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Posts posted by ParaBellum

  1. Columbus Gamer, I have to say that I'm VERY offended by what I saw on your site. I'm really disappointed about what you did there.

    Ok, it's YOUR site and you can do what you want but it IMO leaves a bitter taste.

    I mean come on, I just visited your site, trying to find sheep porn (hi Mace!)pop-ups and what did I find?


    No pop-ups, no banners, just a fantastic collection of amazing mods.

    I hope you understand my frustration.

    Otherwise than that your site is great, I love it, and I plan to name my firstborn after you.


  2. Dear:

    [_] Clueless Newbie

    [_] Lamer

    [_] Flamer

    [_] Pervert

    [_] Geek

    [x] Spammer

    [_] Racist

    [_] Jackass

    [x] Troller

    [_] Fundamentalist

    [_] Satanist

    [_] "Expert"

    [_] Wannabe

    [_] Dumbass

    [x] Waste of Skin/Gray matter/Blood

    [x] Other:Waster of Time

    You Are Receiving This Response Because:

    [_] You imported another debate into this post

    [_] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand

    [_] You posted a 'Top 10' post.

    [_] You posted a 'Relgion' post

    [_] You started a long, stupid thread

    [_] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread

    [_] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it

    [_] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting

    [_] You posted a 'Lord of the Rings' post

    [_] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

    [_] You posted low-IQ flamebait

    [_] You posted a blatantly obvious troll

    [_] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

    [_] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement

    [_] You make no sense

    [_] You made a post yet failed to say anything

    [_] Your sig/alias/avatar is dreadful

    [_] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.

    [_] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.

    [_] Your awful markup made the post unreadable

    [_] You made a baseless assertion


    [_] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS

    [_] You say your 'L33t liek Jeffk.', Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.

    [x] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway

    [_] Your complete lack of any and all grammar makes your post physically painful to read

    To Repent, You Must:

    [x] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing

    [_] Stop masturbating for a week

    [_] Read every group you posted to for a week

    [_] Give up your AOL account

    [x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it

    [_] Tell your Mommy to up your medication

    [x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)

    [_] Actually post something relevant

    [_] Read and memorize the FAQ

    [_] Print your home phone number in your ads

    [_] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

    In Closing, I'd Like to Say:

    [_] Blow me

    [_] Get a clue

    [_] Get a life

    [_] Go away

    [_] Grow up

    [_] Never post again

    [_] You need to seek psychiatric help

    [_] Yer momma's so fat/stupid/ugly that etc...

    [_] Take your gibberish somewhere else

    [_] Go back to school and actually learn something

    [_] Learn how to post or get off the site

    [_] I don't like you

    [x] All of the above

    Have a nice day

  3. Originally posted by ColdSober:



    IbuildingII...[ a ].............North

    IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ n ]...............^

    IIIIIIIIIIIII...[ k ]....West <.....> East

    .............IIIIIIIIIIIII ..........v

    ....( t )...IIIIIIIIIIIII ........South

    ....( a )...IbuildingII

    ....( n )...IIIIIIIIIIIII

    ....( k )...IIIIIIIIIIIII

    Nice graphics, what grass are you using?


  4. What was the difference betwen german LMG Team (2 soldiers, MG34) and HMG team(6 soldiers, MG34) except the number of soldiers? Were those 5 guys only reserves?

    The light MG34 (as the MG42) is fired from bipod, the 'heavy MG34/42' is fired from a tripod.

    When fired from tripod you get a much more stable weapon that enables you to shoot longer bursts with higher accuracy.

    With a LMG you typically fire short bursts of 3-5 rounds. With the HMG version you fire up to 20-50 rounds per burst.

    The additional crew in the HMG team serves to carry the tripod (20kg) and a lot of ammo.

    Why am I having a feeling that russian tanks are much more weaker than german ones? ISU 152 gets destroyed in no-time by any tank better than Pz III, and that famous T34 is allmost uselles. Even with veteran crew. On A mission "I don't remember the name right now" 3 Tigers destroyed 10 of my ISU 152 from abouth 1000 meters-and me and the enemy were both on open terrain. When one of ma tanks finally hits the target I see only 'shell broke up' or 'partial penetration-no serious damage'...

    Keep in mind that many russian tanks were designed to take on enemy infantry strongpoints, not to duel with german tanks. The ISU152 is a good example for that.

    Using them in stand-off duels with Tigers (who have better optics, a more precise gun and a higher rate of fire) is the worst thing you can do.

    The T34s are far from being useless, you gotta learn to use their strenths such as high mobility and very fast speed. I killed lot's of Panters with T34s...

    Has anyone played mission Katukov strikes back as russian? If yes-were those flaks 88 really so effective against tank? I always thought that they were supossed to destroy air targets. I lost all of the tanks while I had tried to cross that damn field. And I am playing Combat Mission quite a long time.

    The german 88 Flak was one of the deadliest guns in WW2. A high muzzle velocity, fast ROF and good optics made them absolutely deadly when engaging tanks from long range.

    The downside was that the guns was quite vulnerable to HE fire.

    How to deal with 88s?

    Avoid them... tongue.gif

    If that doesn't work:

    First, you got to find them. Then use several tanks to engage them with DF HE.

    Use arty when available.

    Mass your firepower against them.

    Ah, did I mention to avoid them if possible?


    [ December 03, 2002, 03:49 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  5. TikiBob, the best way is to start with smaller scenarios. Thus you don't have to control too many units and can concentrate better on what's going on on the battlefield. Once you are more familiar with the game following the bigger battles will get easier.

    Also, using the lvl 1 or levl 2 view looks nice but isn't the best if you want to get the 'big picture', which is quite important when trying to assess enemy intentions.

    I usually use lvl 4 view for an overview and then zoom in to the 'hot spots' to get a more detailed view on the action.

    In big battles it's vital to organize your forces into groups and clearly define objectives for these groups.

    "Ok, the StuG platoon moves down this road, turns right and goes into hull-down position on that ridge.

    This company advances through the field into the woods, covered by this 2 HMGs.

    My 105mm FO fires gets order to fire a few rounds into the village over there..."

    In the movie phase concentrate on each group until the movie is over. Go to the next group and repeat...

    If something interesting happens (like your troops are getting shot at or sight the enemy) watch it carefully so you don't miss anything important. (Was there one tank? Or are there two?)

    If you try to watch a battailon-sized battle with tank support and lots of arty falling by hopping from one place to another whenever you hear/see fire and/or explosions it will only get confusing, you need a kind of methodical approach there.

    Finding the enemy is difficult in CMBB. If you're not carefull a whole company might get pinned down by HMGs they don't even see!

    To counter this recce is of the utmost importance in this game.

    Use infantry half-squads and light armour to scout for enemy positions.

    Use 'area fire' often to suppress the enemy or suspected enemy positions while your infantry advances.

    Better to waste some ammo then to stumble into an ambush.

    Ah, forget that: I always play with unit size +1 and bases on and often turn the trees off. Much easier to spot the enemy, especially on wooded maps.

    [ December 02, 2002, 04:11 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  6. That's right Silvio, and it already has been like this in CMBO. You can shoot through buildings, especially through the corners of a building.

    Although I wouldn't try it with a Wespe/Hummel when close to a building...

    But since the Pz didn't lose LOS to the target spot AND he wasn't threatend in any way I just didn't understand why he moved forward. He sat behind the house for about 5 seconds and then decided to taunt the KV a little bit...

    Maybe they got bored.

  7. Glad you like them, guys... Time for some positive vibrations around here...

    Thx redwolf, the situation in that thread seems almost identical to what happened in my game.

    I really didn't understand what happened there. My Pz charged forward, right into a fence, got slowed down and killed.

    As long as he was behind the house there wasn't any danger at all, no incoming fire, there wasn't a single enemy in sight. Morale was fine, too.

    Well, sometimes strange things happen...

    [ December 02, 2002, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  8. The guy from DiscWorld is definately a grog...

    "The date is August 1941 and Hitler has decided that Russia would be a nice place for his next family holiday and decided to roll in with 3000 odd tanks, and some three million troops. Operation Barbarossa of the title had begun."

    No wonder they didn't reach Moscow before winter...

    Wait, wait! It gets even better:

    "You’ll find yourself fighting in the Russian Steppes, which prove to be extremely well balanced fights with both sides having tanks that were almost equal in ability meaning the victor is victorius due to their own tactical skill, rather than having the best weaponry at their disposal."


    I love this guy!

    [ December 01, 2002, 11:11 PM: Message edited by: ParaBellum ]

  9. In a current PBEM I had a german medium Pz in a village.

    He was area-firing at a HMG about 150-200m away.

    I expected a KVI to come around the corner so I gave him a 'pause' order and a reverse order.

    The plan was that the Pz should fire one or two rounds and then reverse behind the house before the KV popped up.

    The turn started and The Pz fired at the HMG team. Then the KV came into view (sooner than expected), fired at my Pz and missed. The Pz still showed the 'area-fire target line' but shot at the KV!

    Then the Pz reversed behind the house out of LOS from the KV. All that time the Pz was unbuttoned.

    The Pz was covered by the building, no targeting lines to/from the enemy KV.

    But there was still the 'area-fire target line' showing from the Pz to the target. But LOS to the target was now obscured by the house, so the Pz now advanced again and got whacked by the KV.

    What happenend there? The Pz was unbuttoned and clearly saw the KV (he even fired at him), yet decided to override my reverse command to get into full LOS of the enemy tank again to fire at the HMG???

    The KV was spotted and indentified as KV I all the time, so I really don't know what my Pz crew tried to pull here...

    Can a 'area fire' order cause a tank to move on its own?

    BFC, I want my tanks to behave more cowardly, fix or do somefink!


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