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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. In a recent PBEM (russian assault, winter '42) a platoon of my T34s ran into three StuGs.

    The T34s advanced cautiosly and once they sighted the STuGs the withdrew out of LOS immediatly.

    I then used a 82mm FO to place a smoke barrage and raced the T34 platoon forward to flank the StuGs. An infantry platoon accompanied them and where ordered to move to a patch of woods on the far right flank.

    The T34s charged across an open field, protected by the smoke barrage and managed to arrive in their new positions, covered by some woods. One of the StuGs bogged down when it was trying to engage the T34s (snowy ground... smile.gif ) and got hit by the T34s in the flank. I advanced one T34 and used the two others in overwatch position.

    The infantry platoon was in place and broke out of the trees, to assault the remaining two StuGs, the three T34s advanced, attacking the withdrawing StuGs from two sides.

    Got another StuG and was in a good position to destroy the last one when my opponent surrendered.

    Your T34s are highly mobile, even in difficult terrain. They have turrets which the StuGs don't have, use that advantage. Coordinate the attack with infantry and arty (smoke).

    If it's done correctly (and you have at least a bit of luck) the StuGs still are a serious threat but can be overcome with proper tactics.

    [ November 08, 2002, 03:13 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  2. Originally posted by Fart:

    Oh my god...

    [ *snip* blablabla *snip*]


    *yawn* I've seen hamsters with more wit than you.

    Actually I think most hamsters would be deeply offended if I'd compare them with you.

    But then, maybe you're just looking for friends. You're tired of sitting in that dark room with no friends around you, all the girls laughing about you and the big guys always beating you up. In the long, cold nights you look out of the window, hoping someone would finally notice you.

    So, you post here.

    At least here someone will notice you.

    *sniff what a sad, sad story...


    Ah, and hi mom!

  3. :confused:

    Since when can HQs spot for FO teams??

    I always thougt HQs can only spot for onboard mortars.

    I just set up a small test.

    A HQ should spot for a german 105mm FO.

    When the FO targets a building to which the HQ has LOS but the FO (in contact to HQ) has not, the fire command is the usual "out of LOS" fire.

    So, no HQ spotting for offboard arty, no need to change anything...

  4. I've used a lot of russian and german arty in my games so far and only twice in more than a 1 1/2 months of constant playing did my arty strike miss its target when firing with LOS to the target.

    I've never seen a "corrected" arty mission fail to land on target so far.

    Looks like bad luck.

    Or the Finns suck...Wait! I mean bad luck... ;)

  5. Sinclair, welcome to the board!

    The AI in CMBB doesn't get any kind of "bonus". So the AI tanks will perform just the same way they perform when you command them.

    You need to understand each tank's strength and weakness. What tanks do you use? It's quite different if you engage a company of T34s with your PzIII or with Panthers.

    Also try to use hull-down positions to reduce vulnerability. Don't engage in long-range duels with tanks with superior gun and optics.

    Try to manuever your tanks to get flank shots on enemy tanks and use smoke to cover your advance.

    Use the "shoot&scoot" command and the "cover arc" command to set up ambushes.

    If your tanks always get killed by the AI, you should definately revise your tactics.

  6. Originally posted by Alarmer:

    Thanks for the Chat room tip smile.gif

    Yes I know the Forum but its hard to get TCP/IP game in forums. Ill check out the Chat room hope there are people gaming online smile.gif

    Really? Whenever I tried to find a TCP/IP opponent I usually don't had to wait more than 20 minutes 'till somebody connected.

    Set up a game (not too big, less than 2000pts is usually good) and post the IP adress.

    Post the details and try to set up a fair game (no "elite axis armour vs russian armour on a flat map"...) and you should be able to find an opponent pretty soon.

  7. Originally posted by Cameroon:

    That being the case, identifying the one avenue of attack it will use (at least unless it gets fed up and chooses a new one) will pretty much win you the game without much effort.

    Not too difficult.

    Look at your VLs. Watch out for patches of trees/woods leading towards the VLs.

    Target arty on the woods.


  8. The AI isn't capable of using tanks in formation, same for using proper infantry tactics.

    When defending against the AI (which isn't much fun anyway) you'll often see the AI leading it's assaults with HQ units, or arty FOs charging your lines...

    The AI does a pretty good job in defending but don't expect too much when it is attacking.

  9. Originally posted by Joques:

    Just curious: I have read reports about using satchel charges (presumably in the US version) where you use area fire and are asked "Use explosives?" In my version, explosives are used automatically, it's impossible not to use them.

    Use the area fire command with pioneer troops at less than 30m distance and the "use explosive" text will appear with the target information.
  10. Originally posted by Leutnant Hortlund:

    A guy finds a flaw in the game engine. When he posts about the flaw in the game engine he fails to show proper respect to the betatesters.

    Next thing you know, hordes of fanbois appear as if by magic to flame him. The guy apologizes, but it is too late, he now has a bad reputation on these boards, and no one wants to debate the game engine flaw.

    Blessed are those who are able to read...

    Lt. Hortlund, "a guy" posted about a problem with the way turret sizes are modelled in CM and slammed the beta testers.

    The problem with the turret sizes is in fact known for a long time.

    How does it affect gameplay?

    He backed up his conclusions by a "test" he did.

    I replied and showed that I couldn't reproduce his test results and didn't understand how he achieved this results.

    His next point was about the problems of his armour bogging down in a certain scenario in dry ground conditions.

    I looked at that scenario and found out that the ground condition in that scenario was "muddy".

    IMO he didn't actually bother too much with facts and obviously needs to brush up his comunication skills.

    I concede that english is probably not his native language but some of his posts are definately unnecessary rude.

  11. Kloss, you wrote that you tested Pz IV vs IS2 and got strange results. I did my own tests and showed that I couldn't see what you described.

    You were quite offensive in your post and the only reference to your conclusion were the memoirs of a french SS vet.

    I just read your second post, and I feel you don't want to troll.

    Remember: often it's not WHAT you say but HOW you say something.

    To your problems in the 'Korsun' scenario. If you are talking about the 'Korsun relief' (in my german version 'Korsun Entsatz'), the ground conditions a not good, but muddy. So I'm not surprises the tanks bogged down...

    [ October 29, 2002, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  12. Originally posted by Cpt.Kloss:

    To my horror recently I figured out that PziVJ has quite significant chance (I made tests)- about 40% of winning 750m frontal firefight with IS2! - It must be some silly joke.

    Yup, I think the silly joke must be your "test".

    I set up a little test myself.

    10 PzIV J against 10 IS2. Distance: 750m. Regular crews. Run the test 10 times.

    Result: After a maximum of 5 turns all Pz IVs are destroyed, maximum soviet losses: 3 IS2. Average loss: 1-2.

    So I guess you have another version of CMBB or your testing methods are kind of, well, interesting...

    And your comments about the beta-testers are way off, BTW. If you want some serious discussion you're welcome, but the way you present your arguments (what arguments btw? You are aware of the fact that vet memoirs are often not too accurate on technical matter?) makes me think you're just trolling a bit...

    [ October 29, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

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