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Mr. Clark

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Posts posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I usually keep my scouts just far enough ahead that they will spot or be spotted before the rest of my main force. About a "half turn" to a "turn" ahead. That way it only takes me a turn (minute) or less to bring forces to bear on the enemy once spotted. So far it seems to be working...

    Now I just need to learn how to plant my Artillery more effectively! So far it seems they have to stand right out in the front lines to target anything... and by that time they are dead.

  2. Ok, perhaps I have not explained myself well enough yet. Let me explain my feelings on this topic one more time.

    I bought the Voodoo 3 3000 because I could not PLAY many of the really large or just plain huge scenarios on my Voodoo 2. I did some research and a Voodoo 3 3000 seemed to be able to run MOST scenarios, plus run the better smoke graphics (a bonus). I DID NOT buy the Voodoo 3 so I could d/load all the pretty mods. The standard graphics for the game are FINE with me... I simply want to be able to PLAY.

    I am not saying that the graphics should not be upgraded for those that want such things in CM2...

    What I am saying is that you should damn well be able to turn those new graphics down to "CM level" so that if you could play CM, you can PLAY CM2.

    I really don't care about how my graphics look on my PC games... If I want pretty graphics, I'll play my PS2 that I do not need to upgrade every 2 seconds.

    I don't expect to be the target audience for games... but I DO think that you should be able to TWEAK DOWN the graphics in a game to make it mostly playable on even low end machines.

    I buy PC games for thier depth and realism (of play), not eye candy. After looking at all these posts, I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I'm also sure I'm not the ONLY one who feels this way.

  3. 16 mb v3 3000, 380 mhz amd K6-2, 80 mb ram.

    CM runs great.

    I'm sure the graphics will be improved in CM2... but it seems like insanity to target only 32 mb cards and higher in the next release. The target audience for CM is not necessarily a graphics intensive audience. Why make fans of wargames who have no need of Super Machines skip out on future releases of CM because they don't have the system to run it on???

  4. Maximus, while you may have handy thousand dollar bills lying around to buy new PC equipment, some of us have lives. wink.gif

    I just can't afford to buy a shiny new $500 card only to have it be called obsolete in 6 months.

    I paid $60 for a v3 3000... a step up from my old V2 1000. It plays CM much better, and Jane's WWII fighters. Those are the ONLY games on my PC now. I've only got a 380 mhz, 80 mb machine anyway, so a huge card is only gonna bottleneck somewhere else. The V3 suits my needs. It's rather snobbish and annoying to assume everyone has the cash handy to buy a new super PC every year.

    Besides, I just dropped $400 on my new PS2, which I plan on using for most of my (non-wargaming) gaming needs this year.

    I can play CM with full graphics, I'm happy.

  5. I LOVE CM, and I still would NEVER consider buying a 64 meg card next year just to play CM2. I just bought my Voodoo 3 3000.

    I do not play enough hyper-graphics games on the PC to make it worth my expense.

    What is the best thing about PC games? It's the depth and intricate controls possible. If I'm playing Mortal Kombat 209: a new beginning, then sure, I want want my graphics to be pretty as hell.(and I would probably be playing it on a console game system) However, if I'm playing the best tactical wargame ever, I could really give a crap what the graphics look like.

    C'mon people... we are used to playing PC wargames that have graphical Icons that look like tabletop cardboard counters. CM is already a HUGE step up from that.

    If someone is only buying CM for the eye candy, let them look elsewhere. They are not going to have the attention span to explore the depth of the game anyway.

  6. The absolute BEST tactical WWII game ever is released, and you actually say that the BEST thing about CM is the MODS???


    The mods are just icing on the cake people.

    I personally play the game w/o any mods. They don't affect gameplay.

    Now the user made scenarios are a different matter... but even w/o them, I think a v. 1.05 CM ported to console would be worth the money, but it aint ever gonna happen.

  7. Heh... it's kinda funny, but nope, that was not me.

    It's funny because I HAVE had a page for a couple of games under the Mr. Clark name:


    Starfleet Command

    Unreal Tournament

    Vampire: Redemption (which I grew tired of and am now trying to turn into a CM:BO ladder... heh heh heh)

    Anywayz, they've all gone bye bye now, except for the lingering VtM:R page, which I turned over to someone else.

    I have been a freelance writer for the Vault Network, but they are currently going through some... uh... problems.

    Anyhoo, I guess there is another Mr. C out there... must find him... "There Can Be Only One."

  8. Seeing all the Wild Bill threads lately, I thought to myself... "Whoa! I don't have anywhere NEAR enough Wild Bill scenarios!!!"

    I quickly stormed the walls of CMHQ and attempted to gain access to Scenario Depot... It did not work...

    I tried finding a back way in, via Wild Bills website... no Dice either...

    I have now pretty much run the gambit of every possible link to anything resembling a scenario Depot and still have NEVER actually got the site to work...

    I have probably never screamed, yelled, and danced naked in front of my PC more than in the last few days trying to access that site.

    Is the site simply not working... or do I need to join the MASONS and learn a secret handshake before entering?


  9. Look at it this way... if you WAIT for a year or more to purchase CM2, then as soon as it's out you will begin hearing about CM3, and think you should wait for it... as soon as CM3 hits the cyber shelf, you'll be bombarded with posts about CM: The Next Generation, and once again be waiting for another year. Eventually you'll die, and never have gotten to experience CM first hand...

  10. They are not much for tactics primers, but the best books I've read so far are:

    A Blood-Dimmed Tide - Which will give you a nice overview of the Battle of the Bulge from the view of the participants.

    Currahee! - Which follows a Screaming Eagles account of paratroop training and the drop and first days of fighting into Normandy.

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