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Louie the Toad

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Everything posted by Louie the Toad

  1. The best feature of CM IMHO: The culmination of board gaming, miniatures and all else that we have done in our lives to simulate a table top wargame. Thankful Toad
  2. Thanks, I did not know that. Might try some Probes soon. alien abducted Toad.
  3. Probes Not many discussions about probes. Does the AI give you different units when you select a probe? Is a probe more than a sneaky attack? Anyone? Anyone? Toad
  4. I have had great fun recently with a dug in German 150 mm Infantry Gun. The blast radius is quite wide so a direct hit is not required to put the hurt on infantry and light armor. Infantry hiding in the woods still could be reached by area fire and the large blast radius if it was aimed into the trees as far as the line of sight would go. Even knocked out an enemy tank. Smiling Toad.
  5. Well as it turned out that was pretty much his last gasp. My KT ended up immobilized by aircraft but located across his axis of attack so he was s.o.l.. I did get to see the KT use its hand grenade thrower capability at close range to knock out two more halftracks while the main gun took on infantry at longer range. I won. Satisfied Toad.
  6. Cap'n Wacky, Bye the way, how are you doing in the game? Which course are you following? Curious Toad.
  7. I like what Shrullenhaft has to say about this situation. In addition you could also add the fact that if in reality your force ran into his force, your force would most likely not advance but set up defensive positions while sending back for bigger guns, or an airstrike. Your force might even retreat back off the map in order to find better ground since there is a lack of good ground in the area. Since this battle would really not be fought in isolation but be related to an operation, this solution should be acceptable. If you opponent has a problem, send him this thread. Strength in numbers... Toad
  8. I thought more players would be interested in these Tank Tactics Principles. What is your experience with CMBO ? Do the principles hold up? Toad
  9. Ok Chad, Hmmm... CHAD .... Hmmm... is there a problem counting votes! You from Florida or something? You count the number of replies. You subtract those that didn't actually give their age. You subtract one entry from those that posted twice. This gives you the net number of replies. Then total all the ages posted in the net number of replies (I would question that one that said 9 ). Divide the age total by the net number of replies and that will give you the mean or average. Please also find the median and the mode. A standard deviation would be good too. Statistically yours, and happy about that...Toad
  10. Michael D, Thanks for posting the 30 Princples of Tank combat on the Russian Front (above). This could be a very useful post regarding Tank tactics. Some of the 30 Principles we experience in nearly every battle and they help bring victory if employed correctly. For instance 'Tanks protect the Infantry, Infantry protect the Tanks'. But others ..... I wonder about. I also wonder if the size of the units in the Principles (platoon and larger) compared with CMBO (a platoon and smaller) make a difference or since the units are only scaled down in numbers, the Principles remain the same regardless. It would be good to hear from players who have had experience, let say with # 9 which says: stop, return fire then use pinning fire and maneuver vs AT at medium to far ranges AND # 10 which says to charge AT units when confronted at short range. Or what about # 12 Which pretty much says don't bunch up. What interval in CM would present a problem to enemy AT guns? This could be interesting. Toad
  11. I am talking graphics here. Are there some mods or something that I am missing out on? bright green Toad
  12. Alas, we must wait until CM Desert War and/or CM The Early Years. 50L60 Toad
  13. When I select a scenario to play from der Kessel or CMHQ or a similar source the maps seem muted, softer and more realistic in color. After downloading and starting the scenario, I seem to be back to the bright green grass color of QBs. Is there a mod I missed somewhere or what? Its not easy being green, Toad
  14. Wild Bill and others, There is a notion afoot that QBs are inferior to built scenarios and therefore should [ receive less attention in the operating system; be eliminated altogether; or be derided in some other fashion]. I believe that those favoring these notions are in the vociferous 2% that Wild Bill mentions. Please, pay no attention to their mewlings. Satisfied Toad
  15. Mike T You know, they will need to model horses for the infamous cavalry charges vs armor. Won't that be extraordinary. equestrian Toad
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>The excellent tactics of the Heer Panzers would have made mincement of such a heavy design. But we will never know.MikeT[/QB]<hr></blockquote> But Mike, We Will Know. (I hope). That is if BTS follows through with its schedule for "The Early Years", after CMBB. I am looking forward to trying out the experimental designs in AFVs and the tactics that never were able to be developed due to Blitzkreig. So many 'what if' situations. i.e. What if there was a French combined arms order of battle that would stand up to the Germans in a CM battle. What if you discovered it. My hopes are raised ... Toad
  17. IMHO the Alkett Mine Roller above looks similar to those Sci Fi bots I see pictured in Mech Commander type game ads. Kill the Bugs Toad
  18. Or : The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming ! Everyone to get from street !
  19. Madmatt et al ----- This is a great post. I am sorry if I have missed the answer to this question: In CMBO huge maps often caused a rather irritating viewing situation. At very long ranges, the player could not actually see the target. It would appear to be over a "graphics scrolling horizon". The unit in the game however COULD see the target because the terrain was in fact flat. So as a player you could not have both the firing unit and the target unit on the screen at the same time. (at least I couldn't). Has this been fixed ? Maybe I need to be fixed !! Toad
  20. Since infantry movement was in reality slow and tedious I look at it as part of the game's realism. My cup is half full. Toad
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