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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. Turns out with delays due to St. Patricks day, St. Patricks Hangover day, and Sloth Day.
  2. Send me the five bucks, ya nasty snot-nosed,blithering, grabastic hoor. Or a setup. Either way, I win. Ya wee nasty.
  3. Turns out to all maggoty types. That is to say, them what sent them to me. Lackadasical,non-turn chuckin', lazy MAGGOTS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  4. Nah, I got a replica .44 Walker Colt. Fun. Bought the Desert Eagle at a Rod and Gun club in Hanau Germany in 1988. Quite entertaining, out to about 100 meters or so.
  5. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: I DON'T MISS. .44 Desert Eagle in one hand, and a 1 million candlepower spotlight in the other, popping rats at the local landfill at 3 in the morning. Ahhhhh. Relaxation. Takes the mind off of teaching High School. Rednecks usually are quite good shots, and I am better than usual. Health Department has a bounty on rat corpsicles, too. Turns out in a little while. Delay due to bad thunderstorms in the area.
  6. Turns out to all. I have had a great day, sleeping late, annoying the neighbors, and cooking up some ribs. Yeeha. What the heck is "snow" anyways?
  7. MAGGOTS!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: This needed some serious bumpage, as it is on Page 2!!!! Maggots everywhere.
  8. Hey, that's not nice. Wait a minute, that is what the thread is all aboot. Ya fixed my 222. I will win.
  9. Ahhhh, the joyous sound of Angryolized Maggots busy plotting the destruction of others. SSooooo relaxing. Beertime.
  10. I have taken a "Mental Health Day" and avoided probable infanticide. They might be seniors in High School, but they really are infants. Taunted a co-worker leaving a message on her phone of a beer can opening, and me laughing. A lot. Played several PBEM turns so far. Enjoying it. Slept late. Played a bit of Call of Duty online. Going to run my R/C tank through the backyard later, and then have it terrorize one of my cats downstairs in the house. They hate it more than the vacumn cleaner. Mace, If you think my words are directed at you, that is your choice. I just prefer to service the target-rich environment of smarmyness and stuck-up-stickybeaks with disdain and contempt. Ahhh, this is a good day.
  11. You are celebrating for giving the Government a no-interest loan for a year and then getting it back? Even a Savings account would get you a 3% return. I really don't understand how people are happy with a big return. IT'S YOUR MONEY. Fix it or somefink so that you come out just about even, or get a $1 return. Then you will have had the opportunity to use your money yourself over the run of the year. Turns out, and a day off here. It is SOooooo nice.
  12. Nope, not yet. Give me a setup, and we'll think about it. Nah, not even then. Setup would still be nice. MAGGOT-LIPS!
  13. That felt good, or should I say Goodalesqe. (edited to include appropriate punctuation.)
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