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Everything posted by Croda

  1. Dear heathenous bastard: It is dealing with scum like you that makes scum like me even scummier. Your type of filth and utter putrescence is an abomination even in these wretched waters. The amount of arrogance necessary for a two-bit pug like yourself to make a statement like you've so recently posted defies all laws of quantum physics, thermo-dynamics, and bad taste. Yours was the type of baby-snarl that Emily Post would have tittled at, deeming it good, angry, lashing out. When you feel the urge to tear apart the post rather than the poster, then you have most certainly lost any degree of station in this fetid swamp. Instead of saying "Croda, you limp-wristed bastard! I'll flog you with a cat-o-nine-tails for daring to present me with a setup the likes of which you recently mailed me!", you opted for "Your post was dumb." Do you see the minor differences in the two, you mindless epididemus? If you cannot comply with the pre-set pool standards of making disparaging and degrading remarks towards one's persona, demeanor, ethnicity, nationality, hygiene, beef-wittedness, or ignorance, and choose to instead take the coardly path of making said remarks against the remarks of others, then I shall have no choice but to meet you on the field of battle to settle this difference. Retract your un-harsh words, and issue a formal verbal assassination of somone's character, or else I'll ensure that the 28m in front of your approaching dough boys are the last 28m they ever see. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  2. Enough of this happy crap! Get into the Cesspool now, where taunting and manslaughter are the norms, and only the perverse survive! If you stay out here, you'll only get nice {ewwww}. I better get back before my skin dries out... ------------------ "Nuts!"
  3. I sent you your file, mister "oops, didn't realize I owed you one." you'll recognize it by the large artillery shells falling on your boys' heads and the trucks full of your gallant infantry blindly assaulting my armor. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  4. I've fallen from a great start to lose, if that makes you feel any better. 3 of the 4 VLs were in a small town, and my opponent had his inf sitting in the buildings, his armor to the rear of the town. Well, my plan (being the Allies) was that armor would rule the field here, so I set out to pin down his armor and flank it, figuring when it was gone, I could blast the hell out of those buildings. It worked like a charm! He lost pumas, panthers, you name it. I had 2 Shermans, 2 M8s, and an M10 and he was down to 1 AAA truck, when it all went downhill. A lone AT team (may even have been a panzerfaust, never got to find out) took out a Sherman and an M8 Greyhound from a couple hunded meters on his next turn. The other M8, which had maneuvered behind him, passed up a great shot and got smacked by the AAA. Maneuvering the 2nd Sherman in, got him taken out by an AT team, and the M10 was lost to infantry in the top floor of a builing a few turns later (stooopid open top tanks!). So I went from what was certain victory, to nearly being routed from the field. I've gotta think I just really played that one wrong... ------------------ "Nuts!"
  5. well Jeff, let me add this. In a QB I recently set up, I was set as the Axis, and in a defensive role. I used auto-select because I didn't feel like picking my units. The AI selected me roughly 2 large AT guns, 6 anti-inf guns, and 2 20mm flak cannons, as well as 2 panzerschrecks. I was pleased with this selection. Now, I don't know what criteria or OOB the AI uses to select it's units, but it done well in this case, though I have seen other instances where I shook my head quite a bit. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorfffffffff: ...considering your pathetic skills at defense all I need to do is pick the most obvious spot and flatten that area like a pancake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Have my defensive skills reached legendary status already? I was unaware that word of my prowess had spread so quickly. If that's the case, then I can only imagine how awestruck you must be when you hear stories about some of my other "talents." Don't you worry about my men...They are dug in and intend to stay and fight. One word...try to avoid all of those wide open areas. I would hate to fill MadMatt's mailbox up with screenshots of your men dieing by the truckload in that GLORIOUS field of fire. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And who's Paul?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Apparently you're not an old WWF fan. Mr. Wonderful, Paul Orndorff was a premiere rassler back in the day. Just exhibiting another chink in your armor...lack of culture. Now, when I hit that chink with a 105mm shell, it'll become slightly more than a chink. Drop your silly artillery! I clear my throat at you! You are like the last days of a tube of toothpaste: you know it's trash waiting to happen, but you just feel compelled to get your money's worth by squeezing the last bits of life out of it, chewing it up, and spitting it out. ------------------ "Nuts!" [This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-18-2000).]
  7. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch: Scroda: fight-o-plenty is called the pbem and all I see is scroda-die-o-plenty.. maybe I got to change the pbem name. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes, maybe you should change the name of the file to "It's my file and I'm not sharing it!" Send the darn thing back to me so I can watch my men die too, you feeble-minded fiend! We haven't played a turn in three days, so unless you're watching the same movie over and over again (and adding up the casualties), you're making it all up, and everyone knows that embellishment is shunned in this sanctuary. Now send the file! ------------------ "Nuts!"
  8. Herr O-Christmas-Tree, do you think you're little soldier boys can even find my defenses? Make sure you don't walk clear off the map in this disgusting gloom. 28m visibility. That is unheard of. The beauty of it is that by the time you realize that their is a large howitzer in front of you, you'll already be picking shrapenel from your teeth, oh no wait, you'll be dead! HA HA! And Mr. Wonderful, Paul Shandorfffffff...Are you going to attack or drink coffee? I have beautiful little ambushes set up at every possible route of advance, and you claim you're waiting for your arty to drop. Where are you going to drop it? You haven't the first clue where death sits in joyful anticipation of your advance. HA HA! ------------------ "Nuts!"
  9. Chuppy, buddy. Having studied English in college, I may be a lot biased regarding your last comment about directors staying faithful to a novel they are filming. As far as I'm concerned, if a director retells the novel with his own changes and "fixes," then he borders on plagiarism. Yes, that may be a bit harsh, but the fact is that they are taking someone else's work, changing it slightly (or greatly in some cases), and passing it off as their own. If a novel is good enough to make into a movie, then it really shouldn't need to be changed (perhaps extremely minor tweeks that don't affect the story *see Sleepy Hollow as an example of a director raping a story*) in order to put it to film. That's my 2 cents worth, and I'm sure I'll get more than my 2 cents worth of flames on my ass. But I do agree about this being a simple movie thread, and not a "USA vs. The World" issue. Let that damn topic die. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  10. Well, Slappy, I heartily agree with you. Unfortunately, I have an inkling that your post will stir more debate, than resolve them. Hope your getting better. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  11. Is it safe to say that YK2 takes the cake as the most completely bizarre Cesspooligan? I mean we have some definite oddities in this pool, but what is the deal with YK2 and this Carmen Miranda thing? I can decipher even PawBroon's effluvium...but this character has me stumped. ------------------ "Nuts!" [This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: I quiver with glee to think of what shall happen to you when I have troops at my command. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> hmmm...quiver with glee. sounds like something a 14 year old boy would do. be careful around here if you're going to act like that. Peng like that kind of thing. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: Mensch, we realy need to work on your vocabulary... Now come up with a decent post you abberrant, bestial, cephalopodic, dog-smelling, effluent-sniffing, fart-biting, guano-licking, horn-headed, ill-tempered, jelly-kneed, koumiss-drinking, louse-eating, moronic, narcissistic, offal-cooking, pathetic, quince-munching, rat-nosed, synchophantic, tunnnel-dwelling, udder-sucking, vacuous, wimple-wearing, xenophobic, yellow-bellied zygote of a person. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oberst, I know you put a lot of work into that, but for some reason or another, it didn't strike me as funny at all. Not really sure why. Just some constructive criticism. Why don't you rework it and post the edit. OH DAMN I'M SORRY!!! Joe Shaw told me not to post so much (as he shunned my obvious invitation to engagement and that of a potential Squire). I forgot! I'll go ask Steve to delete this post since it's cluttering up Joe Shaw's board. He who resuscitates us with his wonderful snipets of professional taunting. I am at your mercy, my liege! Kick not the Squire, you hurt him too much! ------------------ "Nuts!" [This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]
  14. Gosh, mensch, you're having one of your spells again! Now sit down before you fall out the window again and re-break your sphincter. That's a good boy. Now prepare to be topplemented. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  15. Herr Go-berst-your-bubble : The mighty have not fallen, they were just taking a brief hiatus to accomplish what would have been very longwinded to accomplish via email. Seeing the difficulty that you are going to have even fathoming the complexity of the attack you're going to need to mount, I figured I'd let you make at least one decision regarding your fate. The next one you get to make is: run or die hiding. And Shaw, if it bothers you that Squires are your better, then go complain to Lorak and you can cry on each other's loathed shoulders. Seeing as you've got to be the bottom rung on the ladder of Cesspool ability (both tauntingly and tactically) I think it may behoove you to sit down, and shut up, and take a lesson from Oberst and I (not that Shandorfffffff character, he's a waste of an ovulation) about how to take large swings with the axe to cut down the tree, and not to use a butter knife to hack away as you like to do. When you have something of worth to contribute to the masses, let us know and we'll deliberate as to whether or not it meets standards. You've lost your touch old man. ------------------ "Nuts!" [This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Crud-da, You couldn't defend a box Ho-Hos from a pack of fat, hungry midgets if your life depended on it you doofus<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Am I to take it that you are now insulting fat, ugly, hungry midgets? That is the last straw, Shandorffffffffffffffffff. I can live with the taunts and the ugliness, but I cannot abide a man who takes jabs at defenseless little genetic abhorrations like midgets. And fat ones to boot! You, sir, are the scum of the earth, and I vow to return you to that earth in the very near future. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  17. Yes, Herr Ovaries! Get thee to the bottom of the Pool where you spend your days searching for the lady with the sword, thinking she may waste her gift on a genetic anomaly like yourself! The setup I shall send you will tax your meager skills of sight and sound, let alone your paltry amounts of tactical and stategic know-how. I guarantee that you have not learned enough about combat by sneaking around stalking your neighbors kids, to match wits with me on the field of battle. I am thinking that I shall set you up with a monstrosity like I gave to Here-I-Am Shoot-Me. It shall be a nasty little probe, and your assault will find ambushes behind every rock and pebble. Pray, pray for enough rain to wash away the rivers of blood that shall stain the very earth upon which your men shall forfeit their worthless lives to Mars! So, uh, how many points do you want to play anyway? ------------------ "Nuts!"
  18. emsixteen: Soldier Boys sounds a lot like Uncommon Valor. Now THERE is a winner! as for deep thought by Jack Handey while in combat, no I wasn't there. Just seemed awfully unbelievable to me. I will give you the cinematography! It was fantastic. The fight scenes and the beautiful camera shots were the best parts of the movie for me and are the only reason I'd watch it again. I'm not against deep movies, I actually like them. I just couldn't believe that these particular characters would be that deep. It didn't work for me. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf: Just to let you know our game is registered at the TournamentHouse, so be prepared for your ensuing public humiliation you toad.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Public humiliation? What are you going to do, expose me for the heart-breaker and life-taker that I am? PLEEEEEZZZEEEE don't do that mr. Shandorfffffffffffffff. PLEEEEEEZZZEEEEEE!!! You will have your file tonight. You may even be excited by the map and your units. The problems will start to occur when you commence your attack. My suggestion: Have your reserve elements avert their eyes as the recon squads go forward. If they see the carnage that has betaken their brethren, they may not be too keen on fighting, and I'd HATE to see you run away like Sir Robin after only a few turns. I intend to be vile, devious, and maybe even a little crafty, but certainly painful. "Colonel Shandorffffff! Colonel Shandorfffffff! Oh No! They put landmines down along our only route of advance!" "That underhanded bastard! He knows I'm not wily enough to elude stationary landmines. I'm afraid he's got us men. Run Away! Run Away!" Get ready. Your bodybags are being FedExed to you as we speak. ------------------ "Nuts!" [This message has been edited by Croda (edited 10-17-2000).]
  20. Mr dear mister Shandorfffffff, I appreciate the reposting of my public Shandorfffff insult. Just in case anyone missed it the first time, they were able to read or re-read the lovely dig into your moral fiber (and in lovely bold face too). Was there another point to your post other to point out my glaringly obvious misspelling of your surname? Well, if not, thank you for visiting us today here in the Cesspool. It's always nice to add a new stench to the water. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  21. That has got to be my biggest complaint with The Thin Red Line. I cannot imagine any 18 - 20 year old kid, much less all of them, having any thoughts at that level. It's rare that your average person goes through their entire life with any thoughts of that magnitude, never mind a 20 year old getting shot at wondering about the Zen of the poor alligators. Nope. Not gonna happen. You, sir, are a crappy movie. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What Hiram Should Have Said: Oh God! Please don't hurt me any more, Croda! I'm beaten! I've had enough! Have Mercy on a senseless ape!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Hiram, I appologize most insincerely. I knew that some insignificant sot had slipped the surly bonds of my mind and escaped being drowned in my bile and venom. And lo and behold, the gods of misery have delivered ye unto me! For those who are wondering (probably just that narcissistic {sit down, bauhaus, not that kind of narcissistic} inbred dweeb, Rainpoet), I am using dead Germans as fertilizer. Let me set the scene: Turn 2. Here-I-Am Shoot-Me's men in a long, spread out formation accompany his armor out of a fog thicker than Lorak's sense of self-loathing. They approach my lines, VL less than 100m away. Then a few things happened. Those few things were 2 of his 3 pieces of armor going BONK, a few Vickers MGs opening up, several squads of infantry commencing to fire, mortar rounds dropping among German Flesh...he walked into an ambush like you dream of. Cut to ribbons. All hope to win the battle bleeding on the ground in the space of 60 seconds. Now for turn 3, Here-I-Am Shoot-Me has 1 Panther, turned broadside for some odd reason, with several targeting lines pointing at him. He'll be lucky to make it through the first 6 seconds. After that, he has no chance of escape. I only wish he could have had all of his infantry in too close before he tripped the ambush markers. Well, anyway Here-I-Am, sorry I forgot ya! I'll make sure to continue not forgetting you, you Cesspool expatriot! ------------------ "Nuts!"
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst: NOW GET THOSE SETUPS OUT!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> One Setup full of the hell of being eaten alive by rabid hamsters with dull teeth will find it's way to your mailbox this evening. ------------------ "Nuts!"
  24. Chuppy, Agreed about the Duke movies. I just hate crediting him with a bad one, even Ghenghis Khan. And for the record, I liked Heartbreak ridge and To Hell and Back. Nothing quite like a medal of honor winner playing himself. ------------------ "Nuts!"
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