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Robert Olesen

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Everything posted by Robert Olesen

  1. The manual states that in operations a portion of your casualties are considered lightly wounded and come back for the next battle. I have used this concept in my own replacement calculation. The problem is, I don't know how big this percentage is. Does anybody know?
  2. I followed Biltongs advice in the rules to the letter, assigned myself Green rank, and it seems to fit perfectly so far.
  3. My trigger-happy CO is sending me into the fourth battle in a row, on the night of June 22nd. All I have left undepleted is my Company CO, 3 squads, 1 HMG, the PzIII and the PzIV. I guess I'm lucky to have two good tanks <G>. Of the rest of the battlegroup, only 3 men are left - the rest need to be replaced. I have been rolling a number of 10's on the counterattack table. An interesting experience.
  4. I believe that the first prisoner gives you more poitns than the rest of them
  5. This is probably old news, but anyway... I have found that my Pz38(t) from '41 appear to be Panther prototypes when you look at the small pic in the control panel. I would enclose a screenshot, but I don't have it on an url. Is there's a mod somewhere that corrects this?
  6. Replacements are a bit tricky. Emergency reorganizations too until you have tried it. My advise is to not worry too much about the mathematical details - use common sense if that is faster for you. It's only a game after all, and the idea is to simulate what happened, not spend hours in a math class.
  7. Just ran a small test, and it didn't work. I edited the ammo of three infantry units down to 2, 5 and 1. The ammo load of these unit was maximized when I set up a QB using the map with the troops. I'm using 1.02, US version, bought from the recent batch in February.
  8. Perhaps they didn't have any ammo left? I have experienced that in two battles, but that was against ordinary soviet infantry with little ammo. [ March 10, 2003, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  9. Is that also true if you edit the ammo level for your battel group units before saving the file? Will the QB generator reset the amo levels?
  10. But if you remove that unit in the editor you do not get the morale hit you get when walking it off the map at turn 1. I think that moralew hit is a nice touch.
  11. To be precise: The editor allows you to specify up to 60% casualties on all units except vehicles. It does not allow 50% casualties, and there does not seem to be a way to edit the number of men in individual units. It also takes causalties on every unit and does not eliminate any, as does the QB generator. So that is a problem. It can work - sort of - up to 60% casualties by rolling an availability die for each vehicle, but not at 50%. Also you have to edit the ammo level of each unit if it isn't full. Edit: I tried making a QB with the battle group at 50% casualties and 50% ammo and save it both at setup and at the first turn. The intention was to load it in the editor to edit the experience of some units and then use it as a basis for the next QB. But alas, the editor apparently does not read the unit nor map info when it loads a savegame. That's probably a safeguard against cheating in pbem. [ March 09, 2003, 05:27 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  12. This is the south front, not the central front. You're not going to Moscow
  13. Seems to work like a charm. This ought to do it: Load up the editor, set the time (and whatever else you need to), create a map of the proper size and type, or load one from the map pack, buy your own battle group units of the proper quality, incl. attached units, save it. Then start up the quick battle, using the map from the scenario you just saved. Impor tthe units and buy your task force (only). It even makes it easier to keep track of how many points you can use on the task force. You can ofc. look at the map, but the editing map display (which you get by default) isn't all that easy to use for a tactical plan. I have one problem: I'm not quite sure how to translate the map size and force size into a proper width and height to be used for the map. I also have that problem with the map pack. Perhaps someone could point me to a good reference? It might be in the manual - I'm about half way through that. Edit: It seems that you need to create a battel in the editor with no victory flags. You also need to be careful in setting the correct battle type, or the setup zones will be screwed. [ March 08, 2003, 04:20 AM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  14. Well, you asked for it I picked up these changes along the line and added them to my personal variant, all designed to increase my personal fun level: Large Battle Multipliers: </font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">7 Multiplier x 2, Minimum 100 8 Multiplier x 2, Minimum 200 9 Multiplier x 3; Minimum 300 10 Multiplier x 3, Minimum 500</pre>
  15. ? 57 is Emergency Reorganization - nothing to do with 56 Attached Units? All the Battle Group units', including Attached Units, quality is recorded on the Battle Group sheet. See Note 15 - Attached Units Enter the points on the next battle's Parameter Sheet and when you buy your forces for your next battle, select a unit, sticking to the < 40% rarity rule. Remember to enter the unit on the new Battle Group Sheet - in the lines marked with a 'Note 8'. To record it on the Parameter sheet as well would be double work IMHO</font>
  16. A small suggestion: Change the rarity parameter (39) to show the result of the rarity purchase die roll, i.e. whether you can buy the +40% and higher stuff. This parameter doesn't show any useful info as it is. And another: Use the currently unused parameter 57 to record the quality of any attached units you are going to buy in the next battle (i.e. it is only filled out if you get a positive point value in parameter 56).
  17. That's in the player's guide, and possibly in the notes too: A modified roll less than 1 is treated as 1 A modified roll greater than 10 is treated as 10
  18. edgars, try Biltaid by Peterk. There's also an automated spreadsheet. Both are avaiable on Biltongs website.
  19. My thoughts exactly. You could calculate favor simply using the numbers in the AAR. Not as fancy and detailed, but a whole lot simpler. It's just a matter of specifying a multiplier on each value, e.g. 0.02 for each enemy casualty as suggested above, then add them up and round the value. It could be an optional favor calculation.
  20. Not really. I was just making sure that people knew what the status of this was if they asked for it. It is after all a complete rule document, combining the player's guide with all rules and notes in the spreadsheet. Not to be confused with the real thing I do. I was only aware of the previous thread - I just got CMBB recently and haven't kept up with this forum before that. I made it - It's 39 pages. But you may be right that it will scare people off. I get the message. You did ask me to continue asking questions Remember? Oops
  21. I have another dumb question When you are allowed to use favor to alter a die roll (I managed to accumulate a positive amount ), do you have to do it before rolling the die, or can you do it after? I don't think the rules specify this anywhere. Both are possible, though the first may seem the obvious one. If it is the first, how about allowing you to spend twice the amount after the die roll if you didnt spend anything up front? Too complicated? Also, I'd love to get an answer to my force size question on the first page. Just so that it doesn't vanish into oblivion simply from being an the previous page [ March 04, 2003, 03:33 PM: Message edited by: Robert Olesen ]
  22. I missed that because Biltong just changed it, so I edited it out of my rules sheet. The change is in the old thread somewhere. Or we could ask himself to clear things up. I guess you get to suit yourself as regards this, and I won't be able to answer your original question then
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