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Posts posted by Abbott

  1. I wasn't in a tiff mode Joe just rolling along in The Pool . Hey that's what she said (Lady Redneck), I quoted her. Anyway there were several good guffaws along the way. I was called a "Troll" by one of our "Master Trolls" Seanachai (I got a belly laugh out of that one) and Peng added an hilarious (not an exact quote) "leave the people who like butt sex alone or get off the Internet". Now I don't care who you are, that is just funny! I always get a real kick out of so called "enlightened Liberals" who can't stand a different point of view then their own and shout out to try and stifle it. Plus the rolling on the floor laughs that Lady Redneck and Bigged provided. Hell, we had a rip-roaring good time and plenty of laughs; this is a fun place when you are away and we don't have to be subjected to your lame posts. I look forward to your trip to Des Moines; while your there I think you ought to take a long walk off a short bridge.

  2. Like how? Condie's "If Russia doesn't stand down, we will take appropriate action" is the emptiest of threats. Define "appropriate action"? Kick them out of the G8? Haw! Exclude them from negotiations with Iran / North Korea? Never happen.

    Ya know, this is just the sort of opportunity Putin has been looking for to show that the US is all talk and no action. That Russia still controls it's borders. I think he's proven his point.

    "We are now harvesting the fruit of many months of hard work," said Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski at a joint press conference with U.S. Undersecretary of State John Rood in Warsaw. "Only people of ill intent should fear this agreement."- Statement by the Polish Foreign Minister.

    A top Russian general said Friday that Poland's agreement to accept a U.S. missile interceptor base exposes the ex-communist nation to attack, possibly by nuclear weapons. "Poland, by deploying (the system) is exposing itself to a strike - 100 percent," Nogovitsyn, the deputy chief of staff, was quoted as saying.

    With that irrational and meaningless statement Russia has become absurd. You know its funny, Poland has been hemming and hawing about taking action on the missiles for a long time. Now everyone gets what they wanted, except Russia, who got played. Russia gets to renegotiate borders as a consolation prize.
  3. Speaking of a girl fight...my durn dogs got into it again, two walking wounded and the third (as usual) came out of it without a scratch. The oldest one, Old Scarface, carried the fight but took a bit more of a beating then she usually does. She is a whole lot peppier today then she was yesterday. The youngest one put up a tougher more experienced fight and is starting to get over her limp. One with a torn up ear and one with a limp, a bit less damage then usual and things strating to get back to normal in the yard. I was pleased to see the oldest dog win the scuffle for yard boss, she is a very bright dog that minds very well and makes commanding the other two easy. I am blessed with three damn good dogs!

  4. "Phelps is, at the moment, the face of the Summer Olympics, an historic event his agent long ago dubbed "the most significant Games ever from a marketing standpoint."

    And now that it's showtime, Phelps - a standard-bearer for sponsorship dollars even before these Olympics began - certainly is delivering.

    And just in case the American public needed any reminding, Visa, one of his chief corporate backers"

    (dumb assed 10 character limit text)

  5. In 14/15 years playing Rugby hereabouts beside the normal black-eyes, sprains, pulled muscles etc. I broke, right collar-bone twice, right hand thumb, nose and a couple of ribs with a cracked sternum thrown in.

    Sounds about right. NFL players with pads get rocked just the same and more with pads as a weapon. I have been hit at the college level and just one hit can be a life changing experience. I have also been hit by a Van, it felt pretty much the same. Everything is fine one second then you are crushed, dazed and bleeding. Then you get up and do it again.

  6. Whoah. Seriously. You used "tactics" and "Seanachai" in the same sentence?


    The point is Dale (and I think you already know it) that anyone else pulling the crap that Steve, Bauhaus and Berli have would have been banned from the forum. I haven't complained to the moderators nor do I plan to, I'll just duke it out here with some of the unpleasantly strange and eccentric weirdoes that inhabit this place. You guys don't like me and I don't care much for some of you, so what.


    It’s all in fun right.

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