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Everything posted by Wallybob

  1. Bah Humbug. Goodale indeed. I think you are all delusional. We KNOW that Goodale has been sentenced in absentia by the government for whining unmercifully of glory.
  2. And I have just Retrans'ed your next turn. Danmnation, 'Splodies are almost as much fun as seein' Whats-inna-crick. Usually slimy mold. or small frogs. From now on, you is Frog Boy. Have a nice night, Frog Boy!
  3. "So when you're wounded on Afghanistans' plains and the women come out to cut up what remains just roll to your rifle and blow out your brains and go to meet God like a soldier, a soldier of the Queen."
  4. Update. My Principal has been...administatively moved to another job (fired). His place has been taken by a special assistant to the Superintendent whose job is to...fix...things. I am hokay, cause I do what I am supposed to (teach and supervise) but some folks may wind up on the beach. Students and teachers will fit into this category. My apologies to Soddball. I (thought) I had sent him a turn. I was in error. This has been rectified. Turns out to all you smarky-non-functional-mold-encrusted-Grand-Master-wannabes also. Bah. I am truly enjoying a tall bourbon and diet sprite. Aahhhhhhhhhh. (edited because I teach History, not Grammar) [ November 04, 2004, 05:53 PM: Message edited by: Wallybob ]
  5. Hooah! Molten TNT is good! Pain builds character, or somefink. Took the day off work. Yea.
  6. Oh, I just saw a thingy on Food TV that they are asking for demo tapes for a food show. I have an idea. "Cooking for Bubbas". Geez, how simple. Different styles of BBQ, Steaks, Hams, Pies, Grits, Okra, and Beer. Yum! I need to finish this one!
  7. Nah, Johhny's mom would be MUCH more angry! Heh, heh. We'll send Axe some other packages with Nitrogen based goodness.
  8. Axe, sign my butt up. AAAARRGGHHH! I hate you all! Molten streams of TNT will flow like Axe in the potty after about 2 beers! I will crush somebody, and then do somefink heroic. GGRRAARGGHHHHH! Need beer. NOW. Oh, I guess I really am an ass. A student had been disgusted with his report card today, and turned it into confetti, strewing it all about the hallway. I saw it, got pissed about the janitor (ahem, pardon, Custodians) having to clean that crap up. I picked up the pieces, and figured out who it was. I then went to the office and got his address. I put the pieces in an envelope, with a note to his mom " Dear Mrs. Maggot, Johnny left his Report card in the hallway and I thought you would want to see it. Thanks, Mr. Wallybob." In a couple of days (given the speed of the mail) I expect the ticking package to go off. I am ready.
  9. Yeah, drink more beer. It may not solve your problem, but you'll feel better aboot it.
  10. Nah, not much, other than the fact that your soldiers are about to die. Bah, I hate you all. School starts back tomorrow. I have enjoyed the break, but now must kill. Molten TNT to you all non'chuckin' muthas.
  11. "Blaaaaack socks they neeeeverr get dirrrrrrty" Ugh. I don't think I want to know what he would distill from fungal socks. Turns out to all, and to all a flame-enshrouded,maggot-lovin',TNT chuckin',lousy turn. BUMP!
  12. "Black socks never get dirty, the longer you wear them the blacker they get." Waal, they ain't wore out yet.
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