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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. Dear Moriarty, Tangling with my regular pbem opponent. I know he is not a cesspoolian. He is not even on the forum. Thankful Toad
  2. Redecker, I was going to pick the Kettenrad (motorcycle/halftrack) but after reading your post, well.... never mind. muted Toad.
  3. Makes you want to play right down in the dirt at level 1 . doo dad too dad toad
  4. Dear KB24 No this was a pre made scenario which I will not reveal unless I first post a spoiler notice. My opponent was thinking I am sure, that the traverse of the turret was supposed to be slow and getting off two shots was too many. My tank was buttoned too. Still smiling Toad
  5. In the scenario I have a King Tiger (never used one before). In one turn the KT moved Fast Forward about 70m , managed to avoid damage from two aircraft dropping bombs 3 near misses (craters within 10 meters), went another 20 or 30m on Hunt. As it moved, the turret rotated across about 150 degrees. The KT then fired one shot at a HT = hit/kill at 100m and then the turret rotated back another 20 degrees or maybe 30 and took out a kangaroo with a second shot at about 120m. The turret then rotated in the same direction another 20 degrees or so and is aimed at more of my opponent's armor as the 60 seconds were reached. I believe the crew is Elite. Anyway the longest it has ever paused before following an order is 3 seconds. So, am I lucky? Is this the usual expectation when playing with an Elite KT ? I normally play vanilla. Not hot fudge with cherries and whipped cream. I told him I would ask. Curious and smiling Toad
  6. Here we go again. I thought that article from WWII posted weeks ago showed that indeed surviving members of units were used for all kinds jobs. Recollecting Toad
  7. Zones of control are for board games. If you can't protect it, you don't deserve it. If you think the last minute rush is gamey .... don't do it and don't play with anyone who does it. Or use the end game randomizer. Simply Toad
  8. I still have my first wargame, BLOCKADE. It was printed in 1941. Given to me when I was around 10. That was 44 years ago. Old Guard Toad
  9. On turn 25 of 3 Stugs as Germans vs pbem. This is an exciting game where you can have 3 rather distinct battles going on at the same time. The fortunes of war changed dramatically in a short period of time. I went from wondering when I will be crushed to dancing for joy all within about 40 seconds. Not over yet... Toad
  10. Do you fight to the last man? Do you consider a broader picture (that is not actually represented) and cease fire or even move your surviving units off the map (as if they were pulling back to fight another day)? Do you request a cease fire?
  11. Getting back to the original topic, and based on everything we have read.... Do you think that fighting to the last man when in your heart of military hearts you know that as a responsible commander you should either surrender or retreat ...... is gamey ? Wicked, wicked Toad
  12. Wiltz its fun from either side. good luck. Toad
  13. So after reading all of this, moving off and back onto the original topic, which I had to go back to in order to remember: Would you say that fighting (extending the game)to the last man, when you know in your (commander's) heart that you would have withdrawn or surrendered ..... is gamey? Wicked, wicked Toad
  14. Voidhawk, I see you posted the early model of the Triple M4. As you know, later models had the third chassis and turret facing the rear to provide more armor protection. This model also could be mounted with an optional aircraft searchlight which took the place of the third turret. The Diesel engine for running the searchlight was mounted between the crew's mess and the aft torpedo room. mirthful Toad
  15. Ok, I'll say it. Try using Franko's True Combat Rules. Best start with a small battle first. Couldn't help myself Toad
  16. Recently knocked out an Archer with 20mm Flak. Around 700 or 800m away. Made the Archer crew button, keep their heads down and finally bail. AAA Toad
  17. I have asked this same question before. What we have now is a modified CM game that involves a referee and two sides. As I recall it is called CM x 10. It requires a lot of committment of the ref and another player or players since sides can have more than one team member. There are posts somewhere on the forum, maybe two weeks back or more about this. But in order to get into one of these games I think your daddy must be rich and your momma good look'in. Roll'in along Toad
  18. The AT guns the Finns used were probably 37mm . These could be manhandled a lot easier than the guns in CM. I tested to see how fast 75 mm AT guns could be manhandled. Very very slow. Toadhandled
  19. I think a solution will be found when: There is more room to maneuver, less frontal, attrition attacking. (I mean maneuvering out of sight of the enemy, on flat terrain) There is a meaningful connection to a larger operation making it sensible to retreat, to advance regardless of casualties, to hit and run or hold to the last man. Right now every battle assumes we are going to attack or defend to the last man. And mostly that is what we do. But I still love this game. Toad
  20. A BB gun ! Hey, you'll shoot your eye out! Also used multi load of BBs for the MG effect. Old Toad
  21. What Jason C said, plus this: Come on, isn't CM action the visual of what we only could imagine playing those board war games? Isn't CM what we saw with our mind's eye as we moved the cardboard counters over the flat printed terrain? And then when we played miniatures with micro armor, isn't CM the answer to all of those LOS problems, the endless die rolls, charts, calculations and exceptions to the rules. And the arguing. That is why when I saw CM the first time, I told everyone I knew: This is what we have been waiting for. IMHO based upon 45 years of wargaming, this is the most thrilling wargaming experience since throwing rocks at plastic soldiers. No skipping allowed Toad
  22. If you have one mod of that hypothetical jeep and your pbem opponent has another mod, I believe you will see your jeep and he will see his. Even though you are trading files during pbem. But I am correctable Toad
  23. I am curious to know what happened to the commander of the allied column. Seems like he completely forgot about Recon. Curious Toad
  24. Use the Force, Luke. " " Sorry I couldn't help it. Gasping Toad
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