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Posts posted by Sitzkrieg

  1. Originally posted by murpes:

    I thought Sunday if I was lucky, Monday more than likely, and Tuesday at the latest. No such luck.

    Something is wrong with my order, I can sense it.

    Ditto here. 3 copies still lost in the postal system somewhere. How can people on the West Coast be getting their copies before those closer to the East Coast? Doesn't make a whole lotta sense but then again it is the US government, it never makes sense.


  2. I'm sure someone will create some mods for Polish vehicles and uniforms at some point (and probably put them in CMMOS).

    I wouldn't get too upset about it. There will probably be several scenarios designed around the late war Polish units. I hope so as German vs. Soviet all the time would get boring. Sounds like you might do one yourself. Polish vs. Herman Goering Division, I'd like to see that.

    As Wacky said, it's not a national slight. BTS probably just didn't have enough time for scenario design and enough space for Polish markings on vehicles.

    Just leave it up to the scenario design and mod community, they won't leave you disappointed.


  3. Haven't heard the sounds of the MG-42 in CM:BB yet (hopefully that will change this afternoon).

    Actually, I came to the conclusion that the CM:BO original WAVs for the MG-42 were probably more realistic. However, they were kinda wimpy sounding compare to some other sounds I had. So I increased the volume on the files about 200% or so and it also made it harder to distinguish the individual shots (unintented side effect). Sounds like it really sprays. I could forward you a copy if you like. Send me an email.


  4. Originally posted by Le Tondu:


    Thanks so much for the answer. smile.gif I thought that maybe I was going nuts or something for even bringing it up.

    Ok, it "looks" to me like it is a minor part of the overall problem. CMBO showed up in Add/Remove Programs. I just figured that CMBB would too. I mean there isn't any reason why it shouldn't. Right?

    Unless this absence is intentional? I wonder. Maybe it was a strategic decision to put CMBB only on one CD. Since parts of the game (ie. vehicle textures/skins) were left out of it and therefore have to be put into it by way of future updates, it is logical to think that something important to the installation of the game could be accidentally left out too?

    Instead of have two CDs, they dediced to only put out one? The down side of course is that another CD may just have to be sent out anyways. Maybe another two with everything on them so CMBB installs correctly?

    Either way, I don't believe that BTS & BFC considers us whiners for pointing these problems out. The sooner they know about them, the sooner they will get them fixed and the sooner that everyone will be happy.


    Looks to be intentional and a nice feature in terms of how other Windows app are (see my above post and Matt's).

    Just thought I would provide my 2 cents having spent more than my fair share of time working with InstallShield (and all of it's problems).


  5. Originally posted by Madmatt:

    Actually, in order to be in the ADD/REMOVE list would require a Registry Entry and we have always tried to install our programs with a minimum of fuss. If you want to remove CMBB then just delete the entire directory.

    We would have liked to include a more elaborate Installer into CMBB but we simply had no room left on the CD to do so.

    Thanks for the info, Matt. I figured it was related to the install not completing but looks to be a decision made by BTS. A software program that can be removed by simply deleting the directory? Unheard of! ;) At least on an MS OS. smile.gif

    Nice feature, BTW. I liked being able to simply move CM:BO to a new hard drive when I upgraded my computer without all the annoying registry hooks.


  6. Originally posted by Le Tondu:

    I wish to echo CJMello. I have everything and the game runs, but shouldn't CMBB show up in Add/Remove programs? Does anyone know?

    ***** I've added this so it won't get forgotten during all of the efforts to correct a more serious problem.

    OR is this part of the same overall problem.

    Well, I haven't received my order yet so I'm hoping I don't run into a bad CD. Ordered 3 copies so I've got a 1 in 3 chance. ;)

    Anyway, about the Add/Remove Programs issue. It really isn't a bug and is just the result of the install not completing successfully. Putting an installed program in Add/Remove Programs is an option a software maker has when creating their installs (with most installation software, like InstallShield). However, it is usually there by default and a good practice.

    Again, I doubt it's a bug in the install but more related to the install not completing successfully. Doing the registry entries and adding an entry to Add/Remove Programs would be one of the last things done in an install.


  7. Originally posted by Shatter:

    First of I made 2 backups for CMBO, hey you never no when one will screw up.

    So I decided to make one for CMBB. The burn went fine no errors, but when I tried to run CMBB of burnt disk, it says insert disk.

    I know CMBO only wanted to know if the disk was there, and that everything was on the HD. So why is it not working for CMBB?

    Just some suggestions as I don't know how you are making your backups.

    You may have do a disk copy rather than create the layout from a project or image. I've used Roxio/Adaptec's Easy CD Creator CD Copier utility to make backups for CM:BO before. That was the only way I could successfully make a backup that the game would recognize at startup.


  8. Originally posted by V:

    I feel ya buddy. Funny post, though...

    Still waiting in Fort Dodge.

    The mailman and I will probably go to blows if he dares to show up empty handed!

    Don't hurt him too bad. ;)

    I've got two friends waiting as well. I ordered for everybody so we could reduce the shipping costs. Also figured it might get here a bit quicker with a larger order. Oh well.

    Good luck to you. Hope we both get our copies tomorrow.


  9. I'll give a hollar from the Midwest...


    How's that? ;)

    Hoping for tomorrow but planning on being disappointed again by the USPS.

    The thing I can't figure out is how a town this size (150,000) can't get the game before someone in a much smaller town. It's like it got to the Mississippi and skipped over about 250 miles of the state. Maybe it's the proximity to a larger city like Chicago or Omaha that gets it their quicker. I don't know. Same thing happened when I pre-ordered Strategic Command as well.

    Either that or it's like my video card I ordered a couple of weeks ago. Ordered it from a website in NY. It was sent out FexEx 2 day air. Went to NY, then Newark, NJ. Then to Oakland, CA!!! It only missed me by about 1500 miles! Then came all the way back to Memphis, TN to here, Cedar Rapids, IA. Someone explain the logic of that route to me.


    [ September 23, 2002, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]

  10. Originally posted by K_Tiger:

    Couldn understand this debate, you all get the game a weak or so before the US guys can put theyr hands on this jewel...gooooo... and play!!!

    No kidding. I wonder what other far off land will get the game before I receive my copy. Brazil? China? Australia? Outer Mongolia perhaps?
  11. Originally posted by Stoffel:

    Sitzkrieg I do have a cable connection

    Good reason for a firewall. I've known some people with 56K connections that use firewalls and really don't need them.

    Just a personal opinion. I've seen virus programs create more trouble than they will ever solve, especially Norton Antivirus.

    I'm not a big fan of copy protection software myself because of the problems it has with some hardware and software. I had a game from a large publisher that used SafeDisk. Many people couldn't even get the game to work without a firmware update to their CD-ROM drive. It worked for me but my CD-ROM drive was never the same.

  12. I can see where a virus scanner could maybe cause problems with SafeDisk, etc.

    However, I don't see why you would need a virus scanner running full time doing constant system scans. If I run any kind of virus protection it only scans email and internet acctivity (where 99% of viruses come from). A constant system scan to look at every file accessed is a bit paranoid and will really slow down your machine (as well as cause compatibility issues with software). A firewall is also not necessary unless you have a constant Internet connection through DSL or cable.


  13. A coworker has a Dell with Windows ME that exhibits this error as well. However, I don't think this is an operating system issue, especially if you let the machine "warm up" and it works fine.

    Probably something related to the BIOS or a low level driver (chipset, etc.) or the motherboard itself. Check the Dell support site, enter your service tag and get all the latest drivers and BIOS updates you can and apply them. Then see if you still have the same problem.


  14. A coworker has a Dell with Windows ME that exhibits this error as well. However, I don't think this is an operating system issue, especially if you let the machine "warm up" and it works fine.

    Probably something related to the BIOS or a low level driver (chipset, etc.) or the motherboard itself. Check the Dell support site, enter your service tag and get all the latest drivers and BIOS updates you can and apply them. Then see if you still have the same problem.


  15. I don't want to burn through designed scenarios against the computer so it will probably be quick battles. Something to test out armor first, then a city battle. Then I might design a scenario with lots of spotters (and nothing else) just to experience the horror of a large scale bombardment. The noise alone should be impressive.

    Then it's time to get serious and do a PBEM with my old CM:BO opponent from work. Something dealing with Stalingrad will be first.


  16. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:

    Perhaps it's just me but ALL of the demo sounds look weak and muffled to me ... Not only the hurrah, but the other sentences, the sounds of the guns, artillery everything :( ... I've just upgraded to a 4-speakers system and playing CMBO is a hell of a noisy experience :eek: , with CMBB not much so !

    The sounds in the demo were down-sampled to make the demo download smaller. The full release has the full blown sounds (44000kHz vs. 22050kHz in the demo). This is mentioned in the readme file included in the download.


  17. Originally posted by Fuerte:

    Unhandled exception: c0000005

    At address: 737705b9

    In Citadel.

    Did you click on a bailed out German crew when you received this error? If so, BTS already knows about this problem. Apparently, it is a bug only with the demo, not the full version. I got this thing the other night. I read about the problem but forgot about it, clicked on a crew and locked the game up. Check out the uniforms on the bailed crews.


  18. Don't use the Detonator 40 drivers. Nvidia broke whatever they fixed that resolved the problem with FSAA and CM with the Detonator 40 drivers. I would recommend uninstalling them and going back to the last 30.xx series drivers released by Nvidia (30.82 I believe). These work just fine in Windows 2000/XP, CM and FSAA.

    Hope this helps.


    [ September 11, 2002, 11:59 PM: Message edited by: sitzkrieg ]

  19. Originally posted by ianc:

    A couple of features I remember being bandied about for a bit were:

    a) More than one texture set for a given vehicle being displayed simultaneously so that vehicles don't all look like clones.

    B) Different textures for R and L sides of the vehicles so they don't have to be numbered 888 or 111 any more.

    Anyone know if these two made it in?


    Don't know about a) but I'm pretty sure there is still only one BMP for the right and left sides. If you look at the PzIVG mod from Kwazydog that Madmatt posted on CMHQ the other day, there is only one BMP for the turret side.


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