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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Mr. Clark

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Everything posted by Mr. Clark

  1. I remember receiving the full copy of CM, setting up a QB with a Company supported by INF Support tanks and one TD, and then being shocked that my HE rounds were not taking those Hetzers down... who seemed to be able to KO me with one shot... Since then I've read many, many, many books on WWII. An experience I would never have had if not for CM.
  2. The PC Gamer review is what pointed me to CM, so I pretty much HAVE to be thankful to the writer and mag.
  3. I'd also like to recommend Sun Tzu's THE ART OF WAR. In my opinion the absolute best primer on tactics and strategy for any and all occasions. I cannot tell you how many games I have won because of this little gem. Everything from Starcraft, to collectable card games, to CM... I've found the lessons apply to just about any tactical or strategic encounter. Many think Sun Tzu only states the obvious, but I have to disagree. The lessons have simply helped me in all aspects of tactical thinking. I know this is not exactly what you are looking for, but I still recommend it highly.
  4. Definately be thankful you got the game with the X-Mas rush and all... and grab any and all Wild Bill scenarios that you can find!
  5. Well, look at it this way... For now we have incredibly expendable scouts, and ... um ... guys that can walk incredibly slowly off the map as soon as the game starts. OK, so I could only find a use for ammo-less sharpshooters...
  6. Um... I think most of us are just testing the Beta for Charles and Steve... not actually "dismaying" over the beta patch. I just want to find bugs now so the final won't have 'em. The more info we can give for each "bug" as a group, the better they can fix it...
  7. My "How TO Guide" also does not mention b23 patch (although it DOES mention b22 fixes.) As I asked waaaay back in this thread... is that the way it SHOULD BE? Does anyone have a patch with an updated readme/how to guide in it?
  8. Thanks for the report MAX. Nice news to see once I returned from work (actually sitting and reading "A Bridge Too Far" while supposedly working.) Any idea if this quick fix will be posted in a patch before the weekend? Not that big a deal really... it's not anywhere near as bad as the bogging bug. Minor nuisance really.
  9. Heh... to tell you the truth, I've been playing for months and still have no idea the difference between attack and assault!
  10. Good, that confirms that it zaps ammo in Saved Games, and not just new games. I had no saved games to test. I did see that it definately makes the ammo loadout ZERO for S/Shooters and FT's when you start a new game in 1.1 b23 (using a pre-made scenario, like the Saving Private Ryan one) QB's do not seem to make the ammo ZERO as long as you purchase the S/Shooters and FT's yourself. Warren Peace mentioned that it DOES zap the ammo if the PC picks the troops for you. [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-20-2000).]
  11. It is strange. Just ran tests myself. Pre-existing scenarios, like the Saving Private Ryan one, start sharpshooters (and FT's) with 0 ammo. (New games only, I had no saved games to try) QB's where you buy the SShooters or FT's definately give you the ammo. I was unable to get SShooters or FT's in the times I let the PC pick.
  12. D'oh! How do you check that? (have never used editor) Perhaps I will check all the units...
  13. Is the new documentation supposed the include the new fixes? For some reason I cannot find them in there.
  14. Mother Theresa reported Flamethrowers with no AMMO also. (Just to keep all these similiar ammo bugs together)
  15. There are also people reporting no Sharpshooter ammo.
  16. I'm pretty sure I've occassionally witnessed crews bail out and then surrender... not often, but once or twice. I guess it depends on enemy presence. Anyway, from watching a lot of old WWII real footage lately, it seems that it is fairly realistic for crews to bail out right into enemy fire. I cannot tell you how much footage I've seen of bunker/MG crews running right into enemy fire. Horrific, but apparently realistic...
  17. I'm actually REALLY happy that BTS is going the route they are currently on. Releasing the TCP/IP patch as a beta was brilliant. I too have placed my (important) PBeM games on hold until the next patch release, due to the bogging bug. However, I'm only happy to do that as long as in the end it means a near perfect 1.1 FINAL release. In fact, I hope that the next release is also a Beta... just to make absolutely sure everything major is ironed out, before the "final" patch is released.
  18. There will certainly be another... probably later this week. However, I suspect it will also be a BETA.
  19. Fallout was excellent, probably the best PC rpg I've played.
  20. Next time, give your topic a different name so people will know it's not a repost of your old topic. Try doing a SEARCH of this forum. You will find a TON of helpful advice, tips, hints, etc. You cannot resupply LOW ammo units... the best you can do is save a "reserve" force, that you can bring to the battle fresh, as your initial troops run LOW on ammo and manpower. You can play other people online via TCP/IP (full game) or E-MAil (full game AND Demo) Simply set up a game, and then choose the PBeM option. (or tcp/ip, if you are using the full game with the new patch. Also, if you are new to PC's, as I believe you said in your other post, you will want to learn how to install the latest "patch" when your game arrives, as these patches add features and tweaks to the game.) [This message has been edited by Mr. Clark (edited 12-18-2000).]
  21. BTW = By the way PBeM = Play by E-Mail... meaning you can play a game of Combat Mission with any of us on this forum through your E-Mail system. AI = Artificial Intelligence. What the game uses to try to defeat you in combat... Welcome to the world of PC's and CM!
  22. I always play ALLIES, so I'm actually shuddering in fear at the Improved German Tank AI... I hope no more bugs are uncovered, so we can have the updated file for X-Mas time.
  23. SamHain, do what I did... put all of your ladder or important PBeM games on hold for now (till the new beta patch), and keep playing around with the b22 patch to see if you can spot any more bugs. (I was gonna send you a copy of the b16 patch, but I realized I saved over it with the new file.)
  24. Did "from the Earth to the Moon" get a DVD yet? I'm REALLY hoping for a DVD collection for this one. I may end up disappointed, but I cannot believe this series will be bad, the source material is just too good.
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