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Posts posted by Abbott

  1. The sport of Judo is not about pain. It is about mastering the techniques and to use said techniques to throw one's opponent to the ground, immobilize or otherwise subdue one's opponent with a grappling maneuver, or force an opponent to submit by joint locking the elbow or by applying a choke.

    Yeah, submission wrestling, as was said earlier, it's pretty boring.

  2. Let me get this straight. Old HeyAbbott!'s having a melt down because Patchy 'shopped him and his boys into a Village People pic? Is that what this is about?

    Nope, not at all Peng, no melt down here. Just some straight talk about the BS one of your counterparts tries to pull, that would get anyone else banned for doing so.


    I have been dealing with Seanachai’s gang tactics for a year. I have put with Bauhaus threatening to kill me, which Steve from Battlefront had to straighten out. Leeo sending me stupid e-mails saying how cool he thinks I am. Berlitchin starting a thread directed solely at me and making posts directed at me whenever Seanachai asks him to. Joe following me around the Forum and now Patchy attacking my children.


    So you know what you can pile on all you want because I'm used to the slime around here attacking like a pack of Obamas.

    Bring it scum bag!

  3. Or, it could be as the Russian people have become more affluent in a long term 'peace' with the West, they might not like the direction this is headed, and the Gov't may suffer its ouster.

    No doubt the neighbors are concerned about their freedom, but even the Bear can't take out the Ukraine, and they certainly cannot expect this do more than enhance the resolve of the prior WP nations.

    Russia's 'Us or Them' conversation with the US is not going to go well for Russia, I think. Condi is in her element here, and she can go toe to toe with the 'Ruskies in Diplomatic Combat'.

    Yeah, the Ukraine would be a tough nut to crack. I don't expect an attack or anything like that at the present time but it may be the ultimate far reaching goal. I was pleased when I heard the news that Rice was being sent...also the first C-17 has already landed and some navel assets are also heading that way.

  4. Hey, should I copyright "Cold War 2.0" before some schmuck beats me to it?

    Sad that it is even happening, let alone that it needs a name :( Hoped we were past this phase in human/societal evolution

    You might as well, I think the Ukraine is the real Russian target, without it they will not be a superpower. The question is can Putin pull it off.

  5. Well...not being a military analyst closely working with the Putin administration...I can only guess, same as everyone else.

    It seems pretty obvious though - Russian funded South Ossetians seperatists provoked Georgia's military response at a time when Russia correctly estimated the US would not be able to offer much support.

    Seems to be 'expansionist', or at least a reaction to the other America-Russia confrontations like those over Iran, Kosovo, the missile shield in Poland & Czech Republic, etc.

    I live in San Francisco now actually, and even though I have family in Russia I doubt everyone's of the same opinion. A lot of people are rather pleased with Russia's actions, some are horrified.

    Sort of like US-public's opinion on Iraq when it first started I suppose...

    Thanks. (damn 10 character limit)

  6. Ah, in that case I can solve all further discussions on military politics for us by 'revealing' that the ultimate cause here is the same as always in matters of war - lust for power,

    Now as for Russia's military. As well funded, trained and equipped as the United States?

    While I don't have a comment on the Serbian war criminal, I do not think that the Russian Empire is back on full throttle - 1/3rd throttle perhaps, but certainly not full yet. These events do mark the stages of resurgence though, as this war would not have been possible a few years ago.

    So there is no cause by Georgia? This is nothing more then an act of expansion? Is there anything to support this other then your opinion?

    I see your profile says New York, are you in contact with folks in Russia (at the present time), what is their opinions of the war?

  7. You know, the rest of us would have just skipped the [serious] tags.

    Yeah, I thought about skipping them but obviously my life experience is not like the rest of "the others" around here. It was better for both he and I for me not to play his and Steve's little game. The fact that he thinks he is clever enough to talk his way around it does not surprise me. They both act like that. Who cares anyway. With friends like you and Dale, Steve can't be that bad of guy, probably just a bit to smart for his own good.

  8. (snip) Maybe I'm just biased, as a Russian, but I don't see this whole thing as 'wrong' on the geo-political level

    Is that just yours and Putin's point of view or do many of your fellow Russians feel the same way? (do you know)

    I mean is the general Russian public opinion "feck Georgia"? If so is there a why other then everything's fair in politics?

    Anyway it's good to hear an opinion from the other side, I hope you keep posting.

  9. Ah yes, feigning good intentions. Damn, caught out again! Curses and drats! My nefarious plan of behaving neighborly was foiled by paranoia and transference. My plan for world domination is over. OVER, I say!

    Ah,but perhaps my cunning plan was to feign feigning good intentions?!? Maybe, mayhap, I was going to give the impression that I was going to be nice, but nice in a fake way, when in fact I had planned good intentions all along? Oh, the compexity! The nerve, the GENIUS behind such a plan...

    I'm certainly glad I was found out before I could'a hurt myself.


    String whatever bull you want together to try and cover your nonsense Leeo, I let it go because you are not bright enough to know better.


  10. Once, a long while ago when I realized Abbott lived in my general neck of the woods, and before he proved himself to be the "lovely" "human" "being" he is,

    You lie like the little beeotch that you are.


    And I am a hell of a lot nicer guy then many of the people that inhabit this place. I did not fall for your bull**** with your attempt to conceal your true motives by feigning good intentions. Pea brain.


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