what you are talking about, just let it be. Please excuse that I don't understand what you want to say, cause I don't know you personally. When I please the board admin to do something against rude offenses and your only comment is 'grow a thick skin or leave', I leave. Who needs a board admin that doesn't cares anyway? c) My mods were removed for a simple reason. WarfareHQ has only linked them, but they were hosted on my private site to spare webspace and traffic for WarfareHQ. Please don't expect that I will pay further hosting costs to support a CM community whose members personal insult me in public. It's very easy and cowardly to insult me here. I'm sorry that this people don't have the chance to do so in the real world. Scipio over and out [ February 03, 2002, 10:23 AM: Message edited by: Scipio ]
  11. It seems you refer to the 'Sprengpanzer' - I have started a threat about it just yesterday. There are some links with more informations. Very interesting.
  12. Thanks! Sounds like an ugly little thing - I wonder if this would be nice to have in CM:BB! :cool:
  13. I found it in a book, but no further information, only that some PzIII were assigned together with some 'Sprengpanzer'. Do someone know what a Sprenpanzer is?
  14. Vader, why send it as uncompressed wave? A mp3 converter can be downloaded from my site, for example (www.warfarehq.com) Be sure it's no fun to send 20mb to 500 people
  15. I had the same idea. Question : do you also hear a loud 'crack' after each completed loop? I have this problem only in the game, not when I hear the sound with a media player.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: What joke, you made a silly post that bordered on the stupid, I pointed it out, you claimed it was a joke rather than saying "sorry I was wrong". Read Mike's post, more people than just I thought your post was a serious attempt at trolling. At first I just thought it was too idiotic to be serious, but there was no way to tell, and no retraction, so who knows? Perhaps leaving the board is something that is up to BTS rather than you. And I mean it -- if Rocker is serious I will tell him exactly how to extract the information from a post, but if he not then I wont waste my time with it. [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Slapdragon ]<hr></blockquote> Even if it was not a good joke, you behavior is unacceptable. I have send a note to the board admin. [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: If you really want to know and mean how do you check a physics model against the game, then yes I would be happy to discuss it, just e-mail me on the side. If you are stringing along with that silly sod Scipio, no.<hr></blockquote> Sire, I expect your excuse. If you are not able to take a joke without becoming personal insulting you should better leave this board. With firendly regards Scipio
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Michael Dorosh: You're more entertaining when you're pouting about plagiarism - or otherwise posting your own plagiarized mods to the forum with your highly amusing disclaimers proclaiming sole credit for them. Baiting persons with actual scholastic integrity is a little out of your league, isn't it? Smiley Smiley Smiley etc.<hr></blockquote> About which plagiats are you talking in detail? I have stolen so many things from everyone all the time that I'm not sure right now...to bad that I made all the work for nothing, cause no one want to use the mods. Except me, of course.
  19. I love to drive you mad, Slappy. You always walk into the trap.
  20. Phantom, it's generally senseless to discuss with people like Slappy, because they completly ignore you posts. You say : <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Phantom Rocker: So, back again to stats and facts: if you want to compare reality and Combat Mission, you must first know which facts has been used and how they are reflected in program formulas. Any discussion based on CM shoot results, and you may run them as often as you want, is only of limited sense if you don't know the basic formulas. It's like Newton's rules for gravity - they are basically right, but no modern physician would base his calculations on them and ignore Einstein's relativity.<hr></blockquote> and he recomments you to solve your problem: <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Slapdragon: You can then create a "shooting range" CM game and test the assumptions of the underlying theory against the game.<hr></blockquote> LOL [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
  21. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Captain Wacky: I dunno, except for a few people I think most here agree that CM his pretty damn historically accurate, and that most players want it that way. There might be some little questions along the way but overall engine and the results it produces are fairly accurate. They were some flaws and complaints when the game was first released, and BTS went back and corrected many of them with a series of patches. Now only a few remain (like the under-modelling of machine guns, whether or not they can run, and other crap like whether the bren gun had a damn tripod or not). I think a lot of the people who think certain things are under-gunned and under-armored are basing these accusations solely on previous war games they played, which we know did not model combat near as well or with as much complexity as CM. None of us were around to see how it really happened in WWII, so who's to know? The best BTS can do is go by the mountains of statistical data they pour through. My advice: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.<hr></blockquote> You're joking, right? I saw a Wespe shooting down a fast moving Hellcat on a road! 80% of hits are penetrations, and 95% of penetrations are deadly. Not to mention the artillery system! Most people I played are very uncontented because of the historic unrealism - this includes an graduated WWII historian, not only ignorants like me. I don't know if preset by players would be the best of all, but better then the status quo. It would be nice when BTS give us more informations about the way they calculate some things. Maybe they only fear that we will be disappointed when we see how simple the formulas are.
  22. Can someone please lock this threat down? Here is not the holy inquisition.
  23. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Silvio Manuel: I was also sent one of these Setups. I have cancelled the game primarily because: Dishonorable mistake: Playing several battles at once w/ the same setup is unsportsmanlike (to put it kindly). It is unfair to have foreknowledge of your opponents forces. Honest mistakes: He said that the battle was Unrestricted, when it was actually Armor.He said that all other parameters were random, but has now admitted that he picked the rural/light trees/flat setting to suit the battle being Armor-heavy.<hr></blockquote> Silvio, if you know a way to randomly create a map, please let me know. AFAIK this is not possible, at least with the CM 1.12 that I own. I wonder what would have been if the Allies had received three Pershings and five Jacksons.
  24. So it seems it's up to me to play the judge, cause I was called as the ladder custodian. I'm not amused about the situation. But it is not much more than this: suspicious. Is this force extremly unrealistic for an autoselection? YES Is it impossible? I would say no, even if I don't know the game routines for the autoselection. Is it uncommon to send the excactly same setup to several unknown members from the ladder? YES But damned, is it forbidden? Is it unfair to play out this game? Of course it would have been fair to request a restart when I notice such an excellent force selection on my side. But be true, boys: who of you had done this? And why? I must assume that the other side show up with something similar. To say it's unfair is only a point of view. I could also say 'extremly unbalanced forces are historic', even if CM can't be played historic (indeed the allies had simply retreated and called for support, but in this case the battle would have been an Axis total, too). So what shall I do? I don't expel members on the base of suspicion. I can not punish someone without a proof. I can only request to remove the games from the ladder, so no one get points for them. And even this is already some kind of capriciousness if it really wasn't somebodys fault. When I played Deadly 88, he was an intelligent player who don't need primitive cheating to win (even if I have - of course - defeated him). My question to the 'prosecutors' is: have you requested a restart when you noticed the strong Axis force, and was this request refused? [ 01-07-2002: Message edited by: Scipio ]</p>
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