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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by lcm1947

  1. A very interesting question and point Panzer 76. I had never heard that about the tank not that I'm an expect on tanks but it's also one of my favorite tanks ever since my modelling days many many moons ago. I would be interested in hearing if anybody else knows about this and what BFC ( formerly BTS ) plans on or I should say how they will handle it. It will kind of suck if they just slow the turret down a lot but that may be the only thing they could do about it. Hope they could come up with some idea better although I could't imagine what. What the hell was these other two guys talking about?
  2. Thanks Maple Tree I was under the impression that they did have pistols. You learn something new every day. I would have thought that they'd at least kick and bite each other.
  3. AndrewTF Member Member # 5371 posted June 25, 2002 12:03 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uh, I think lcm was kidding in that first post. You know, using exaggeration for a humorous effect. ________________________________________________ You hit it right on the head Andrew. But I will be more careful in the future seeing that some didn't catch the humor. I realize it doesn't always come across in writing as clear as it does in person. But am glad most of you all did. Again, Andrew thanks and looking forward to the big P.
  4. Well Peiper#1, this way seemed more fun and with everybody kind of just moping around in anticipation of CMBB I thought this might at least get everybody's mind off it for awhile anyway. Plus I really like cutting up and enjoy talking on this forum. So sue me. Oh and the fact that I really really wanted a new Pershing tank mod. I knew those darn modders wouldn't do it unless forced to.
  5. Well, I'm glad you got over it Leeo. I was truely worried for you there for a minute. Boy, don't do that again.
  6. Please don't let me interrupt but if I may just ask a question here. Thank you. Do any of you guys understand what the other guys are saying? Just wondering. I've visited this - what - peng thing as you call it and just can't figure out what the heck ( excuse the language ) you guys are even talking about. Is there a book or something I can buy to keep up. Thanks ever so much for your patience and listening. I'm sure each and every one of you are all fine fellows - in your own way and I will continue to drop in on occasion and see what's up. Until then please Peng on.
  7. That is funny. Well, maybe not for you but certainly to us. Course if it happened to me I'd be all pissed off. Anyway, that's those crazy German guys for you. An Allied bozooka man is better trained then that. Couldn't and wouldn't ever happen.
  8. So welcome back Don't surf. Too bad you didn't come up with something on your comparisons. That darn BFC ( I believe this is how they prefer being addressed now ) is too sharp for us. I bet the game is out for months before we here on the board find out. So, see you around then.
  9. That's Ted for the heads up. I'll just hop over and take a look.
  10. Good show athkatla. Ain't it fun? I haven't tried that scenario either but will give it a try just to see how I'll do. Again, good going.
  11. MarkEzra the strike checks are in the mail. We all did a fine job and finally stood up for our god given rights. Besure and let me know if anybody doesn't get their check. Zukkov, Zukkov, Zukkov now what kind of fair weather guy do you think I am anyway? I'm not going sailing -I think I pissed Gordon off anwway and now we'll ( you all ) are in for it. :eek: Man, I told you guys to let me handle it. But NOOOOOO! Oh yeah and Panzerman don't try to scare me with me having to make my own scenario's. I could do it in a heart beat. It's just that I have this bad back and all.
  12. Hell yes I'm happy! I am very happy and as soon as I ( We ) get our hands on it you won't see - well hear me around here for awhile cause it's going to be pay back time for those darn panther tanks that have been pushing my sherman's around for so long. Oh, and Andrew - thanks man! I always have liked you. Now everybody get off his back and let the fine gentleman work.
  13. That's what I say is " one is afraid and the other is glad of it." I had two bazooko guys do that once. I kept yelling "shoot him, shoot him god bless it" but I didn't use the word bless it.
  14. Is that a backfire I hear. OH, oh. I knew I should have put a smiley face on my orginal post. And so Gordon - I want to go too. I can be packed in 5 minutes. Hey! Andrew had a great idea. A Pershing contest. Yeah, that's the ticket. Now we're all thinking alike. Good thinking Andrew.
  15. Well now wait a minute I didn't mean that all you fine gentleman should stop actually modding stuff. I mean darn - you know - I was just kind of joking and stuff , you know just until somebody did a Pershing. Didn't mean that you shouldn't continue doing your fantastic mods that we all love and which in my opinion has contributed so very much to this outstanding game. But yeah don't take this to mean that you guys should actually stop modding. I mean we might all decide to start using them again some day after the Pershing is done - ofcourse. It never meant that we would never use them again - like never. I mean if you guys actually stopped somebody would really be in deep trouble - me. God I can see the posts now. "lcm1947 is the cause that no one never mods again". So please - continue modding! I'm sure all this uglyness will clear up once the Pershing is done - properly done of course. Well, I hope this kind of clears this misunderstanding up.
  16. I misundertstood you then Panzer 76. But I still would like to see bodies or at least one body when killed going thur a mine field. Seems reasonable to me there would be.
  17. So say Beman what did you say those site addresses were?
  18. Well guys I think we showed them a thing or two. No body pushes us around. Looks like we may have a little trouble with that Andrew guy but he'll cave when we refuse to use his - what does he mod now anyway? Oh yeah I think he does building or something like that. Anyway he'll come around. If none of us use their mods what are they going to do then - that's right - they'll have to pick another hobby. So, I think with the overwhelming support that I'm getting from the hundreds of letters, phone calls and emails everybody is behind me. So if we can just hold out a bit longer I think we'll win. Ours is the just cause! Oh yeah and Doug not only do they get all bent out of shape when you ask "what grass is that" but have you noticed they never not once answered the question. Damn, that borders on being rude and stuck up.
  19. Boy, I was worried there for a minute after the first post came in. I was wondering ( just for a second ) if the mad face was inapproprite. I see it wasn't misunderstood. Thank you Makjager and Pvt. Ryan for clearing that up for me. I put a smile on your face did I Makjaker? That makes my day for me. Thanks for saying that. And Pvt. Ryan that put a smile and a little laugh out loud from me. Excellent witt and timing on your part. That was funny, not that you didn't hit the nail right on the head.
  20. Alright! Just what I've been wanting. I've not been completely happy with the current ones although nicely done I just wasn't happy with them. Now this looks good and more to my thinking of what they should look like. Good job Tank a lot. Thanks again.
  21. Ok like stated above I've had it with modders. You might ask what in the world did modders do to make him (me ) so mad. Well, I'll tell you. As stated before hundreds of times by just about everybody that ever posted or currently posts on this board that we wanted a new up-to-date Pershing tank because while maybe not used all that much they are greatly outdated compared to all the other mods in our games and it just doesn't look or feel right. So I say that we should all stop using mods until they ( the modders ) come up with one. Why are we forced into playing with what they want us to play with. Who are they to tell us which mods they are going to do and which ones they aren't. I say the heck - Yes, the HECK! with that. We ( the many hundreds of us ) should just draw a line in the sand and demand that somebody come up with a King Pershing. Ok, so is everybody behind me? Do we declare right now that we aren't going to use any of our truely outstanding existing mods until our demands are met or are we just going to give up and allow this tyranny to continue? Pretty soon CMBB will be out and what do you suppose the chances of all of us ever seeing an up-to-date Pershing then will be? NONE! Ok, so let's show them a thing or two. What do you say - you all? :mad:
  22. I've not had very good luck with firing smoke from Sherman's at all. So much in fact that I basically don't even bother trying anymore. Guess I shouldn't give up but my findings are it's always to late or just doesn't work. No smoke that is and yes the smoke graphic's were on. I'll probably try again now that I'm thinking about it due to this post.
  23. I agree that it would be cool to see more casualties in the game especially after walking thur a mine field. I hadn't heard of that idea before but that really would be nice to see in the game. I know there was a big post quite some time ago about seeing more bodies lying around but if I remember correctly it was decided that BTS didn't want to offend the van driving mom's and little children that play the game so much so they weren't going to. I hope they read this post and seriously consider thinking about adding bodies around a mine field.
  24. Hmmm let me think. Unemployed and you got a CM game and been married 31 years ( been married 35 years myself ) so she should be pretty much leaving you alone. Darn that's a hell of a combination you got there guy. Some people are just lucky I guess. Anyway, yeah this game is fantastic isn't it? I found out some time ago that rushing a machine gunner can bring some nice results but it goes the other way alot more times I find. But when it works it's pure delight. Have fun and bye the way if and when you are really to play Pbem let me know if you'd like. I have been playing over 1 1/2 years now but only 3 Pbem's under my belt inwhich I got the stuffing knocked out of me all 3 times. So you can see pretty much suck. Hell the AI beats me half the time but I've been thinking I'd try Phem again. I'm very limited in the time I have but could do a game a night. Anyway, if intereted email me if and when. Take care and enjoy.
  25. Hey Beman you're nose is going to grow if you keep that up.
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